Thank you very much! I was kind of scared people wouldn't like it because of the dissonance so I tried to make a catchy motif to balance it out. I'm glad you enjoyed it.
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Thank you very much! I just put the MuseScore file on the project page although I should let you know just in case its different for you that the trill used in the score glitched for me and had an accelerando effect on it with it gradually speeding up which was not intended lol. I'll definitely be here for future challenges with hopefully something better.
Oh wow you completely found me out with a wish upon a star lol. I did imagine it being in a desert rather than an ocean when I saw the picture theme. And I was thinking about playing it on guitar but I liked the sound of the harp better although a combination of both for a live performance does sound like an amazing idea.
Thank you very much for your analysis of all the tracks!
Nice song definitely an opening cut imo. The singing was a nice surprise and although the sweet vibe doesn't quite resonate with me I think its well made. Great job!
And about your musical slump, while I'm not anybody to give you a grand uplifting speech I just wanna say comparison is the thief of joy, I think you've still got it.