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A jam submission

An uneven stride - A dahu's journey to the topView game page

Game for Trijam#282 with the theme "Climbing to the top".
Submitted by Douckdouck — 1 day, 15 hours before the deadline
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An uneven stride - A dahu's journey to the top's page


CriteriaRankScore*Raw Score
How do you rate the game overall (you can consider fun, dev time, etc.)?#14.2004.200
How well does the game fit the themes?#54.4674.467

Ranked from 15 ratings. Score is adjusted from raw score by the median number of ratings per game in the jam.

How long was your dev time?
6h live on Twitch (it's better than last time, but it's still not that !!! I swear I'm doing my best...)

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Je suis soufflée par la qualité de ce jeu et surtout, jouer en riant, même si c'est difficile d'arriver au bout, c'est juste fantastique. Bravo. 


Really fantastic game, the concept is simple but soo fun. The graphics are amazing and the level design match really well is the game design. Really impressive for a mini game jam !
(PS : Un camarade savoyard !!!! C'est une trop bonne idée d'avoir pensé au dahu !!!


Thanks for your comment! I'm glad you enjoyed the game!

(Le monde est vraiment petit ! xD)


Fantastic game!  The mechanics, concept, visuals, and sounds are all extremely well polished and make for a really great (and frustrating) experience.  I love the simple mechanic and idea of trying to scale a mountain as this peculiar creature.  The game feels like a 'Foddian'-type game due to its gameplay loop of a simple mechanic that is difficult to master and a clear goal.  I think your level design is clever and the checkpoints make for a muuuuch more fair and reasonable expectation for the player.  That being said, it is still an extremely difficult game, but in a fun and interesting way.  Nice work!


Thank you very much for your detailed comment :D

I really did want to make a "Foddian" type game (even though I didn't know what the term meant and, besides, I'm not particularly fond of this type of game myself). I've just always wanted to make a game about the dahu (which is, I must confess here, an imaginary animal used by mountain dwellers as a prank on city dwellers who come to the mountains) and what better way to do that than with a ruthless climb for an animal like that.

Clearly, the game punishes the player at times when the dahu has all its paws on the ground. But hey... the game's funny, I think, so that makes up for it :D

As for the levels, I'd originally imagined something much higher up, but the time constraint (already well past), forced me to make a smaller level that was certainly better constructed than an interminable mountain. 

In any case, I'm delighted that you enjoyed my game! Thanks for playing :D


A very interesting and creative idea! The design elements are handled skillfully, and the art and music are as excellent as ever. Congratulations on a job well done!


Thank you very much! I was afraid I'd done the graphics a bit hastily. But in the end, looking back on it now, I'm really happy with the way it looks.

As for the music, it's pretty much what I had in mind, i.e. something catchy and progressive. To be quite honest, during the live session on Twitch, the chat members helped and advised me a lot during the creation of this music and it probably wouldn't have been as good without them :) 


It took me a while to complete the levels (especially the third one). This game was really polished and the atmosphere was wonderful!


Yes, the third part of the route is undoubtedly the most difficult (that final jump is unforgivable!).

Thanks for your comment and congratulations on completing the game!


i was laughing all the way through this, even though I could not make it past the first stage, it was a lot of fun


Ahah! Your hell-goat isn't so far removed from my Dahu! I'm glad that not getting past the first stage didn't stop you from enjoying the humour of the game :)

Thanks for your comment and thanks for playing!

Definitely challenging, but everything is great and very polished! I was going to do something with goats too but I spent way to long trying to figure out the movement mechanics.


Thank you very much!

I have to admit that if dahu existed, they certainly wouldn't move around like mine, and fortunately for them xD 


Extremely challenging unfair game! I´ve reached the last checkpoint and then I gave up (lunch time hehe). Graphics and animations are cool, and the "Meee" sounds are very funny XDD. 


Indeed, very unfair, sorry xD

I'm glad the dahu made you laugh!

Thanks for playing!


Congratulations for your 1st place!! :)


Thank you very much :)

I'm glad people voted for my game.

But the real first place goes to Fabric visions, who created their Nilbus Herald game in 3 hours.

It took me 6 hours to create mine.


A good idea and implementation. it was very difficult for me to pass, but it was very interesting


Yes, the game is very difficult (and sometimes very unfair! Ahah). I'm glad you enjoyed it. Thanks for playing :)


Great visuals, hard to beat, and on top of everything: amazing audio! xD


Thanks a lot! The sound part was one of the best moments of the creation ^^