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Pelican And Valley

A member registered Jul 09, 2023 · View creator page →

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Thanks! Yeah we were trying to fix the jank and bugs in the puzzle to the best of our ability right to the last minute but there are definitely things we plan on doing better when we finish this properly after the jam.

Really cute game! Could definitely see how this could make for more puzzles, would love to see them!

Really cute game! Could definitely see how this could make for more puzzles, would love to see them!

Great idea, really nice art and execution! I ran into the problem of often being chucked where I had no scales to land on, would be nice if the mechanic guaranteed you had a platform to land on after. Really fun idea though, and the art was great!

Fun game! Kept me engaged wondering what the next scale would bring. The scaling mechanic took me a while to get to, but it was fun when I did!

Fun twist on a classic, trying to play scaleable physics tetris is hard!! I enjoyed the extra dimension it added to the game though, the scale contributing to the speed the piece fell was clever! I think if this included some checkpointing system, somehow locking in progress at certain heights perhaps, and then run endlessly, it would really make the player indulge in the chaos. Great game!

Love the art style, it looks wonderful and the controls were smooth and easy to learn, hard to master! I'd love to see more of the characters themselves, maybe a dancing avatar by the side, for a future game if you ever developed this - great fun though!

Oh no, terribly sorry! Optimization was definitely something that got left a little too late haha. We are currently planning to polish this up and finish what we weren't able to, possibly even expand it some more, so stay tuned!

Oooh ok, thanks!

I think it was one telling me to go to a fishing shack to the west, except it was actually to the east. The coordinates still pointed to the right spot though!

Neat idea! Though I couldn't get zoom to work so didn't see the scaling time effect. Though I wasn't playing in fullscreen, so maybe that was it.

This was super fun with an excellent pace! Just hard enough to maintain the score while being fast enough to outrun cops. At one point I fell through the world though and had to restart lol

This was a super fun and unique idea! I love the tiny pixel map, only thing I noticed was that some of the directions told me to go west, but the objective was located in the east, for example.

This is a super cool and unique idea! My only trouble was that I would get the progress bar all the way up but then couldn't hand in the map or progress. Love the style and presentation overall though!

Super fun to play! Loved being able to climb up walls and the little man was very amusing :)

This was super fun, gorgeous pixel art! One thing I would suggest is putting an 'abandon' button so that if you mess up your placement you're not stuck waiting a minute to try again.

Super neat idea! Controls seem a little glitchy and couldn't make it up to the goal but with a bit of tweaking this could be great!

Cool idea, love the use of the musical definition of 'scale'!

Cool idea but I couldn't figure out how to place anything other than the downward conveyor for ages because the other pieces were hidden in the top right and you need to pan the camera to find them. With a bit of UI/UX work this could be really fun though!

This was super fun even though I was playing as my left hand against my right hahaha. One flaw I can see is that one player could essentially wait the other player out and then adjust their score accordingly. But a really solid base overall!

Bit hard to tell what was happening because the health bar seemed broken for me haha. But would've liked to see more!

Neat idea! Could maybe implement block resizing to be more like a percentage rather than one move total, otherwise you end up having to reset quite frequently.

Thank you! We originally intended you to find the journal pages environmental storytelling-style but ran out of time to place them, they would have given you more hints about where things were.

Hilarious concept and well-executed! I loved that there was even a stage where you got to blast guys directly

Very cute and love the artstyle! I also thought initially that you were supposed to make things bigger in order to block the enemies so had a bit of trouble at first haha

Interesting concept, not sure what the purpose of the zooming mechanic was though as all it did was switch between two separate scenes. Nice job on the art though, it has its own charm!

Very cute game! I think there could've been a UI indicator or something to show that the boosts were single use, but enjoyable nonetheless!

Cool concept, though it seemed like there was little reason not to just go small the full time and have an easier job navigating around obstacles. Maybe if being smaller made you faster so it was harder to steer?

Neat idea! I will admit, I had trouble figuring out how to aim but the concept of taking your glasses off and decreasing the screen resolution is very cool!

Thanks! Glad you had a good time!

Thank you! We had fun writing it, glad you enjoyed playing!

The art and music is really good and the mechanic feels nice and juicy, really good! Sometimes it felt that the animals were eating a bit out of sync but that might just be my bad rythm skills hahaha

I never realised how surreal it was to be a sim, haha! I enjoyed it a lot, and the sim noises were spot on. The lighting made it a little hard to navigate sometimes but that was only minor. The UI design was great hahaha!

Thanks! Haha, that would very much fit the theme

Loved the presentation, looked and sounded great! The mechanic was good fun too, would have loved to see a few more levels!

Thanks! We definitely pulled from our own experiences with MMOs when coming up with the ideas, glad you enjoyed!

Thank you!

It's got the best armor stats in the game, no other reason!

Thank you, glad you enjoyed!

Great art and good fun! The reputation meter seemed a little sensitive so that I had to restart a lot to make progress, but the minigames were very fun!