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A member registered Aug 25, 2022 · View creator page →

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I hate the Logo


I was meant to take that out because it wasn't centered but im glad you thaught it was funny

It's a really good Idea, The Controls form me we're a little bit confused on how the grapple hook works and what that circle thing is when you move on a wall

Yeah, changing the title to time was a choice made mid-development wich looking back on it I shouldn't have done, and no the movement isn't normalized because I feel like when id it's just too slow diagonally but I'm pretty sure that just me.

thanks bro

Thanks Blud

Like the idea, but it Needs more game Juice. Those stupid Cactus guys had me for like !5 minutes

Love the idea but  The Controls feel weird, the player too fast and falls way too quickly like he's a bag of bricks

Wow, great game, wish there were more levels, but everything you made was cool, and great models

Yeah, I was so used to the hit boxes that I hit it every time but when other people played in front of me  I realized i should've put bigger hitboxes in, Thanks.

Cool puzzles but that stupid door with all the boxes killed me for about 10 minutes also found out I can fly by putting a smaller box on a bigger one and grabbing the big box

Wow, Brilliant way to keep you on your toes, with missions that  are easy but a lot to juggle 10/10.

(1 edit)

Thank you so  much for playing and the really nice feed back man , Your Great

Edit:btw the reason the time goes into the negatives is because the time you have left is added to the points to motivate to finish quickly

so the rules state the game must follow the theme but i cant find the theme anywhere

hey im trying to play (Love it so far) but what's the button for continue in dialog and selecting things like save or hint

any way i can download insted of playing out the browser