Thanks so much for the kind words, glad you enjoyed it :)
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Great little game! I got all the bodies and solved the cipher, and decided to go with the Remnant in the end. After all, he's right - many people deal with tragedies but he's the only one that's got a guaranteed shitty eternity to deal with! That being said, upon opening the tomb in the castle, I almost changed my mind...
I think you did an awesome job with the narrative. The dialogue and storytelling are the best I've experienced in the jam so far! I don't know how much RPGMaker gives you, but the world was cool and I enjoyed exploring everything. I think you did a great job within the constraints of the jam. Well done!
Thanks for playing and the review, glad you enjoyed it and hopefully found some fun in the silly setting. I've not played Builder Mario but I'll have a look for it. As for the jump, I think you're right. It is a bit sticky - particularly if you have a bottle in hand. It makes the big staircase sections a bit of a chore (among other sections perhaps), so I'd definitely look to make it a bit more responsive in the future. Thanks for the kind words, and I'll make sure to return the favour and pay your submission a visit later today :)
Hey guys, really cool idea and use of a 3D environment for this jam. It was a little confusing to figure out how to progress, but you did an awesome job fleshing out the world. I had an intense swordfight with a Dalek (and died multiple times on my journey), before escaping the world.
I didn't appreciate getting blindsided by a locker D: and I think the storytelling might need some touching up (might just not be my type of humour), but the little world you created was really cool and having all the interactions and systems set up in the space of this jam was awesome. Also having multiple endings is no joke, you must have worked really hard and it shows!
Great job all round, and I think you guys could make a really cool game with a concept like this with more time. Well done!
Cool game, I like the style and the little world you built. I couldn't figure out how to progress after I got a couple clues, but I did try a few times because it was quite a compelling experience! Great work, and with a little more time I think you would have a really neat little detective experience. Good job :)
Interesting idea!
The menu and UI were super pretty, and the gameplay was pretty unique and works well for a jam game. Agree with the other commenter that not being able to really tell how far a Giant was going to move made it difficult, particularly when it came to making good strategic decisions. I think with a change to that (even by just making obviously visible tiles on the floor) could make it really fun!
Either way, great job, and I love all the voice overs. You guys did a great job with those, and made a unique and fun game this jam. Well done!
Very unique jam entry! I really liked the idea and how it isn't really like anything else I've played. The narrative was cute and just the right amount of vague and the gameplay was interesting. If the golems weren't so suicidal (and helped more than harmed) it would be more enjoyable because it felt like I had very little influence over the game - that being said, I did give it a good go because I found it quite fun anyway, particularly due to the variety of spells.
I would like it if the ball didn't go out of play and reset so much too, because it made it take a while to either win or lose, particularly because controlling the ball is so hard haha. Great job for a solo effort though, I really like it.
Good hustle going for a tower defence game with a character as a solo jam project! Interesting idea and a good project, maybe a little ambitious in terms of scope but I think a few touch ups would make it really fun. As it is I found it quite difficult, but I did appreciate the variety in enemies and the towers you've already implemented. Well done!
Cool game! I think you did a good job with creating some interesting characters in a pretty unique setting.
I think some polish (maybe coloured text?) on revealing the extra dialogue text could really help the experience as I had to resort to just clicking every word to get anywhere. Nonetheless the NPC's dialogue was pretty compelling and the game has decent potential.
Thanks for making it!
Cool game with a very meta story, I love it!
I enjoyed the experience and the soundtrack was banging. If I had one bit of constructive criticism it would be to please make sure the text gets out of the way when I'm trying to do some difficult platforming - having to guess where the character is makes it way harder!
Aside from that. the gameplay was super smooth and the controls were tight, so it felt great. I think you did a great job!
Fun little game, it was very satisfying to electrocute people. I had a bit of trouble progressing through the tutorial at first, but I think that was because I read over the text too quick and didn't see the WASD to move, so I couldn't find any plastic. Got there in the end though! The tutorial was cool - and having the little mini-quests was a great addition. Lots of cool stuff in the game, with the foxes running round, people congregating at the bins and, most importantly, BEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEES!
Great job :)
Thanks for playing and for the lovely feedback! Glad you enjoyed it!! Sorry you didn't get the joke (I'm not sure I did either), but it could be because the score counters aren't super clear in earlier versions (recent updates have made everything a bit clearer).
The drink animation isn't the most obvious hahaha, I don't know who swings their arm around and apparates a bottle out of thin air to "drink", but we had to make do D: This beautiful animation will eventually see a change to make him actually drink, but its looking like it might need to be post-jam judging.
Also thanks for pointing out the inconsistent bottle interactions. They should be fixed now!
Thanks so much for playing and giving it a good go! Some of the bugs have been fixed now, and achievements should properly pop up, so there's a bit more incentive to get through those tricky sections (which should hopefully be a little more consistent and less tricky with the bug fixes).
You ask great, deep, meaningful questions and I am glad those touches were not lost on you. If you have another crack at it, I'd suggest asking why one of the pidgeons in level 2 goes against the flock...
I love exploring little worlds, and I think you did a great job setting up the atmosphere with this one. The dialogue and audio was a lot of fun. I even got asked out to pick mushrooms, what could be better?
The journal was a cool touch - I think you did a great job putting the whole experience together. I was really worried about what to do with my coin, eventually settling on buying some Lumber and giving it to the Witch (who sadly berated me for my choice).
If I have one thought to share it would be to please allow for faster text scrolling! I had it at the max and it was still taking a while to get through all the dialogue. I still enjoyed it because you did a great job with the dialogue, the characters and the world, but I would really appreciate being able to shuffle along the conversations a little faster.
Nonetheless, great job guys, awesome little game :)