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A member registered Jan 27, 2023 · View creator page →

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yeah unfortunately a lot of stuff went wrong during development and, due to a lack of proper communication on my end it came out this... weird merge of three different stories that are very vaguely connected. 
There was supposed to be an additional fourth one, but we were already past deadline while working on the game and didn't want to cram anything else in. Lots of personal stuff came up with the team, and my laptop stopped functioning for an entire week.
As for the primer, I thought I removed that. I love my internet (and to an extent) not functioning properly.

The dialogue code was the worst part of it everything else was literally just logic gates and simple variable functions

Unfortunately due to Scratch's jankiness, the best solution was to run a line of code that pushes Mamizou to the front of the screen. This works half of the time, and it's mostly due to a lack of time to code in detection for overlap that looked nice.

Help me I've been stuck here for the past 3 days I have cats to tend to and meals to cook I can't spend my digital existence stuck in a purgatory of developing in scratch

Very nice game! I thought it'd be easy to top Mega's score but man, it's really difficult lmao
True story but I thought I was going insane, I kept hearing the noise whenever the birds spawned and thought it was the stream
Everything about this is neat and makes way for an enjoyable experience.

Really underrated game, hidden gem in my opinion! The music is nice, the controls are nice, gotta love shift z x layout for shmups. Very nice gameplay, intrigued by how the danger lvl works. Decided to try a run without using night slash and I gotta say I had a lot more fun than I was expecting! Felt like a Phantasmagoria game (which isn't a bad thing.)

It doesn't utilize the theme as much beyond just "bird char in game" and "flying," but beyond the detriments to the lack of further theme use and a story, it's a very nice game! Short and sweet.

Best strategy...

Both are kind of hard to work around- I suppose for the next make it smaller and only appear when the text is finished, but in the way you're describing, with how the engine works, I'd have to take a screenshot of each and every textbox with all the dialogue, program it in to show that if it's prematurely skipped, and repeat that... 139 times. Unfortunately one of the major downsides of Scratch is how utterly jank some things tend to be.
As for the borbs stacking, also hard to go around but also semi-intentional. Except for stage 2. For whatever reason the game is more inclined to put Mystia at the bottom of the screen, causing massive stacks to form. Somehow harder than stage 3 in part to this.

Ah, my comment didn't save earlier, but I love the style of comedy that's also present in the previous entry for the 11th Jam, Patchy's Pizza. Was quite fun running around, doing stealth one moment and then making a breakaway with bananas and cameras the next!

Heya, composer here, the music was made in the image of the early-mid 1900s, so glad to see I got the desired effect- 
Going about emulating that vintage, staticky and worn-down audio was tricky at first, but thankfully sound effects saved the day- it was achieved by grabbing a rotary sfx, applying it on the grand piano lead melody, and applying stereo delay when needed.

This game is honestly so good. Love the elements of classic shoot em ups, but also each stage and boss feeling like a puzzle. Really makes you think of what and how to preserve bodies. The gameplay was a little confusing, thankfully the addition of a manual of sorts was in the game. Overall, a wonderful 5/5. Quite challenging, but fair. Audio and visuals are great, and I love the arranges of the themes. Story is also pretty solid. 

Definitely might try updating the game to have a few more interactions with the boulder instead of just "endlessly" elevating it and yourself up the slopes! Unfortunately, ran out of time, and I already had to ask for an extension (I started working on it on the last day as a joke entry), and I didn't feel like extending the extension. Although I do have a couple ideas for things like multiple endings, different interactions, and maybe even a redesigned menu. 


The patterns are really nice! Also love the effects done for the intro, and the story is great! As others have mentioned, love the inclusion of Mima, and not being just for the sake of Mima being in the game. Really nice gameplay!

As a fan of other platformer games in the same vein, such as Super Meat Boy, Celeste, or dare I mention even the white palace section of Hollow Knight. Surprised by the fluidity of the controls considering it's a three day jam, but I suppose if you put your mind to it, you can make just about anything provided the will. Great little game, definitely a 5/5 overall!

Pretty nice and cute game! Some of the puzzles were slightly confusing, but otherwise, pretty cozy game. Love the art, it reminds me of dumb ways to die in a way! Definitely would love to see more from this team!

I managed to beat lunatic mode! Fun little game, enjoyed every second of it. Alice on story mode though...
I only had one problem while playing, and that was UI overlaying and making me reset the game after I beat Alice. The UI for resetting would linger into the Marisa fight, causing me to have to restart. Not too bad of a bug with how condensed the stages are.

Cute little SHMUP! Think everyone before me has said what I was gonna say :)

Loved the pixel art! I've always had a soft spot for games or projects in pixel art, reminds me of my old modding days.

The puzzles are great fun, not being too easy but not extremely difficult (despite me spending 10 minutes on one puzzle with the bamboo tubing)

Definitely worth the hour of gameplay! 

I can feel the Reimumania coming inside me

A cozy, cute visual novel. Takes about 30 minutes. I would heavily recommend if you want to read something both heartwarming and whimsical! 

The artwork is amazing, the music is great (this isn't biased at all), the usage of theming is spectacular. Overall a great game!

The gameplay is solid; love the challenge of it. However, the story isn't all too present. The usage of LGBT themes could have been expanded upon. Visuals could have been expanded on, as the lack of original assets demerits it. Overall though, I'd say it's a nice game if you're looking for a challenge! 

(I cannot comment on the music)

Speaking of, here it is!

The controls feel nice, the combat is great, and I like the visuals. The battle theme goes hard, and as others have mentioned, the debuffing spells felt useless due to them not working. Otherwise, a fun little game that I would highly recommend. 

It's alright. Visuals are cute, personally enjoy the pixel art. The gameplay is repetitive at best, boring at it's worst. 
It's a cute game, though. Definitely good for a jam. Think it could work better if difficulty was increased, enemies didn't die in a single hit and bullet reload was slowed. 

An interesting concept, not sure how to rate it though. I will definitely check this out with some friends! 

Had difficulties getting used to the control, but once I did it was a quaint experience. Quite nice! I like the silly little models of the enemies. I also like the idea that you can engage in two combat styles.

Had difficulties getting used to the control, but once I did it was a quaint experience. Quite nice! I like the silly little models of the enemies. I also like the idea that you can engage in two combat styles.

Art style is adorable, however as Ferdy said it's a little rough. Think music could improve the experience quite a bit, but I think the sound effects are charming enough. Really enjoyed the minigames. 
Also, is it a bug that after completing Snowboarding and then Snowball Fighting you can buy not only Joon's and Kosuzu's item, but also Rinnosuke?

Yeah, the bugs are really a deterrent looking at it. I think if it wasn't done in scratch it would have been slightly smoother.

Quite addicting, loved the art. Didn't get past stage 4, but enjoyed it nonetheless. 

A simple game, a few bugs hold it back however. When Okuu appeared, I thought she would have done something similar to Celeste's Mr Oshiro in Chapter 3.

Overall, a simple game with cute and charming visuals.

Would it be cheating to rate something you helped work on

For something that was programmed on the last day, it plays phenomenally! Not only plays great, but also looks great!

Feels like an old flash game with how simplistic it is, yet addicting. I love it!

Pretty fun and smooth! I like the slope mechanics to accelerate beyond time itself.

A cute little puzzle game with some neat references! I really enjoy ice puzzles and personally this was quite fun. I remember spending around 5 minutes on level 20 trying to think of a path until realizing it brought you right to the end. 

This is truly the last minute scratch game experience


Ok but seriously this game kinda slaps like it's just fishing why is it so good