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A member registered Apr 25, 2021 · View creator page →

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You definitly nailed the looks. Good job on making this game !

I think this game need some kind of objective or at least a score. Good job on making this gamee you two !

The ui and the level design may need a bit more work but the voice acting and the 3d models make up for it. Good job to all the team for making this game !

I love the Lovecraftian vibes ! Did you take inspiration the game Dredge by any chance ? Good job on making this game you 2! 

I like that you can still play after the game ended. Good job on making this game !

I like the low poly assets ! I think sound effects would add a lot to this game. Good job for making it !

I don't kwon if it's just me but I didn't had any audio while playing. The audio in the youtube trailler would have been realy nice.
Good job making this game !

The game look and sound nice ! I personaly had a bit of difficulty with the slang of the text messages because english is not my native tongue. Anyway, good job on making this game everybody !

The game look nice ! I think the game would be even better with one or two more spell. Great job you two !

I hope you had a better with unity navmesh than me. Good job on making this game !

The game was realy laggy on my side. But you did manage to make procedural terrain wich is somethings that I want to avoid for as long as posible. Good job on making this game.

I didn't realised at first that you could dash. I would recomand to put something in the game to indicate that you can dash. Anyway, good job on making the game !

I also did a "reverse bullet-hell" and it's nice to see a different take on this genre. Good job making the game !

A bit too hard for me. Anyway, good job on making the game you all !

The animation on the girl face are really well done ! Good job !

OMG you are the best game I'have played so far ! Come on people, this game need more reviews !
I do have to tell you about some bug that I have spoted, hopefuly you can corect then to make it even better :
The full screen din't work on my side

At 5 ball output the UI is hidden

I didn't manage to upgrade a peggle more than once

You can place peggle on existing peggle, and I did abuse this bug with the shot peggle (this bug actually could be a feature in my opinion)

Thank you so much for makking this game !

I love that you can pin your drawings on the wall ! Good job you two !

The outline effect on the captured people is nice. Good job on making this game you two !

I like it so much ! The moment when the second belt apeared was the best part ! I wish the dificulty kept increasing. Thank you for making this game !

The death sound made me laught ! Good job on completing this game !

This could turn into a nice two player game. Good job, I had a good time playing it !

I didn't manage to lauch the game with the itch app but when i downloaded it directly and ran the exe, it worked.
I managed to finishe the game !

For those who are stuck, you have to make the skulls guys reach the door. On the first level, you have to use the arrows or A / D to see the rest of the level. Also to place spike traps, need need to first place it and then activate it with right clic.

Once you figure all that, the levels are actually not bad !

Good job on making this game !

Whoa, that's a nice game ! And on top of that you made the music, good job you all !

I thought of the same idea at the reveal of the theme but went for another one. I'm glad that you went with it. Good job on the arts !

The art is realy nice ! The gameplay is simple but it has its charm ! Good job you 3 !

i've never seen a voiced game in a game jam before. That so nice ! Good job !

Nice game ! I like the effort you put on the monster's sprites. Good job you two !

It's so smooth ! Good job !

The game is maybe a bit to easy but you did realy great on the presentation. Good job !

The game is so nice but also so hard ! Great job everyone !

I was pleasantly surprised by the multiple endings. And I did laught at your jokes. Great job !

Congrats you all for making this game !

I like the ability to add faces to the dice and also that your action depend on the color of the dice face. I think your game need a bit more of player agency, like for exemple rolling two or more dice and ask the player whitch roll they want to use. 

Anyway, congrats for your game !

The random ovation from the crowd after a bad hit from my part made me laugh

A pretty unfair game but not bad at all.

I finally finished it in about 25 tries and got the neutral ending but I don't have the courage to try the perfect run...

Good job making this game you two !