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A member registered Jan 08, 2018 · View creator page →

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I am genuinely in love with all the ui for this game from the main menu to the big cannon, it's unique and fun to play with

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i'm in love with the style and art on this game, the intro and it's text is beautiful, scrolling background, sprites are all very clean and pretty.

i did feel like something was missing while playing the game though, i didn't feel like i was progressing at all as i played until the background change was substantial. i think a cheap way to do this would have been a UI, depth meter, demons defeated, readable hp bar? anything to ground me a little bit, because at first i was worried there wasn't progress to be made... is this infinite? is this it? i found myself asking

i spent my first couple tries trying to hit as many of the demons as possible, but hitting the demons felt secondary, it put me at unnecessary risk vs just sticking to one side the entire game and getting to the bottom. hitting the demons did feel correct, and like it was what i was supposed to do, but i didn't ever feel incentivized enough to so, even in repeat playthroughs where i knew there was a score, and that hitting demons allowed me to hit more angels.

it wasn't immediately clear what hitting the angels was doing... i think the audio and visuals did a good job at communicating it wasn't necessarily good, but i thought i had lost the game entirely the first few times i hit one, and after replaying i'm still not sure what the mechanics of the angels are; when are you allowed to hit one? do they kill all the angels around them? is there any way to tell if i'm allowed to hit one? should i be trying to hit them to kill more demons? -- after paying closer attention i see now that the ribbon gets longer and shorter depending on how many demons to angels you've killed, though it's still unclear at what length it is safe to hit an angel.

overall, a decent submission, and i loved the looks of the game, but would need tweaks to be a smooth experience to someone who hasn't played, and to feel truly repayable by those who have, not having a visualization of how many demons you've slain or clear health indication is confusing, and it makes min-maxing angel sacrifices to score hunt tedious.

i'd love to see the systems, and story your game design document teases, i feel like a combo system and leaderboard could go a long way.

i wish you luck on all your future projects! <3

enjoyed the movement, felt pretty decent to play, the game looks nice (maybe excluding the clashing smooth non-pixel font), some sounds for things like the spikes and dashes and stuff could have gone a long way (even if it were really simple and crunchy), because it gets really quiet. the balance seemed good, the ability to leave without rescuing everyone meant that you could go back later and try to get them all after you got the hang of it, good jam game

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if you were curious, i saw your original post and decided it'd be good practice for me to make a walkthrough video for the easiest and hardest paths for all rods, you seemed to enjoy the game, thanks again for playing and the feedback :)

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some keyboards have that issue, sadly, otherwise im unsure about the diagonal inputs! but yes, even with you completing it i take this input to heart! while personally i'm fond of the unclear way to go - (lorns lure style) most players struggled with this, i'll be trying in my future to improve flow and direction of levels so that it's easier to feel where to go next (and see things like which platforms you can and can't put the core better), 
and as for the rods, while they were intended to be solved on a second playthrough after you learned some tech, or for less casual players, i did attempt to allow them to be completable without tricks, with the setback of needing to backtrack for them, even if it wasn't as clear how to do so- this could also be improved upon

thank you so much for playing and it's cool to see a 15 rod run with a decent time come out of it :)

i definitely liked the look of the game, the environments are great and the the concept is neat.

the combat didn't feel good, it felt easy to avoid and cumbersome to attempt, the attacks the enemies were doing were unclear and attacking felt like i was putting myself in danger rather than getting rid of dangers- 

the player was too floaty, the air control was poor,  and the fall damage felt completely unneeded, sometimes i would take fall damage just from jumping through the small hilly spaces-if you wanted to do fall damage it would have ideally had a purpose (preventing you from going places or something to that effect)

as you say a better player controller would probbably be a good idea to attempt, i enjoyed the look and mood of the game much much more than the feel- the scaling of the environment was cool and the visual of when you first get on top of a giant's head and then you're controlling it was a fun moment, neat jam game :)

the puzzles in this game are well made, i like the rat sprite a lot too, got a weird softlock where i could only enter edit mode or restart the level in the one room where you carried the ratchet through two screen transitions sadly

the isometric movement isn't the problem, the tank's movement is just skewed from the artwork , it seems to move along a slightly different axis, i think isometric movement works fine here

had fun playing a few games with a friend, it's really funny stretching pawns to use as blockers out of nowhere and i often would want to stretch pieces instead of naturally move them which got me into some poor positions, but felt like it was a decent variant- there's some ambiguity as to how the stretched pieces move  and some bugs that we had to work around
sometimes when stretching your piece it will lock up in the wrong spot and you'll have to stretch it again from the original position to make it work again
the broken code for asking for checks probbably could have been left out, we had to work around the fact that sometimes it asked us to block a check that wasn't really there-  let the player die to being taken instead and it works a lot better

and sadly as we were deep into our second game we got a stack overflow error that i forgot to screenshot to share, it seemed like a browser version bug more than anything but idk, had fun anyways

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the game is super cute, i love how it looks and the concept is all there, the way that you move the tank is sadly skewed which makes it hard to play because i never move like i feel like i should,  the board also gets really crowded really quickly and snowball a bit, and when pressing two directions you just stop, - i would have rathered at least continuing to go one direction when pressing two angles
i think  with a few tweaks this game would feel nicer 

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i enjoyed the expereince, the enemies actually scared me a little when they showed up it all looked so much like a joke and then i was being stared down by three creepy wolves  in a dimly lit air duct???? where i didin't understand anything that was going on?? the first time i died because i had no idea what i was doing, and then i all in attacked them in the order that you said, i dropped my whole hand on attack and never lost a single point of hp,, cupcake randomly gained 29 hp and it crashed  on me before i could try to kill them, i still don't understand what was going on entirely, but i had fun and the visuals were great, dice and cards flying offscreen everywhere lmao

when i opened the game i was instantly excited by the mechanics, not really sure how much it fit the theme, and i wished there was a level which required you to manually move time instead of every puzzle being ideal to solve on 0.25 loop mode besides the rotate one and the final puzzle was sadly a drag, overall great concept that would benefit from some cleaner and more tricky puzzles

the game was cute but it was often hard to understand; i wish the bugs were different for each size, not different sizes of the same bugs, i think this would have helped the readability of the puzzles, and one of the puzzles early on has a random turtle shell on the side, it's the first one you see and you're encouranged to break it, however when you break it you lose the level and have to restart, if there was just a bug behind it, that would have solved the unfortunate encouraged softlock when teaching that mechanic

I spent multiple hours playing this game when i should have been doing other stuff, things started to click around an hour in and i was getting addicted, i was getting really invested and was hoping that i could make it to the end, assuming there was one- i got a few 400million+ balls but i ultimately lost those runs because of glitches
(this glitch in particular when the ball comes out of the random pipe, depending on it's orientation it may get stuck on the sides of pipes it should have just fallen into because it jolts to the side for some reason)

holding a piece for not long enough can get it stuck between the picking area and the playing area too, which i lost a run or two to,  

the text can also sometimes overlap, and sometimes the piece RNG just forces a loss, i guess it's ok since it mostly happened early in the game and not late, but not getting a 2x by a certain number of turns will just kill u 

some things i woulda liked to see was a way to clear the balls when one got stuck, and maybe some better indication that once you used the greenlight 2x when it was red it stopped working foreve
i didn't really understand the area at the bottom was ramps, and would sometimes get the ball stuck on the side causing you to just lose

it's really unclear what's supposed to happen when a ball runs into another pipe or comes out vertically; maybe it woulda been a good idea to crush it or something when it ran into another pipe because i spent a long while trying to find ways to manipulate the glitching to my advantage, but ofc with the no way to clear balls if one gets stuck i would just lose in most of my testing

otherwise i loved the game once i started to get the hang of it, i'll probbably come back to this game at a later time and try for a huge score- the vibes were just right too, not too in your face or anything, just enough for the game to look pretty snazzy and still feel good to play- good stuff

the game played pretty smoothly overall, it was fun to use the increased fire rate mechanic to play more dangerously and be rewarded for it, i sometimes got caught up in trying to get the attack speed up and ended up taking a hit or dying because of it, that felt good
some of the flashing effects were harsh and when the screen was dimmed a lot it was hard to play; some attacks were hard to tell what was parryable in that state and it was hard for my eyes to adjust,
the enemies that flew across the screen from top to bottom were hard to read, there might have been a way to indicate those attacks better, they used the same symbol as the other small orb attack and were not immediately dodgable based on reaction like the others were
i think the colors and art used for this were great and i had a good time regardless 

honestly? if we can find a future jam that works out for both of us i'd love to 
my discord is "rupurtbunny", that's probbably the best way to reach me :)

there's something about this game that i can't describe, there's not a single thing i would change about it, the thumbnail caught my eyes and as soon as it was booted up i was enamored, i watched my friend do a couple playthroughs and not make it far enough to see the end and i had to see it for myself and wow- i got shivers, even though it was telegraphed throughout the whole game, the music was perfect, the sounds were perfect, the gameplay loop feels great even though it seems dumb in concept, "you are a tree" this is unhinged, this is beautiful, it's crazy you made something like this for a jam, i love it so much everything from the mechanics to the visuals are perfect, cool thing you made here

one of the best game jam games i've played, was having fun the whole time and laughing at the mechanics and the boat sinking, felt fluid to play and i loved the balance of fending off the fish , repairing the boat and scooping out the water,  the boss did get a bit frustrating because of how slow it went, and the feedback on the spear felt off,  i feel like you could have gotten away with making the boss attack stun long enough for them to take 2 hits more commonly or something like that to help speed up the fight, in love with the project regardless, a perfect little jam game

had fun but my cat stopped bouncing in the first crowded level, the collision bugged and cinnamon got stuck!! :( 

i loved all the characters and their arts! cute game


seeing all the concept stuff was cool, most jam games don't do that much to show what was put into it, cute game overall :)

there is a palette button to change the colors, i usually use slate

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started to get scared you might not actually finish it as the video was getting closer to the end, loved the determination to get through the difficult patterns, the upload was really appreciated!


Left is still my favorite text editor -  I love the freedom of custom themes, and how clean the ui is.

that being said one of my favorite things about left was the lack of titlebar and menu, since I didn't feel it was ever really needed- is there a way to hide it ? or is it only this way now? if so would it be possible to add an option/shortcut to hide it?

Thanks a bunch!

Either closing the current document and opening a new blank one - or just closing the app entirely.

Left community · Created a new topic Small bug

A small bug, when scrolling up to the top of a document using the arrow keys, the line you're on is two lines above where the visible text starts, leaving the top two lines hidden until you scroll with a mouse

(This is minor but still an annoyance)

annd not sure if this is a bug or not but you cannot close all documents with ctrl+w, the last one stays.

(PS this app is really nice and I use it all the time, thank you. I put no pressure on it being fixed as I know you have other more important things and did just update it recently anyway :)

Yeah, I'm getting the same issue. I normally have left open all day in the background for note taking and other things, so I guess that's is why it's happening to me so often.