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A member registered Apr 23, 2020 · View creator page →

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Thanks! Right now my best is 1,370,000 haha, but 40k is a lot better than average. I'm glad you liked the game

Great game! I couldn't get to the end with the blue guy, but it was fun to try

Thanks. Your game was even more awesome.

Even though the graphics were simple, the feel and look of this game was absolutely gorgeous. The mechanics were well implemented and polished. I just wish I didn't have to worry about blowing myself up, though I get that might just be a part of your design.

I love the art style, and the voice lines fit it perfectly. The mechanics are really cool, and the difficulty changes dynamically when you need both of your crewmates to reel you in. The game is very intuitive to learn. There's also decisions that add to the core gameplay, such as managing the alert meter, or choosing which person should let go of the rope. The only issue I have is the levels start to get a bit repetitive after a while (I think I failed at 6, then I quit).

(2 edits)

Thanks for the glowing review :). I usually make my games hard cuz after testing them for so long they seem easy, but you're right, especially for a game jam, I should've made it easier. My idea was to make the game shorter so that people would replay it, instead of just having one long run and then rating the game when they die.

Also great idea on changing up paths to also target the top and the bottom. For the parts though, I wanted them to come after the enemies stop spawning so you would have time to attach them properly, but maybe that's not the right formula. Maybe I should've made them come mid-way from time to time, for an added bonus if you take the risk to catch them. Again, thanks for the comment!

I see. I tried using the in-built physics system for movement but I guess it didn't work out. Thanks for the feedback!

Thanks, means a lot!

What was clunky in particular? The shooting? Movement? Thanks for the feedback

Haha thanks, ran out of time for a tutorial.

Found a bug when you spam an enemy with a single target attack (i.e. click multiple times), you can attack multiple times (browser)

Well done!

I know.

I played it, managed to get to the end with ease this time without any walk-throughs. The game feels a lot better to play now, although felt a lot shorter too, simply because a lot of the inflated play time was removed (which is good).

However, the game is still not absent of issues. For example, the player can't walk up in front of objects. Try walking towards a lamp post from below. Realistically, the player should be able to walk really close to the lamp post, and obstruct some of its view. However, right now the player can't walk up as soon as their head touches the lamp sprite. 

The problem is that, unlike other objects, the player's collider covers their entire body, when it should only cover a part of their legs. This is tricky to solve because you'd need to change the player's sprite render order dynamically, so you might want to leave it be if you do not plan to expand this project.

I also found a bug where the player is still rendered in front of people when behind them. There are also some areas still lacking polish, such as UI scaling, being able to play during an event (when you get an image displayed on your screen), and sound of text playing when you skip the dialogue.

The visuals are a part of the game, if you want to experience it like a blind person would, it's completely up to you. If you lack the self-control, it is not the game's fault.

Not the game's fault

Rated, sorry but no time for comments

Rated, sorry but no time for comments

Rated, sorry but no time for comments


This game is actually really good. In terms of theme and innovation, it hits the top spot for me. However, there were a few things that made the experience less enjoyable, including the constant music, some difficult pixel perfect jumps, and the fact that you had to wait a long time sometimes to grow to elderly form all the way from a baby. Other than that the game was really well designed and had some pretty unique and interesting mechanics.

Played and rated, but sorry I don't have time to leave comments right now.

Alright, I have a lot of submissions to go through and I promise I will rate every single one, but I won't have time to leave a constructive comment like I usually do.  I probably won't rate any additional submissions after this post, but you can still post your link here if you so wish.

That's ok! Sometimes it's better to have a shorter game that the player can beat, instead of a lengthy experience of the same mechanics dragged out for too long.

Rated and commented!

The Good:

  • Menu - good job for creating a main menu where I can select which level I want to play and tweak the music volume
  • Clarity - it was clear and easy to understand the controls and objectives with the help of the tutorial
  • Design - the levels could be beat in different ways. It was fun and challenging trying to complete them
  • Art - the art is really good and fit for the game. There was a lot of different decorations so the levels always felt unique

Could Improve:

  • Way to restart - it was frustrating to wait for the level to fail after I messed up, and knew I had to start over
  • Variety - the gameplay loop of having to pick up cards to open doors got tiring pretty quickly. In the tutorial you showed a type of card that could open both doors. Would've been nice if something like that was used
  • Small bug - there's a bug where you can fail the level and win at the same time. I suggest preventing the fail screen from showing after the player has already won


A really enjoyable and well designed game. It's missing some quality of life features, but it's one of the best games I've played so far from the jam.

Rated and commented!

The Good:

  • Art and music - the assets look really pretty and the music fits the atmosphere of the game
  • Game juice - it's really satisfying to shoot, kill enemies and use abilities
  • Variety - there is a variety of enemies and abilities at your disposal

Could Improve:

  • Sound - the game feels really void without any shooting sounds, hit sounds and ability sounds. Would feel 10x more satisfying coupled with the game juice
  • Polish and clarity - the game felt buggy, sometimes there were invisible enemies, sometimes I didn't know what I could pick-up etc.


A solid entry with lots of potential. It could really be a great game outside of the jam if you spice it up with sounds and remove the major bugs.

Rated and commented!

The Good:

  • Artstyle and design - the art, while simple, is really immersive and makes you feel like you're a hacker. Very nice that you included little details such as instructions starting from 0 and the temperature changing dynamically
  • Theme adherence and innovation - your game fit the theme really well, and it fit it in a unique way. Well done on coming up with this idea
  • Polish - the game felt clean and polished, didn't encounter any bugs

Could Improve:

  • Clarity - my only issue with this game is that it's very hard to get your head around it at the beginning. Here I have a couple of suggestions for you:
    • Make buttons highlight when I hover over them
    • Don't bombard me with walls of text in the tutorial
    • Don't let player start with a difficult level. You could make it so that the game starts on level 1 of the tutorial


A challenging and unique game, with a cool design and atmosphere. It's definitely one of my favourites from this jam.

The Good:

  • Audio - I really liked the music choice and the home-made sound effects. I instantly recognised the song when it came on :)
  • Level design and theme adherence - The levels are designed well to push the player to use their rewind ability to change position and refill their power meter
  • Polish - I was never confused on what to do and I didn't encounter any game-breaking bugs. The game felt really polished

Could Improve:

  • Volume of rewind - way too loud compared to the other sounds. It also repeats in a weird pattern, where it goes quiet, then replays the entire sound file again
  • Glitchy physics when rewinding - not a very big deal, but the boxes were kinda glitchy when I rewinded and went through them
  • Length - the game was too short for my liking. I won't rate it lower because of this, but consider adding more levels or mechanics


A really solid submissions. Good job on creating it all from scratch in a single week!

The Good:

  • Art - the art is super clean and fits the game very well. Everything just feels pleasing to look at
  • Polished - levels and mechanics seemed well thought out and I couldn't find any bugs
  • Movement and controls - the movement felt satisfying and responsive, and the little run animation was a cool as well
  • Variety - you added a bunch of different fun mechanics, and you introduced them to the player slowly so they don't get overwhelmed. Great job

Could Improve:

  • Theme adherence - this is the first and only major downside. If I were to play this game without any context, I would've never thought it was created with the rewind mechanic in mind. It simply just boils down to restarting
  • Length - the game felt too short for me. I managed to collect all the coins and win the game in under 5 minutes on the first attempt. However, I will not rate you down for this, I'm just simply pointing out that this is an improvement you could make


One of the best games I've played so far. Very fun, polished and clean. Again, just pointing out that the theme was under-utilised, but apart from that everything was great.

The Good:

  • Art - the art was very well made and clean! It really suited the atmosphere of the game
  • Clarity and difficulty - I never had any issues knowing what to do. You gradually introduced mechanics to the player and then ramped up the difficulty at a good pace. Level design felt really polished
  • Concept and theme - I really liked the concept of a turn based puzzle, and the different buttons that rewinded and paused, together with the story, really suited the theme

Could Improve:

  • Spelling and grammar - this is just a side note, and I won't lower my rating because of it, but it was difficult to read the story and dialogue sometimes (e.g. it's "were" not "where")
  • Repeating music and dialogue - every time you died or moved onto the next level, the music would restart. This was the same with dialogue every time you died
  • Unpredictable AI - I couldn't predict the enemy movements. They moved consistently, but ambiguously. I couldn't figure out the puzzle by thinking, I had to keep restarting to see where the enemies would move. Maybe add a tip telling the players how they behave 


A fun but short game, definitely a solid entry. The game was enjoyable to play outside of some frustrating bits.

The Good:

  • Story and dialogue - I like games with stories and this one definitely made the game more immersive, while supporting the theme of the jam. It was also nice that there was a lot of different dialogue that changed with the situation
  • Art and sound - good job on making everything from scratch. I especially liked the variety of characters
  • Theme - the story and the gameplay supported the theme, and it was clear the game was created for this jam

Could Improve:

  • Polish - the game didn't feel very complete to me. The collision boxes were too big, the player could appear on top of and behind different objects in a weird manner, and the movement of the characters was all over the place
  • Clarity - most of the time I wasn't sure what I was supposed to do. I think that adding clear objectives the player can follow (e.g. look for the truck) and making interactive objects distinguishable from everything else would've gone a long way to make the game more enjoyable
  • Map size - the map was just too big, and there was a lot of aimless walking. A big chunk of it was just unnecessary. There's a lot of things you could change to improve it:
    • Simply remove some of the map
    • Increase movement speed or add a sprint key
    • Zoom out the camera a bit


It seems a lot of hard work was poured into this game. It was a big project, so it's understandable some parts weren't polished. It was a cool experience, but I'd recommend cutting down on the unnecessary playtime when the player is just aimlessly wandering about, trying to interact with objects that aren't interactive.

Sorry it took so long, but I finally rated it

The Good:

  • Menu Screens - thank you for including the option to tweak music volume and sounds
  • Art and sound - well done on making all of the art and sound assets yourself. I really liked your art style, and the sounds really fit the gameplay
  • Procedurally generated levels - making the levels and blocks random, but playable, allowed you to create many levels and infinite potential for play time

Could Improve:

  • Variety - not much changes from level to level. You always have the same win condition of collecting x amount of blocks to win while avoiding baddies
  • Performance - the game ran really slow for me. Not sure if this is my fault, but every other game ran fine and I have a pretty high-end computer. I suggest optimising your code or making animations higher frame-rate. I also ran into issues where my character would move two blocks at a time sometimes
  • Theme adherence - the theme was very vague. It felt like a side element, and there were a few pieces of art that followed the theme, but it wasn't central to the gameplay


I don't see myself playing this game for a long time, the gameplay is too repetitive for me. However, I think the game is very visually pleasing, and has a lot of potential to be great.

No problem! If you want to continue working on your game, you can scrap the rewind aspect of it and just focus on what makes the fun and what's necessary.

Thanks for the feedback! Yeah I agree the rewind mechanic is a bit underwhelming in it's current state. I'm happy that you didn't encounter any bugs.

I rated every game on the first page of this post so far. I'm going to take a break to rate everyone who commented on my game, then come back to this post after I'm done.

I've rated your game, but I decided not to write a comment since you've already got a ton of feedback :)