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A member registered Jun 12, 2022 · View creator page →

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Depends on what you want to do with it. I don't think it will have any commercial success if that is what you mean. But if you have fun making it then that could be reason enough to continue. If you add some more variety to the combat I think it can be a fun game while on break or during commute or something.

Nice little game for wasting some time. It would be nice to have a progress counter or something to see how far I am and to compare to other people. A few times I needed to react quickly and accidentally moved my mouse outside of the window which make me drop the ball. It would also be nice to see a bit higher up.
(1 edit)

Nice little web game. Don't really have much to say. One thing I found was that some upgrades seem to stay after you die, not sure if that is intended or not. There also seemed to be a drop in fps when a lot of tanks explode at the same time.

Cute game, though after the first stage I had air serpent + life steal which basically made me invulnerable and I didn't have to move at all after that.

Played this for a bit. I didn't really encounter any bugs or shortcomings. It looks good and plays well. Most of my criticism are personal tastes, like levels being too linear (at least until the first tower boss, I didn't continue after beating him) so there isn't really an element of exploration. I feel like the only correct way to play this is by just rushing through it while I personally enjoy slower paced more tactical games.

I've gotten to the end in just over 2 hours. Mostly by rushing through it. The only thing I think that I didn't complete were the forest temple and the owl demon. I skipped the owl demon because I had a pure strength build without any ranged attacks and waiting for it to swoop down was too taxing on my patience. I've also found some more bugs.

  • When climbing the robot to bypass the gate guards (a great use of that platforming I mentioned previously btw), a guard called Denzel calls out to come to him. When you reach him there is only test dialogue for a quest that you can immediatly finish. Went from level 2 to 5 and gained some good armor from this.
  • I was able to just walk to Trawiz without being stopped. When I got there I could tell him about the key an unlimited amount of times gaining 1000 exp each time. Furthermore there is the same bug as with the pirate captain. I can tell him that I had gotten into the tower and that the pirates are willing to let us go with them. I also got the second key from this allowing me to finish the game.
  • In the farm there is a wine giving quest. The villagers have a missing string table entry error.
  • There doesn't appear to be a way to tell which quests are completed and which not. Also the status of the quests is difficult to tell.
  • After climbing the robot I think I got the quest to talk to shift from the mercenary leader but it doesn't appear in my log and Shift just tells me to go away. After finding the missing guy, Shift does say something about telling the guards to let me pass.
  • The summon fairy is nice, but having it in the middle of the screen is annoying.
  • It's possible to sell quest items like the proof of ownership and the special orders because their price is set to 5.
  • I can't seem to give the special orders to the mercenary leader.
  • Sometimes enemy weapons don't show up, but they still perform the animations and drop their weapons upon death. So far I have seen the kobolds and skeletons with two-handers do this.

There is also a good point to praise you with. The light in caves only lights up the ground, so I almost walked off of a cliff in the hive. More games should do that because it forces me to be more careful  which is good for the immersion.

I've played for about 2 hours, mostly jumping around and looking for places to go where I shouldn't. It was a pretty fun experience and you should have a bit more confidence in your own skills.

  • Combat is basic but functional. Spamming attack seems to work best for me. Some more variety in attack types and dodging would help a lot.
  • Jumping felt nice. Having platforming challenges as an extra could be fun.
  • Starting dungeon is nicely designed. Enemies where easy to deal with but still felt dangerous with their amount of damage. I feel like level/environment design is where your talent shines.
  • Sound design and music are nice. Though sometimes footsteps sound starts playing before the previous one ended
  • It's really difficult to tell what monsters are powerful and which are not. You also seem to be having trouble with scaling enemy difficulty. In the forest there is a cave with a few maggots in front and inside it, so I thought it was an easy dungeon but when I went further inside a scorpion or something removed 90% of my hp in one hit.
  • Some pirates didn't have any dialog
  • The saw weapon didn't have a description
  • Talking to the pirate captain let's you say that you and Trawiz found a way of the Island before having ever met Trawiz. Afterwards you can also say that the ship is repaired even though I didn't do anything with the ship.
  • There are no consequences for stealing. Only the guy you stole from comes after you and as soon as you lose aggro everything goes back to normal.
  • When asking the camp guards where the farm is, he is the one saying thanks instead of the main character.
  • I was able to enter the camp by going through the farm before finishing the quest shift gave me. After entering once the guards don't seem to stop you anymore.
  • When joining the mercernaries you get the quest of helping Shift out. I am not sure if that is the same quest as you got to be able to enter the camp or a different one.
  • The torch fire seems to be bugged. Sometimes the flame is visible other times it isn't. It would also be nice to be able to douse the flame and put the torch back into your backpack. 
  • When going to bed you keep the lit torch in your hand which looks weird.
  • Tooltips on the stats would be nice to be able to tell what they do.

That's everything that I have for now. Like I said in the thread I will do a full playthrough later just to make you feel bad.

I got filtered by the wall after the destroyed bridge all the way in the beginning. I might give it another go tomorrow.

I think the combat has potential, though at this point in time you can basically just spam light sword attack and win. Right now it lacks a goal to work towards, but it was a nice little experience. Some things I noticed:

  • 2 enemies commited suicide by running away into the water and drowning.
  • When in the water you only see the head of your character which is fine. But I was in a zone that was a lake with an island in the middle and 1 tile wide exits to the right and left. It becomes really hard to tell where your hitbox is to get into that gap.
  • The walls blocking your sword from swinging is a nice touch, but you need to give some sort of signal as to what is happening. The current way of only doing half a swing is way too subtle.

I feel like this game suffers from feature creep. There is too much to do without really having any pointers as to where to go. The gameplay itself feels nice, but there are so many guns and upgrades that it becomes hard to tell what you picked up though that might just be my inexperience. Something to note is that in the aggydaggy arena in matryoshka mode it is possible to get inside the letters  if you get small enough while your opponent is too big to get in. This can be abused by sore losers to get their opponent to rage quit. The music is 10/10 though.

The guns are really nice and movement felt fast and smooth. There is some good potential here. My only real complaint is the transition to aiming, it felt really jarring to me and made me prefer running through the kill house hip firing.

I've only played for a little bit of the first and second sector, like the other guy said it's a good concept with a nice execution. I might play more of it in the future. It does suffer from the physics puzzle curse of having the right solution but needing to get the lines just right which can be infuriating.

A few points that I found:

  • The lock/unlock face icon seems to be inverted. Maybe it's just me but having the icon for locked be free rotation seems weird
  • The lock/unlock face keeps getting reset in between levels which is annoying
  • Escape isn't working from the starting screen but is when playing a level
  • When changing audio/video settings there is a [esc] close button, the hitbox isn't working properly. You need to be in a very specific location for it to work. Also the functionality of pressing the button and pressing esc is different.