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That’s a nice game, I love the art and especially the cute noises the spirits make.
The game quickly slowed down as I added things though. Also, it looks like a lot of spirit won’t explore the island and stay at the station instead - maybe they’re scared ?.
Anyway, I had fun building my island and I’m curious about what you’ll add next!
Yeah C-2 is really hard! I could have handle better the difficulty ramp in that area.. Sorry about that.
C-8 is a bonus room, these are significantly harder :) I suggest you ignore the card and focus on reaching the next room first. Once you reach B8, you can focus on the card in C8 then (and you should respawn from the top).
The red cube is the ultimate challenge of the game. It’s like a permadeath mode.
For the npc dialogs, these are revealed by collecting the memory cards.
Thank you for your feedback, I’m glad you finished the main rooms despite the difficulty.
I just released a short puzzly platformer with a bit of exploration and high-precision moves. It’s my first Pico-8 game. You can play it for free on the page.
Enjoy :)
Thank you som uch for these kind words! I saw when scrolling through the devlogs that you were working on memory loss too. I also got to say I’m SO impressed by how productive you are! Delivering a 9 tracks professional soundtrack in just a week, that is some skill I quite envy :) I look forward to hearing your next works!
Merci beaucoup! Fine analyse, comme d’habitude :) The third track was indeed the one I started with and I wanted to give it a cinematic feel. And for the 80’s synth/rock aspect, I usually go for orchestral stuff quite by default and I thought for this one I’d try something else. I’m glad you enjoyed it! Bonne continuation également !
Yes absolutely. Please refer to for more detail about the license used.
Listening again to the very first piano notes, my ‘nausea’ may come as well from this sort of rising reverb tail (or maybe it’s a synth pad ?). I like this idea though, it really adds something but maybe just be a tad more subtle about it ? I don’t want to impose you anything though, it’s more like a piece of advice if more people feel like we do.
I had the same strange sensation because of these low notes, I even had to pause the music to make sure it came from there at one point. I couldn’t describe this sensation until I read your comment making a parallel with motion sickness, I totally agree! It’s funny how sounds can affect use physically and not everyone the same way :) And like you, I almost feel guilty not being able to pass over it because this soundtrack is really beautiful!
This intro, with its unexpected hold pedal release, was a very surprising way to begin this journey. I was first unsettled, but then the second tracks kicks in and everything starts to make sense. I loved the intimate feel, it’s like having the piano player in the same room as you, improvising some infinite soundtrack. ocean is my personal favorite :)
Excellent writing! You should get a few sound banks to make this sound more realistic and you’re all set (or get your pieces to be played by professional orchestras if you have the opportunity). I’m pretty sure you’ll do excellent job with sound banks given how it already sounds great from musescore. Great attention to details !
The loop is nicely crafted but it would have cool to hear other levels as well. Maybe you were short on time ? I don’t even think this loop is too short, it would perfectly fit a deliberately minimalist art direction. It just need to change upon exploration or with game play phases. By the way, I’m curious about the “no enemies are able to attack” part. Random encounters with a battle theme would have been a good counterpart to this slow paced exploration loop.
I liked the sound design, I was immediately caught by these birds and insects chirping. The mix of instruments was interesting as the melody evokes some kind of Celtic song while some percussion evoke eastern Asia. And then this surprising marimba encore, it definitely felt like a journey. Well done :)