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A member registered Sep 08, 2022

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Love this! Very cool style top down isometric. Couldn't have imagined RPG maker working this well prior to this. 

-Good combat

-Engaging maps

-Great music

-Fun artstyle

Wow! The amount of heart and soul poured into every inch of this game is amazing!

Dialogue: The writing is amazing, every character feels like they have a real place in the world and interacts accordingly. I honestly feel things when the characters struggle, and when they rejoice, and that's the sign of good writing.

Art Direction: The pixel art is great, it looks like chrono trigger inspired design, and the charm is timeless for a reason

Music: Love the original soundtrack, it didn't feel generic and so many indie games can utilize entirely stock sounds, it was nice to feel like this one had a very original feel.

Gameplay: Traditional turn based RPG's can get a little stale, or "grindy" but this one never feels that way. There are new areas introduced at a great pace and you never feel trapped in one space killing the same monsters at all.

Story: Phenomenal, love the spin on a classic "Build the army, to win the fight" tale, I won't spoil it, I just recommend playing this game and looking in every nook and cranny to embrace the design teams dedication to details.

Super interesting! I'm curious if the save files will all be interchangable once it is on Steam. Granted it probably wont need many more patches once it is on steam.

Woo Woo! Can't wait to play the newest demo version

Hi! Played about an hour of the demo, enjoyed a lot of things! 


  1. Loved the consistent art style!
  2. Enjoyed the text variability with the shakiness and sound difference, this added a TON of character to NPCs.
  3. I think the sound design was very solid, most of the background music choices were very fitting, and the tension music added a lot.
  4. The cutscenes were very well done, and added a level of polish that really shows you care for this project.
  5. Combat is relatively smooth (except for having to select Fight/Flee for each turn) and combat having so much unique animation really bring it to life!
  6. The setting is interesting and definitely draws you into the world being created.
  7. Prologue was good! I think exposition given through interactive pieces allows things to feel more natural, and less like an information dump.


  1. Some of the dialogue felt out of place or unnatural for real conversation (one specific example being the scene with the father talking to Alex the demon while holding a knife)
  2. The sprites on the screen don't accurately display size, so you often can't walk through open spaces due to the constraints of the engine.
  3. The dialogue has a lot of pauses that make you feel like you should press space to proceed, but then they are automatic. (maybe make them actual chunks that you press space to proceed, or make it all at once)
  4. Every characters sprite looks kind of like they are evil or menacing (haha?) I don't know if this is intended or not but it definitely made me think every character was a villain haha.


I think you have an amazing set of bones here! There is a lot of attention to detail and a lovable style to your art assets and style. I'm excited to purchase the full game when it comes out and play through it all!


I am a video game composer and would love to help you finish any assets or tracks that aren't complete yet, feel free to reach out and I can commission anything.

This was a lot of fun! Very much in the style of Vampire Survivors but had a few of its own little kicks to it! I'm excited to play the full game, the music felt right, and everything played pretty well. Would be interesting to see more enemy movement patterns, or charges and such.

Last bit of feedback would be to show the player somehow what they currently have for upgrades. I looooove stats.

It happened during the first and third options for demo content. It occurred during regular battles and the error message stated there were missing assets for dead creatures

Hi! I tried playing your demo multiple times and was unable to make it through any fights, as they all crashed on me. Additionally I wondered why there wasn't level music other than during combat and if that was a design choice or not. I recommend some massive overhauls of the combat feel, combat UI, and dialogue before releasing this game in addition to bug fixes to prevent crashing. One last thing, the install process took very long and seemed gratuitous for just a demo, this will probably deter many play testers.

(1 edit)

This game feels unplayable, I enjoy tactics games, and wish that there was some sort of explanation of the UI and map controls. Excited to see where it goes!

Edit: I managed to play most turns of a small mission, from what I can tell, there is an ammo system and sometimes my units fire during enemy turns? I'm very lost on what the interface is trying to inform me of with my units capabilities. Additionally I figured out the map, Q and E rotate the camera left and right, but WASD simply moves the camera based on the original placement of the camera, and if you rotate at all, you will move the camera in other directions than intended.

I really love any platformer that tries to make a mechanic work and really dives into it! This was a lot of fun! I noticed there was no level music and wondered if you needed a composer. Here's a link to some of my stuff I'm working on if you'd like me to work for this project.

The first level felt perfect for balance, some areas on the second level however felt a little bit difficult with dodging/shooting/dashing and all that. I didn't notice while playing, but do you have invincibility frames during the dodge animation or are you vulnerable?+

I absolutely love this style gameplay! Everything was really great, and provided a good challenge while adding new concepts quickly enough to ramp up interest. My only notes would be:

-Music felt at times to be a little bit too upbeat or intense for the situations

-Boxes still requiring 2 hits to break even after enemies were cleared was tedious

-Boss fight was phenomenal!

Game looks great! super polished graphics and the "feel" of the fighting is great! Sometimes it feels like you are very slow right when you start moving and it can feel lethargic.

This is fantastic! I have so much nostalgia for asymmetric gameplay and co-op! It is so fun to solve puzzles, fight paladins, and escape a dungeon with a friend. We played it and just want to play more of it!

My only comments (and its early access so I assume this is all coming) are to find a way to tighten up the combat feel, (its a bit floaty). Good luck! Can't wait to buy it when it comes out!

I like the theme, I enjoyed the music, I enjoyed the aesthetic, and the art style. I would recommend finding a way to turn the step counting mechanic into more of a micro puzzle, than an overarching limitation.

This was awesome! I'm a big fan of platformers and play them pretty religiously! My only concern was that the mechanics can get a little bit overwhelming with the combination of dashing/walljumping/shooting/kicking/while dodging. I love that there are gun upgrade systems and contra-esque pickups and all that, but maybe some way to streamline the focus of the player to the platforming centric game. I honestly could just suck though at multitasking! Loved the music, loved the art direction, loved the humor in the menus, and loved the "Feel" of movement! Great job, can't wait to buy the full game!

Holy Crap! I've been following this for a few months on Twitter and it has come so far! Old school RPG elements but definitely a refreshing story that isn't the generic "Chosen One" story. I'm excited to see how the final product looks, but this is looking great. P.S. the soundtrack is fantastic.

I enjoyed the Mario clone for what it was, but I think there is a hit box issue because often times jumping on top of a unit, if you touched the corner at all it caused you to die. 

I liked the initial set up with getting your characters in the kidnapping situation, but I think I softlocked my game when I went to the level up screen because no key would let me leave the menus. The intro dialogue is also a little bit repetitive, it was a cool premise, but exposition dumps can be tedious for players.

I liked the cinematics, but felt there was a lot to take in right from the get go. Hand holding doesn't always have to be a bad thing, and maybe a tutorial trial could help teach the player the ropes of this unorthodox fighting game.

The lag between pressing fire, and the shot coming out felt a bit unnatural, other than that I like the iron sight mechanic and would love to see some gameplay.

I'm lost on what the actual gameplay loop is? I ran around and spoke to the Racoon, and also found some boots, but it didn't seem like there was anything else to do? Graphics direction is cool.

Hi! I tried playing the game, but found there was no sound despite messing with the settings, and movement was jarring for me in just moving around the maps. I don't know how you would go about making the movement have a bit of "give to it" but it felt almost too stiff. I like the oldschool Sonic the hedgehog 3d and super Mario style graphics though!