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A member registered Apr 29, 2018 · View creator page →

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This is incredibly unique, I love all of your work but this is really something novel!

(2 edits)

Thank you for the feedback! I totally forgot to add visual damage feedback, meant to put a flash or something in, thank you for catching that! Going on the list of needs for future games.

To you and everyone else, the feeling of the movement and grappling hook was a real big focus for me, over making lots of content, so it's very gratifying to hear that everyone seems to be enjoying it! Thank you!

Really great graphics! I especially like the subtle parallax, it really feels like the perspective on the background is changing. The falling leaves are a nice touch as well.

Neat concept, and it's on theme but different from most! I would love to see other level designs, especially asymmetric ones, but given the jam constraints that'd be hard at this level of graphics. More levels, with less damage to lose and win, would give it a lot more gameplay time and less repetitiveness;  I ended up just rocking left-to-right and shooting at the same place, gradually wearing the enemy down, total time played 3 minutes.

Overall, the prettiest game I've played in the jam so far, and one of the more novel ones.

Very cool take on the theme, very fun! The crashing is a bummer. Big jump in difficulty from the 3rd to the 4th level, at least for me.

(2 edits)

I really like the idea and level design, but the glitchy physics and lack of checkpoints make it frustrating. Spacebar as reset may not be the best choice, either, as it's easy to press on accident. Edit: okay, yeah, I've accidentally pressed space twice  now and fell in lava once and I'm going to have to take a break because that's so annoying and it's not fun to have to grind through the beginning again.

The buttons and switches could use more feedback to let you know when they've been depressed/flipped, and to show what they did. The first two, especially, since they require backtracking after being used and that feels unintuitive at first.

Overall, fun but buggy/glitchy!

Very mind-bending, fun game. Lot to keep track of, but it's introduced at a nice pace.

Cute graphics, thematically consistent. I like the faces the slimes make when you win.

Because of the additive movement, moving diagonally is faster, which adds another thing to keep track of on top of the already mentally-taxing multiple controls. Not a big deal, but once you notice it it's hard not to try to move diagonally all the time.

Fun concept! Could use some fleshing out. Gameplay is a little confusing, even with the tutorial. Didn't realize at first that you die when any of the nodes runs out of power (I think that's what happened? Not sure.) and not just when your health runs out. Waves didn't seem to reset upon dying and restarting.

I agree with what cornfab said. Fun overall! The dashing was a little unintuitive, could use a windup or flash to signify that it's coming. I couldn't tell if the game changes over time?

Really intuitive "tutorial", introducing concepts one-by-one and leading right into the first "actual" level very nicely.

Simple but nice and consistent graphics!

The controls are a little unintuitive at first (I tried WASD, and kept accidentally pressing space to jump), but it works out. The control hint overlay is nicely done and prevents that from being  too much of an issue.

On the first level with the movable block, I pushed it against the laser and trapped myself. Took me a minute or two to figure out how to pull it, almost closed and reopened the game.

I wish there was more of the timing stuff like the last level, mixed with the puzzles.

Overall, very fun! Took around 10 minutes total. Would definitely play more levels. 

Interesting concept! Little bit tedious to go through the different finger positions, and somewhat frustrating to have to go through all the early questions over and over if you mess up later on. Also, first time I missed some dialogue while looking at the wall.

I'm not sure how it matches the theme?