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A member registered Jul 14, 2022

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thank you so much! its nice to hear that we were able to capture the feeling of the original game it was based off of.

i really enjoyed this game! might be my favorite jam submission so far. having to choose where to move in order to collect the items you want and avoid enemies requires a bit of planning which is fun. the simple style and color palette serve nicely too.

the visuals and sounds are chilling and perfectly fitting! the main mechanic is also quite fun.  i would suggest a more interactive tutorial (or maybe i just hate reading lol). great game

i really love the presentation and biomes! and the dinosaur is just too cute. the different platform configuration making you have to switch worlds is really clever and creative. however there are a couple glitches in the movement and when you hit the spikes or platforms. really great overall

yeah im glad the 2.5D style worked and blended well :) 

thank you so much! i enjoyed designing the characters too

i liked the mechanics a lot! the camera shift was quite a nice feature, and the visuals are very polished. i would love to play more levels with new and difficult mechanics implemented!

very simple, fun, and creative! i love the mice. somehow i finished seconds away from time running out.

visually, it's awesome! the mechanics are pretty fun too.

really fun! visually pleasing too. it was actually really fun to just dash under the enemies while they jumped.

i really liked the mechanic! it took a second to figure it out, but was super clever. my only feedback is that some of the sound design like the "tada" and whistle were a little annoying.

i love the visuals! i definitely wish the player had more hp since i kept dying almost immediately after rolling.

very fun and visually appealing! plants vs zombies esque. it gets quite stressful trying to manage the ghosts (in a good way)

the art design and especially the environment is quite nice! i wasn't sure what i was supposed to do after i shot everything that i could, so some indication would be nice. 

the game looks and sounds really good! i was a tad confused on what i was actually supposed to be doing, though, since there was no tutorial or indication of what to do.