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Got a few nullptr issues when rotating conveyers and a couple crashes that stopped me from being able to continue (honestly that's expected for a week long jam), but the concept was fun. The art is absolutely incredible and the sound and music really help elevate the game. The controls were smooth and the vibe is immaculate. Nice job!
mostly dark and darker assets. The cave troll, skeleton army pack, and medieval armor pack are the main 3 that come to mind. And another monsters pack that's not in DaD. Most of the animations are from the animals beast heroes pack or something, and the first person mage animations pack. The UI and wall art/end game screens were hand made
Well damn. This did not feel like a jam game. The atmosphere, music, pickup sounds, and just general vibe was immaculate. I absolutely loved how picking up coins played a sound that added to the music so subtly but also made you feel like you did something right. This game wasn't buggy, was smooth, I actually beat it in a decent amount of time and got all the collectables. It really is a lot to ask for in game jams, but this game just took polish to another level. Literally the only critique I can offer is to tell the player when exactly they're allowed to control the camera. A little mouse icon or something in the UI that pops up will do just fine. Overall, a genuine surprise, 5 stars all around. Very nice game!
You can tell how much effort went into making this game. From a great (albeit a little slow) intro, to an impressive world, many secret doorways and beyond, I was definitely impressed playing this game. It didn't feel like a jam game which is not something I say lightly. I'll admit the interactions with NPCs was a little clunky and I definitely didn't understand how the AI would behave, but maybe that's because I was a tyrant who killed without care of who saw. Forcing others to kill for me while I dragged the body away in front of a crowd seemed to have pissed a few people off. Drag one dead body away after it's been freshly murdered and everyone loses their mind. People nowadays. Anyway, really cool game!
Definitely a unique visual style in this game which offered some reprieve from the movement. Making jump and dash cost energy makes sense in a game like this, but not being able to walk up stairs and instead having to jump over them is not very intuitive in a game where the only way to progress is to have energy. Beyond that I like how you took a simple concept and turned it into something unique. Slamming enemies was definitely my favorite part!
Very nice game! I think the UI wasn't capable of handling my screen because there were some weird issues with overlapping boxes but other than that this was a short game that kept me entertained for its duration. The voice acting was a nice touch, you never see that in game jam games. Nice job team!
Was pleasantly surprised at this game's quality. I definitely got stuck in the cellar level, i was so close so many times but the barrels move unexpectedly. It took me a while to figure out how they worked and even then I would be surprised when they move. Maybe some sort of indicator that Olaf is connected to/will pull a barrel would make things a little easier. Overall a very good game! The style is awesome and the clear progression is great, the dialogue was short but detailed, a nice balance.
I'm not a very smart guy so figuring out puzzles is not something I'm super strong with. After running around aimlessly for like 10 minutes press (extremely satisfying) buttons and touching everything randomly, I gave up. Unfortunately I couldn't figure out your puzzles. I absolutely loved the menu interface, animations, overall style, and snappy feeling of the controls. Nice job!
Ah yes, I too keep my raw meat in the bathroom sink and my cans of broth in the living room behind my portrait of mona lisa. Super relatable. I wish it didn't take me 30 tries to get the recipe but at some point it just became something I needed to do find. Like an itch that needed to be scratched. Thanks for entertaining me for awhile :)
Hi! I'm an experienced Unreal Engine programmer looking to start a team. I'm hoping to get my hands on level designers, narrative designers, game designers, and UI designers. Any other role is welcome too! I have a tremendous amount of marketplace assets to fill in the gaps for any roles we can't fill. I'm currently working as a freelancer on Fiverr creating new mechanics for clients, debugging their code, and teaching programming in the engine, so you could say I'm an industry professional lol Here's my portfolio: And my itch: If you're interested in helping me make a game, find me on Discord @ pterafier
I didn't have much to do with the style, we had a whole team of artists (they're actually secretly wizards) to help us achieve this look. I pretty much only programmed the UI and saving and loading. Take a look at the credits and the collaborators to get a better understanding of who did what, and feel free to reach out to them to collaborate :)