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A member registered Apr 19, 2018 · View creator page →

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I'm currently working on it!

Fun and difficult game!  The movement can get a bit annoying at times because you stick to walls.  The art is nice considering you only had three hours.  It's cool you took the time for music.

Overall a pretty good entry.  Nice job!

Hogan's Castle community · Created a new topic Devlog #2
(2 edits)

Here's short update on the game.  I have experimented with bringing it into 2.5D with Godot.  Though this is mostly a joke game, so it's on the back burner.  I'll be back.

 2.5D test GIF (the GIF makes it look choppy)

Thank you very much for posting a play through of the game.  You had some interesting strategies to play the game.

The game is pretty polished and the gameplay is straight forward and fun.  I like the design of the room and props, like the vr headset.  It's cool that the tv displays the details of the game.  Also, physics in general are cool and this game has a lot of unnecessary but cool physics.  The meta nature of the game is also cool, and the craziness of the game play fits the theme of the jam well.  However, I couldn't easily tell when a piece of code was rejected, also, it's really easy to accidentally close the instruction text at the begging, and the play blocks a bit of the first block of text. 

Overall, I really like this game, and so far, I think it's one of the best games of this jam.

The game is simple and the sound effects are satisfying.  I know the grey bar is a sword, but it looks like a place holder.  The game does ramp up overtime,  but the game isn't that challenging.  The player cannot take damage, and there is no reason to not camp by the ship, taking down the enemies with ease.  Also, the song doesn't loop.

Overall, I like the simple approach to a tower defense game.  Maybe instead of a sword, the player can have a gun, same with his clones.  And touching the enemies makes the player loose bits.  Also, try adding some incentives to make the player move away from the ship, making them balance risk and reward.  A timer or score system would also improve the game so players can try to beat their high score.

The game really fits the theme.  The gameplay is simple and straight forward.  However, somethings, like the different picks/enemies could be explained better.  I couldn't tell if the hearts in the level were pick-ups or enemies.  Also, the enemies have a weird movement pattern, it seems like they are affected by gravity as well, but they are pulled in a different direction then the players gravity.  Overall, the game is straight forward, really fits the theme, and most importantly is fun to play.  With a little polish, it could become a really good game

(1 edit)

I'm really glad you liked the game.  Thank you for the feedback.

I really like the tight gameplay loop.  The game is quite intuitive, though for I couldn't repair the hull for some reason.  The graphics are nice, and the sounds work well.  However, I don't understand why rocks are the enemies.  Also, if you don't mind me asking, is the environment randomly generated or pre-built

Thank you very much.

Hogan's Castle community · Created a new topic Devlog #1

Hi ya, this is the first devlog.  Basically, we wanted a castlavania style game inspired by jokes from a youtube channel called videogamedunkey.  Now, to stay true to the joke, it has to have only a little more then three levels, so it's not going to be a large project.  In each area the player acquires a new ability that will let them complete the level.  Sort of like a Zelda dungeon.  There are also 3 collectibles in each area to find, so you have to back track later on to find them all.  To make back tracking easier the player can teleport between checkpoints.

Wow, that is impressive.  I use Gamemaker, but I'll see if this works for that engine to.

It's cool that you added multiplayer with online.  That is quite impressive given the time allowed for the jam.  The game is fun, especially in multiplayer.  However, the vanquish and rewind abilities could have been explained better.  It looks like the squash and stretch on the player uses more pixels than is allowed by the jam.  I found a bug, when I go to the options menu, I can't leave it.  This is on the web version.

Your welcome.  I'll try to beat the game.

(1 edit)

The game has a very interesting atmosphere.  Using compressed videos and images instead of jumpscares was a good choice.  The low resolution made the images even scarier.  Though the collision is a bit weird as sometimes the character would stop and I would have to move around to get unstuck.  Also what is the story of this game?  I think its about the passing of time somehow and a robbery I don't know.  And how did you do 3d perspective in construct?

A funny adaptation of the original crazy bus.  In the future, I think its best if you try to avoid using images from other games in game jams.  Congratulations on your first game jam.

Thanks for responding.  I made it to the doors which require different colored key in the forest level.  I still think the game is really fun.  Good job.

The game is really polished and the music sounds great.  The rules for the game could be made a bit clearer.  I like the recruit mechanic and the level design is good.  A few nitpicks.  I think it would be better if you could select the order in which your characters take their actions.  Also, I would prefer viewing the map before placing your troops.  Again, these are minor nitpicks.  Also, are the characters you recruit procedurally generated, or hand crafted?

This is an interesting game.  It's cool that you experimented with your own engine.  I like how you used the jam limitations to make something unique.  The lack of a goal kinda makes this more of an experience then a game.

Next game I will be a bit more clear on the controls.  Thank you for your reply.  If you want to finish the game, try leveling up to level 4 to make the boss a bit easier.   After you reach the snowy part of the mountain you fight the final boss.  Also, certain parts of the map stop spawning enemies once you reach a certain level.

This game rocks.  It feels very much like a 90s shooter.  Like others said, it is a bit hard to see things but that is understandable for this jam.  Also I got stuck on the third level, the one with the trees.  Do you have any advice?

Glad to hear that.

Glad you enjoyed it.  Yup, you found all the secrets.

Thank you for your complement.  Did you beat the final boss?

Your game was awesome.  It feels very polished and the game play is unique.  It kinda reminds me of undertale, in a good way.  Also the art style is really cool.  How did you manage to make this in unreal?

The you can grind up to level 4 to make the fight easier.  For an extra challenge try tiring the enemies.  Also, did you mange to reach the chest in the basement?

Thank you for your feedback.  Yeah, we made a solid metroidvania system but didn't have enough time to put together the level.  Good job on beating the game.

Good job on submitting a game for the jam.

Interesting concept.  The idea is good and the gameplay is unique and fun.  The art is also nice.  However, sometimes the game is unfair.  For example, when a car charges straight at you and you cant avoid it.  Also what the game is scoring is a bit unclear.  Good job on not giving up during the jam.

The game was packaged in a rar file.  Try using a zip or executable next time as rar files are harder to unpack and are less common.  The art is cute and well made.  I really like the art style used for the house.  The game was a bit too simple.  The cursor for aiming was also small and hard to see.  Try making a bigger cursor for aiming next time.  I hope you continue to make games with this unique art style.

The art style is really cool and the sound design is nice and relaxing.  The game was simple with no goal.  However, everything in the game works well together making a relaxing experience.  Though, some of the sprites are unclear was to what they are.

At first I though the game was a first person maze crawl judging by the screen shots.  The sprites are nice and the dialogue is great.  However, I think the controls and gameplay could be explained better.

Well made game with nice pixel art and and particle effects.  The game is very polished so its shortness is too much of a problem.  By the way, the game we made for the jam has an almost identical name to your game.

Thank you very much.

Sorry about that.  I thought I blocked the unused paths when I submitted it.  The bottom path is the only one that works.  We were trying to make a metroidvania with multiple areas connected to a hub room.  But only one area is mostly finished.  There is a door in the room with the multiple paths.  It opens if you got the key.  Once the door is open jump in front of the door and press E when prompted.  Thank you for your complement on the inventory system.

Thank you.  In the room with the multiple paths.  The one that goes down is the only one that works.  See my previous comment.