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A member registered Jun 02, 2020 · View creator page →

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Thanks for playing! I thought I should let you know that you DID have the right idea on that level, with going up one tile and sprinting right, but you then needed to go back left in order to go for the key, which seemed to have been not an option in your head, the video is nice to see a playthrough of this though!

Thanks for the feedback, I definitely agree. The reason the grid doesn't work that well is because I used a strange system for movement that allowed the character to desync from the grid, as I'm not familiar with all functions available for moving game objects. Thanks for trying it out!

The controls themself worked fine, but the lack of friction which happened to be your chosen gimmick for the theme just made the game not very great to play IMO. While it did make the game "out of control", it also hurt the experience.

Wow, I can't believe how cool that ending was. It was very cool. The explosion looked great!

Thanks Fonics!

This is a great game, plain and simple. If you play one game from the jam, make it this one.

Cool game, though maybe some weighted RNG or something else to make the player feel more like a loss is their fault and less because of the RNG, but overall nice concept!

Thank you! And I definitely agree with the blue text on blue background, should have been avoided and normally is something I would indeed avoid, but I'm not quite familiar enough with Unity's UI system quite yet. Thanks for the feedback!

Thanks for still playing it! I had to leave a little bit into the stream because it was getting really late and I desperately needed sleep. Sorry about the bug on the second last level, the hitboxes are a little wonky there haha

I actually really, genuinely love this idea. However, my only issues with it are A) the buttons for buying towers/upgrades just do. not. work. which caused me quite a bit of frustration, and B) the tower radius only applies to enemies? I'm not sure if that was intentional, but I feel as though it would be a bit more fair to the player if it was limited to the tower's radius, so that something placed on the front lines isn't sniping your base tower. Overall though, I really like everything you had to offer and would love to see this turn into something bigger!

Needs more content to see if the gameplay loop would be any fun, 3 fires unfortunately just can't give a feel for how fun the game could be. 

Some instructions would've been nice, took me a while to figure out what I needed to do. Seems to succeed at what you wanted to do, not sure the core gameplay loop is that fun though unfortunately, maybe with progression + increasing difficulty/ways to lose it could become more fun if you wanted to continue with the concept.

Game looks/feels great, I'd prefer different controls but that doesn't really matter. Seems like a pretty standard bullet hell game from what I've seen of the genre.

I like the concept/music/art, but it physically starts to hurt after a little bit with the notes showing up in the top left. If you brought it down to the center of the bottom with the character, the player would be able to control much better because the distance between the spots would be much smaller.

Nice game, but the instructions could use being shortened/made more digestible through a tutorial or something, took me a second to figure out what to do.

Nice little game, if catching the sides of blocks could be tightened up to make a cleaner platforming experience I could see this becoming part of a bigger game.

Thank you! Odd, maybe you didn't have enough presses at the time? I just haven't heard reports of that yet, but thanks for trying it out!

Great idea, and well executed! Not sure if the changing control schemes when damaged make a big difference in gameplay just because it's so hard to divert your fingers to one of those control schemes, but it's a neat gimmick nonetheless.

Neat idea, but some of the twists like having delayed input just didn't feel fun and just felt frustrating more than anything.

I really like this one! It's a great concept, though in its current state it feels very linear rather than puzzle-y. If there was a way to make it so you had to actually solve things with the mechanic I think it'd make the idea 10x better than it already is. Also, if there was a way to indicate to the player they were flipping I think that'd help, I'd often get lost after a flip because I couldn't tell what was happening, though that might even just be a level design point, where having different colors would help out. Overall though, I really do like this one, even if it was just a small tech demo! Great work.

Neat concept, if it changed your weapons as well as the control scheme (which might already happen? I think I might've bugged the sword out, which is conveniently a very OP weapon haha) I think there would be a bit more difficulty that I think the game lacks a wee bit of, though I could see it being better for a casual population. Also, a points system would be great for a little bit of replayability, but other than those two things, it's a cool game! (Also, FYI that the incendiary mushroom's legs aren't animated, I assume that's a bug? No big deal, just thought you should know!)

I'm glad that it was at least a design choice! I'm definitely curious how a game like this would look if it went for the rushed comments idea in a full game, there's potential for sure. Cool game though, the art looks great for having it done during the jam!

A bit more variety and maybe a tweak as to how often the gun shoots would make this a bit better, I found myself waiting around often with no threat for doing so, which made the mechanic feel like a time waster.

Game looks nice and feels like it should, but having the controls be hard to use just feels anti-fun and leads to more of a frustrating experience than a fun one IMO

The speed was something I had an issue with, the editor version was much faster than the actual build which led me to keep the actual build a bit slower than it probably should have been.

Cool idea, though I wish the brass note was a little more predictable, giving away the control of submitting your answer/the time to do it, but not making it unfair sometimes. Other than that, neat game!

I really like this one! The unfortunate thing though, is that there might be an impossible jump (or I'm just dumb and bad at games) right after the flashing pillars at the start of level 2. I like the idea of losing your jump to the beat (inspired by Necrodancer?) and the music and art looks great, all around making it great!

Sorry to say, but to upload your game you needed to zip the entire folder that the exe file was in, rather than just the exe file itself :/

Not really sure how to keep people from dying, I tried to use the cones to cover the manholes but those would just get pushed out of the way and stuck at the top of the screen. I guess I'm mostly just lost :/

I enjoyed the game! I think with more variety to add difficulty this could have been a full-on game! I really loved the typing/clicking noises that you added, it's a great touch.

The game looked fun to play, and was nice until level 3 when I couldn't figure out anything I could do unfortunately.

I like the idea! I had a similar concept with my game, though I think if you could make the boxes a little more clear with what they did it would make the game a bit more user friendly.

(also an end screen would be nice, I hope the game was only 3 levels, otherwise I missed out)

I didn't like playing this game for a few reason:

A) PCs with multiple monitors are screwed when playing this game due to the cursor not being locked to the main screen.

B) The slight delay between your mouse and the cursor doesn't feel good or fun to use, and it feels like an artificial obstacle to overcome for sake of difficulty.

C) Stolen music?

D) A lot of the levels it was unclear how to complete them, especially towards the end.

I think if done properly this could have been much more enjoyable, but as of now it just hurts to play to an extent.

If this had a better camera system, I could see this being very fun to play! Cool concept already, nice work!