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Nice job on the game!
Found the weapon switching system a little inconvenient, a much 'simpler M1 for melee, M2 for ranged'-control scheme would have probably worked better here considering you only have 2 modes of attack.
The gun feels a bit underwhelming and maybe you could have at least added some simple grey box particles or whatever when you hit an enemy to comunicate they took damage but other than that this is a really enjoyable and polished game. Well done.
We thought it'd be really cool and immersive and stuff if you could control the game using only your mouse. We accounted for people without a pressable scroll wheel but didn't think anyone would partake in a game jam using only a trackpad so that's on us.
As for continued work on the project I don't think any of us are really interested in that so it is very unlikely to happen. Maybe some day when I'm bored I'll add in keyboard support but it's not really on my list of priorities as there's a lot of work coming up for me.
Overall the game feels good to play and I like the main mechanic (although meddling with the terrain can be a bit awkward at times). Also a fullscreen button would have been great, I think you can just enable that when setting up your itch page. Clicking slightly outside of the screen bounds and freezing up is rather annoying.
Unique and pretty fun idea and the fact that you made absolutely everything by yourself is extremely impressive.
However there's a couple issues I encountered:
-ships can (seemingly very rarely) spawn on top of an obstacle, crashing instantly
-the ship controls feel a little inconsistent but that could just be me
-it is unclear at what point a ship will lock on to the beacon, sometimes they just ram into obstacles while in this state since you can't really control them
-the crash sound makes every bone in my body snap, take that as you will
Good job overall though, most of these are nitpicks
I think giving the player a smaller radial glow that matches that selected for the flashlight would go a long way in making situations where you have the right colors selected but still have no way of knowing where everything is less common. That or some directional hurt indicators when you get hit.
Really unique and creative idea, good job.
I like the concept but there's a reason you very rarely see enemies with homing projectiles and if you do they're usually quite slow so you can actually dodge them. Having them pull 180 degree turns seems a little excessive. Also I'm not doing a 30 minute stage.
The artwork looks good, the audio design is great (esp. those vhs/button sounds that play when you start a level), gameplay is alright if you disregard district E and F.
Pretty cool game overall
Thank you for the feedback :)
I'm aware that the compass ignores walls and can sometimes appear behind decorative props but it does always point you in the exact direction you need to go, unless you're right next to your target object. I thought that would be enough but I guess navigating a dark environment is much more difficult when you haven't been staring at it lit up for 3 days straight.
Runnning into dead interactables is a problem we were aware of during development but couldn't have easily fixed aside from only enabling them when they're relavant, which I figured would also leave people feeling cheated. Well that or a system that just checks right after you turn something in but then you'd potentially have to sit through all of the dialogue in one sequence, which would also not be ideal.
You're right, my original thought was to not make the player too fast to avoid scenarios where it was uncertain if you failed because you went with the wrong approach or if you just weren't fast enough but I we didn't end up adding puzzles where that could've even been the case so I probably could've increased move speed by another 40-70% or so without it feeling inappropriate.
Enter through the upper door, walk down the corridor on the right, go down left into the room with the billiard table and mafia wizard, grab the ammo and the damage up barrel from behind the billiard table, wait for him to finish his burst and then run back to almost the start, oneshot the muscle man guy at the entrance and take the silencer from his stash, go through the upper right corridor again and kill the guard that's down there with the silencer (otherwise the muscle guy in the corridor leading to the upper target will turn towards where you'll be coming from, making everything much more difficult), grab the ammo he's protecting and go straight down, shoot the muscle guy on the right, get the unguarded ammo from the room above the current corridor and go all the way to the right until you reach a duplicator barrel. Equip it and now you can take out the muscle man target above you (we never really came up with a plan for this one, just trying to stay as far away from them as possible with the duplicator giving you a chance to kill them after missing) by taking the left path so you only have to kill one and not two of them before reaching the target.
The order in which you take out the targets after getting the duplicator doesn't really matter so I'm just going to list them:
1. Mafia wizards
Stick to the wall and take out the upper guy as quickly as possible (with the duplicator and dmg up barrel a single bullet will kill, provided you hit with both projectiles). Then target the lower one, if you're fast he's not done turning around yet so finishing him off just takes another clean shot from the back. The target will have probably noticed you by now, so wait for his burst to end and go in for the kill, you can keep distance and take advantage of his short range to find an opening. The second duplicator is neat but ultimately pointless.
2. Regular guards
Unequip everything but the silencer and take out the upper guard while he's still turning towards you, for the other two just don't get hit, duh (sometimes when using the silencer the third guard won't notice you until you're right behind him). Grab the ammo the third guy was guarding and reequip your dmg up barrel.
3. Serpentine corridor
Take out the muscle man and grab his ammo, then unequip the dmg up barrel for better maneuverability and take out the two guards in the corridor. Go back to get your damage up barrel and pray to god the business man guy with the dual pistols won't be able to turn around fast enough to catch you trying to oneshot him.
4. Watch the game freeze.
I hope I remembered all of this correctly, I spent like an hour (or more, time flies by) with a friend trying to crack that last level and it was super rewarding when we finally managed to pull it of. Good job guys, was a lot of fun. (also I hope there's only four levels because I lost count so I'm just going to assume the 4rth one is the last one, otherwise this comment was a massive waste of time)
Also, did you use a custom engine?
Finally beat it. I really like how the add-on mechanic influences the strategies you have to put together and pushing people into the water to save ammo is pretty fun too.
The aim system is a little annoying imo, I feel like you should at least give some indicator for where you're shooting if not just direct mouse support.