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A member registered Mar 16, 2021 · View creator page →

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In my opinion, cgborn has the best beginner tutorials for Godot on Youtube. If you need to know the complete basics or are a complete beginner, he has two Godot courses, one for 2D and the other for 3D. If you're more advanced or if you've already finished these tutorials, then you can improve your knowledge and learn some more tools and concepts from KidsCanCode or GDquest or the other well-known tutorial channels.

Thank you for the great feedback! Yeah I realized a little too late that the levels get a bit too hard, I submitted the game 10 minutes before the deadline so I had no chance to tweak anything. And as you said, a hint system would be good, thanks for the tip! I'll probably make the levels a bit easier and add a hint that shows up maybe the 4th time you die on each level, I'll upload a post-jam version once the jam is done. Thank you!

Thanks, I'll try it again now and then rate it.

Haha, it was a fun game, I liked the controls and the cutscenes, the cutscenes were fantastic! The background was really pretty along with the graphics. Notes:

- The enemy at the beginning glitches out instead of dying/disappearing and you still take damage if you bump into him at that state.

- The purple enemies can't be killed (I think, if they can, then I didn't realize it, no feedback given when I hit them).

- The sound during the cutscenes cuts off a bit too early, before finishing the last word, it also cuts off abruptly instead of fade out, which might not sound very good.

- Needs some more work on the animations (Player hit, enemy hit, player death, etc...)

- I liked the bouncy spike animation!

Good game overall, good job!

Great concept and a great visual representation of a mobius strip, the audio fits well and the game plays out pretty smooth. Just a thought I had during the game: Is there a way to know when a point is on the other side of the mobius strip? Since they look the same and you can't know until you pass over them if they're on this side or the other side of the strip, any indicator to tell where we should pick it up. Anyway, great game, and a great introduction to the mobius strip, good job!

I tried to learn the controls, couldn't figure it out, when do I dash left/right/up? Is it random? When can I roll and when can I not? The game looks fun and the movements are smooth, so was the audio, I just didnt know how to move my character.

Thank you! I'm glad to hear it. I realized the game was too hard a bit too late, I uploaded it (10 minutes before the deadline) without anyone play testing it, so when I had a few friends test it, I saw that it was a bit too difficult. Thank you for the tips, will upload a better more polished version of the game once the jam is done.

Great game! Loved the audio and the idea was a nice twist to golf, didn't encounter any bugs during my run, good job!

Thank you!

Good game and idea, the levels were fun and just the right difficulty, a few notes I had:

- There is no music or sound, maybe a hit sound, death sound, and music would be nice.

- The animation looks a bit... static, maybe give the sliding animation more frames?

- Maybe make it a bit faster? The game feels a bit slow.

Good game though, it was fun to play.

Great game and concept, was fun and the animations were nice to look at. Had a couple of notes though:

- Particles falling from the sky look nice but they clutter the screen a bit and might be causing some lag, maybe having an option to disable them would be great.

- Sometimes when you fall off, you don't die and have to click restart from the menu, which is fine, but when you get to the next level and click restart, it restarts the whole game.

Those were the main problems I had, otherwise the game is great and I think it'd be a great game if you work on it some more.

Thank you!

Good game, very satisfying to double jump and switch sides, but I found it waaaay too short, maybe a few more levels and some more levels and you'd have a solid game. Also the jump is extremely short, which is not a big deal since you can double jump. Good job!

*Loads Game*

"Don't start"

*Clicks don't start*

*Stares at a gray screen for 5 seconds*

I deserve that. 10/10 would click don't start again.

That makes me so happy! Thank you!

Thank you! I'm really glad you enjoyed it :)

Haha, gravity is fun, I'm glad you enjoyed it! Thanks for the comment.

Thank you, yeah I realized that, there are too many mechanics for such a short game. It was my first game so I was seeing what I can do and I got carried away, thank you for your comment!

Thank you! This was my first game so I was working my way around the engine and testing mechanics and I'm glad it worked out.  

Nice game, very creative. It took me a while to figure out that the enemies I kill show up at the other side, after figuring that out it became easier to strategize around it. Some of my notes:

- Area is a bit too small I think, maybe make the characters a bit smaller so we can have more room to maneuver around?

- It does get a bit repetitive, especially for a hundred levels, would be great to have some sort of system that allows for change, upgrades, pickups, or even boss fights, anything that would make it stay fun and interesting the whole 100 levels (Note: I only managed to play till level 24, which is how far I got)

- Numbers might be helpful feedback when hitting enemies (When hitting an enemy, or as a score system, or anything that gives a sense of accomplishment)

But overall great game, I really liked the idea of enemies going to the other side when you shoot them which adds a lot of depth and strategy to the game.

Good game, the shooting feels nice and movement is alright. The biggest issue I had is the time relativity when going to the other side. If I stand still and go to the other side to avoid a boulder, wait a few seconds, come back to the first side, and the boulder is in the exact same position, apparently I have to walk through the boulder after I shit, which isn't what I expected since I am on a moving train that should move without me moving.

Also, you have two tutorials, one labeled "tutorial", the other "how to play", I think you should only have one. In the "Tutorial", the text disappears too quickly for me to read, which made me restart it in order to read it all.

Overall, great game, just perhaps improve the time relativity between both sides and it would be better.

Great puzzle game, had me thinking quite a bit. It was fun and I liked the cute graphics and story, well done! If you add some more tiles and levels, you can release it as a full game.

The concept is interesting, I like the mechanic/gameplay and it is kind of addicting, I can see this be a casual mobile game if you expand it and update the graphics and sound, here are my notes:

- Graphics are eye tiring to look at after a while.

- Music gets tiring after a while, might want to change the music every few minutes.

- The mechanics are great but took me a while to figure it out with no tutorial or anything like that.

- The buttons you have to press to move are a bit small and they aren't scattered well enough to allow access to the whole map.

- Are the levels endless? Is there a level limit? Am I working towards something? I have no clue, maybe if there is a highscore or a level select screen or a clear change between each level, that would be helpful.

- I feel like the map is too big for such a small character, maybe make the character a bit bigger?

- The hitbox for the character is a bit small, I thought at first the hitbox was the circle that appears after you move at a certain speed, but it wasn't which was disappointing.

- The game gets plain really quick, maybe add a few pickups or obstacles or anything new to add to the mix? (Like a size boost pickup, more clickable points pickup, being able to use healed dots as a moving point)

- I don't feel like the game fits the theme to be honest, I don't see what the other side has to do with the game.

Overall, as I said, if you polish the game and work on those points above, maybe add some cosmetics and colour, the game could be a great mobile game and would probably sell well.

This was very good, graphics, sound, gameplay, it was all put together nicely. Extremely well done for a a game done in 24 hours, I could see this game expanded and released on steam easily, well done. Here are my notes:

- Don't know if it's just me, but I think the POV is a bit too much/the camera is a bit too zoomed in? Made me feel dizzy after I finished it.

- (Minor note) The shootable blocks are hard to differentiate from normal blocks which made it a bit hard to find which blocks I can break and which I can't (I can see that the breakable ones have a solid border but it wasn't easy to distinguish it during jumps).

- (Minor note) When you're hugging a wall, your ica weapon has strange rendering.

Overall a very very good game, I really enjoyed it and hope you can expand it, add a story, and upload it as a full game.

Good first game. Here are my thoughts:

- Character moves a bit too fast I think

- Camera moves in such a static way, no panning, no smoothing, makes it hard to follow the character.

- Level 3 blue ramp down overlaps with the ground and it doesn't look pretty at all, might want to re-layer it.

- Level 3 where the 3 enemies roll into each other from the top and the sides, the left enemy doesn't kill you while the others do, which is weird.

- Music/sound would be good.

- Jumping is not good when touching/moving towards a wall.

That's all, I believe, polish these and you'd have a solid game :)

(1 edit)

Great idea, I really enjoyed hitting enemies with the swinging ball, was really fun launching it back and forth between enemies. The walljumps/platforming was a bit clunky though, the character is too fast I think, maybe make him slower? 

Another big thing is enemies attacking you offscreen, it's a bit annoying and I think maybe unintended for enemies to continuously attack you when they're too far/are not on screen. This might be fixed if the camera zooms out when an enemy starts attacking or make their attack range half of the camera's width/height in order to ensure the enemy is in view when it is attacking.

Otherwise it's a great game and a really cool mechanic.

edit: also the music is incredibly low volume compared to the other effects in the game.

Fun game, wasn't too easy or too hard, I commented what I thought of it on the game page ^^

Fun game and a good concept, the colour pallete was good, but there were quite a few things I noted:

- Text font was a bit hard to read
- One of the levels had white text in front of a white background which made it incredibly hard to read, maybe that was intended, not sure.

- The hitboxes are a bit... strange, keys have a very small hitbox while level end has a large hitbox (Which is good).
- A level fade would be nice.
- A bit of invincibility when you spawn would be good since sometimes I respawn right on top of an antivirus and die instantly.

Good game though,, I especially like the level design, especially the level where you have to respawn to pass.