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A member registered Jul 12, 2017 · View creator page →

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Dude I just love your game! Feels so good once you reach max powerup and when you hit multiple enemies in a row

Perfect game for a jam

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The strong point of the game is definitely the Monument Valley-esque camera movements combined with the shifting level, gives a nice aesthetic. You should introduce that from the first level.

It feels weird that you can't damage the enemies by hitting them with the dice

Enjoyment 5/5

the rest doesn't matter

I think the trading UI could be polished to be much larger and have some effects, since it's an important part of the game. Also the rotating camera is a bit confusing and I think not necessary. The game looks clean otherwise and is easy to understand. Good job!

Sorry about that! It works fine for me. On which OS are you playing?

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I didn't expect so many levels! I found that all levels were pretty easy to figure out, but I still enjoyed the mechanics. The game should have a rewind button in my opinion, it's frustrating to start from scratch because of one wrong move

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Awesome!!! You should configure your game page to show the screenshots!

Congrats on publishing! Here are some critics I have:

- the game is pretty slow, even for a tower defense, and doesn't have a button to fast-forward

- the upgrade system is interesting but really punishing. I think it should fail only on 1 and 2, and succeed on 3 and above.

Otherwise it's very polished, with nice graphics and a pleasing soundtrack

Great game!! Sorcerer is so op.

The powerups are too conveniently placed to be random! :) I like platformers with tight controls. The level is straightforward but quite large and feels nice to traverse

I feel like the "roll" part of the theme is missing, but it would have been impossible if the dice were changing as you push them... Fun game overall!

This is a nice interpretation of the theme. I think the game could use a small tutorial for players who don't know what a bitmask is.

Thank you very much for the feedback! I don't think I plan to continue it, that was just a small opportunity to try out Pico 8. In general I prefer when games are more handcrafted and have a nice clear ending, when the game is randomized it's hard to make it as engaging, I think players get bored after some time.

I know, if I had more time i would have included at least one more level with more monsters. Or maybe randomized the monsters for each level. I think 10 monsters will be too hard though lol

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The window size is set by the engine (128x128 pixels). My idea was that if I made the dialogs smaller the room would feel empty, this way is feels more like a small shop. However I agree that my UI is not very good, I could make the dialog box disappear when you are not talking for example... Thank you for the comment :)

I liked the game :) Also the graphics are nice for the Pico-8, I liked the background gradient and the glitchy effect of the lava and the ghosts. The mechanic is nice, maybe if you go back to polish the game you could add a power to the third mask

Your game is really fun and fits perfectly with the theme. I liked the small touches of humor with the names of the tasks and the newspaper at the end. I couldn't beat it though lol

Les graphismes ne sont pas mon fort effectivement hahaha. Merci pour ton retour !

Merci! :)

J'ai bien aimé l'écriture des dialogues qui ont un humour bien dosé. Le rythme du jeu est bien géré, qui alterne entre moments de tension et moments plus légers. L'ambiance dans le cimetière est vraiment bien faite aussi! Bien joué :)

Merci! C'est vrai que j'ai passé beaucoup de temps à ajuster le gameplay au lieu de créer des niveaux. J'ai fait le dernier niveau deux heures avant la deadline 😅

Oui celui là! Je viens d'aller voir des vidéos sur youtube pour m'en rappeler hahah, c'était un bon jeu dommage qu'il était pas trop connu. En tout cas voilà pourquoi j'ai autant aimé le tien!

Je sais pas si tu t'es inspiré d'un autre jeu pour le gameplay mais ça me rappelle Might&Magic que j'avais beaucoup aimé (les serveurs ont fermé je crois)

J'ai beaucoup aimé! Presque réussi à finir mais je suis mort a la fin de la 3e nuit :p

Le jeu est très bien réalisé et l'idée est bonne et va bien avec le thème. J'ai aussi aimé que le niveau devienne plus sombre à chaque nuit.

Cool game I really like the idea! I wish we could zoom in to see the cameras better (on the web version)

Je pense qu'un checkpoint toutes les 3 ou 4 caméras serait bien sinon. Je suis arrivé quelques fois assez loin mais c'est assez frustrant de recommencer du début à chaque fois.

Wow c'est génial!! Je passerai bien plusieurs heures dessus. J'attends la suite :) bravo!

On comprend vite le but du jeu et comment battre les niveaux. J'ai eu un bug qui faisait que je recommençais pas du début quand je perdais donc j'ai passé certains niveaux facilement. J'aime bien l'idée de la bombe flash aussi!

Le jeu est sympa à jouer! Je l'ai trouvé assez dur, les caméras bougent vite et il n'y a pas de checkpoint au milieu du niveau. J'ai pas réussi a finir.. Mais ça va très bien dans le thème

I came here to make the same suggestion! I felt the same way that the races were a bit too easy once I had the silver feather, I think an option to disable it in the inventory would be great.

15/15 everything in this game feels fun and well designed. Good job

I love the pixel art! It has a potential to be a great game but the controls need to be modified to make it easier to move around.

Lol i love the animation of the explosion! I wish there was a sound effect of Megumin shouting

Great puzzle game! It is original while sticking to the theme, congrats

I think the shield doesn't move fast enough, when an enemy is at the opposite of the shield there is not much you can do. But i like the concept!

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The sprites are really nice and the animations for the main character as well. I think it is sometimes too punishing to miss just one jump and to have to go all the way around again. But I like the idea and I also liked that the level design made me go backwards to use a previous ability.

One of my favorite games yet!

The game is very polished and fun to play. A negative point for me is that I have to start from the beginning when I lose, and I have to do all the levels again. There could be a checkpoint every 5 levels for example.

I think this game has a potential for a bigger version with more features :)

Really great game! The polish on the animations and the sound is amazing.