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A member registered Jun 01, 2020 · View creator page →

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Update: I made the punch attack slightly faster and added the space bar for jumping!

Thanks for playing, glad you enjoyed it! The team did an amazing job in their fields, so I'm glad to hear I was able to properly showcase their work! The melee spell was originally design as a last resort spell if the enemies get in your face as it does some good damage. It does have a major drawback as you mentioned as I wanted to make sure players don't spam that one spell throughout the whole run. I will keep the feedback you mention for it in mind though. Would space being a option for jumping help too? 

Fun experience, I was cutting it really close at the end. I like the idea of the player getting bigger and bigger while also being on a timer! The distance meter on the side also helped a lot as it didn't feel like a endless cycle forward. Nice game

I really like the cute little box that comes out, it caught me off guard when I did it when trying to jump. I like how agile I feel when being the little guy and how I use these two characters to traverse through the levels. With some music and maybe some tutorial text it could be really fun!

The idea of rotating the level to get the boulders out is really fun! The simplicity of it is nice especially with a cool background and some fast pace music playing

Interesting game! I like the concept with the spikes and fires coming in and out! It does get a bit challenging at times, but I had a good time overall

Cute game! I enjoyed the idea of going on this adventure to get the mouse and return and obstacles like worms and bugs getting in your way! The cityscape and music complimented each other pretty well, giving me a fun time in this

For a first platformer its really good! If it had checkpoints or if we restart at the start of the level then it would've been perfect. The art and audio you used gives me such a cutesy vibe and the inside world area felt so cool! I also like how you even showed elements of the inside world coming out. The cutscene in the beginning and the scene transitions were a nice touch too, just wished we didn't had restart the whole game after missing a jump.

I really enjoy the idea of a fan Dota game! The art was great and you made great use of the sounds! The gameplay is a bit challenging though, I did the practice, but as soon as I got into the match I just been easily killed a lot 

Hey thanks for playing the game! Yup I'm actually making a finished version of the game after the jam and it includes addressing the combat issues people mentioned! I even made the enemies be able to jump too, so next update should be interesting lol

(1 edit)

Ah that's so weird, thanks for addressing this! Update: I just tried doing what you did and it doesn't pull up the tab. Maybe its for certain computers? I'll have to look into more

Thanks for playing! The boss fight is currently bugged as I didn't have time to finish the vision I had for her encounter. But, I am going to finish it after the jam! For the combat system, that was one worried I had, but didn't really had time to code a solution too, that's why for the golem fights I made sure the player couldn't do that. I will see if I can code the guard enemies to jump too!  For the window issue I'm not sure what you mean? I didn't see other players had that issue and when playing in the web I didn't either. Can you send me a screenshot so I can better address that issue?

Thanks for playing! Yeah the attacks I will have to playtest some more as I didn't had much time this time around. I was originally aiming for positioning and comboing of your spells, but I can do more playtesting after the jam and tweak the combat to feel more fun to use! 

Thanks for the detailed feedback and for playing the game I appreciated it! I wanted to tell a story in this jam so visuals and audio was something I wanted to focus heavily for this jam. For the attacks I can definitely rework some things as I didn't had time to fully playtest them in this jam. Is W not how most platformers use for jumping? If you using arrow keys its also the Up arrow. The boss fight I didn't have to finish sadly as I had awesome idea for her and even had the animations ready, but didn't have enough time to code her and playtest the bugs. I am looking to finish her encounter after the jam however! Thanks for the review and playing!

Hey thanks for playing! The boss fight is not finished, I didn't have enough time to code the desired combat I had in mind for her and then it got bugged as well. But I am looking to finish her after the jam

For 8 hours, that's actually really impressive! 

I love the voice acting you did for this entry! It was a kinda of shame to have it battling with the music audio, but I was still able to make out the story that was being told. The plot twist at the end was interesting. The black and white style I enjoyed, but for gameplay I wish there was more things to do. And the mechanic to see the case in new lens was a fun idea, but felt like a miss opportunity for puzzle solving. Overall it was a cool short experience!

Such a beautiful experience! The art for the reality, dream world, and the characters were great. My personal favorite is how drastic the music changes when you switch between planes. When I first got into the dream realm, the music immediately got me immersed! I did had a instance where I accidently push a crate to a wall and I was unable to get it out and I was stuck from it. Besides that, it was a really nice entry!

Thanks for the experience, it gave me nostalgic vibes to being in a arcade room! I like the idea of inhaling the enemies and shooting them back out, but shooting felt more like a hinderance compared to inhaling as that instant kills enemies. I do like the different variety of bullets, but I felt more inclined to use the inhaling more. I really like how you had a bunch of levels and even a boss fight at the end, it felt complete. Overall awesome entry!

This game was a cool experience to have. I like the idea of a murder mystery and figuring out clues from the inside out and the art, especially the portraits came out amazing! The movement animations look a bit off for this genre and it did felt off putting seeing the drastic contrast between in-game characters and the portraits at the same time as someone mentioned. In the beginning I was trying to read the text, but I wasn't fast enough as they go to the next section, it also became too much text later in the game that I just started skimming through everything. As I was trying to figure out the mystery, I interacted with a door and then my game crashed. Besides those nitpicks, this game has a lot of potential to be something incredible! 

The art is very immersive and the ambience gives me that creepy vibe! I love the idea playing as a spider as I try to escape out! The parkour got a little annoying at times, but overall its a really nice game!

Hey thanks for making the game! It was confusing at first, but once I got it I got invested in trying to beat the levels. My high score is 17 and it was pretty nice seeing how you incorporated changing in and out of the level! I did encounter a few things that I should note, the first being sometimes red cubes are hidden inside the environment and when they dash at me it gets me off guard. And that there's a glitch that both dimensions are on at the same time leaving me with empty space and enemies that I can hit at all times. Besides that, its a really cool idea!

Hey, thanks for the game. Unfortunately I couldn't beat it as I fell off the map and into the endless void a few times. I like the idea you have going , but I wasn't able to fight any aliens as the first part was challenging in of itself. The music is really great as I felt immersed in this universe while listening! 

Thanks for playing! Do you have any suggestions for the controls? As I'm looking to improve and finish this game after the jam

Thanks for playing! I really wanted to tell a story in this jam and I'm glad I was able to succeed in that! As for the gameplay, thanks I'll see if I can tweak after the jam

Thank for playing, happy to hear you enjoyed it! For the combat I was experimenting with the idea of like a slow planning your attacks type of game, but I probably miscalculated the ideal slowness, will take the feedback into consideration!

Thank you for playing! I'm glad you enjoyed the art and voice acting! For the abilities I wanted to carefully think of ways that each spell can shine while still having its cons, but put together can bring some fun engagements!

Ayyyee glad you enjoyed the game! Yup the final boss is currently bugged, but I'll be sure to fix it after the jam

Thanks for playing the game! Yeah the final fight is bugged for some reason and I didn't have time to fix it. But I will be sure to fix it after the jam!

Thanks for playing!

Thanks, glad you love the design! I was aiming for slow strategy, but I may have made the character too slow in the process haha

Ayyee thanks for playing! 

Saw this entry on stream and knew I had to give this a play! This is a lot of fun and I was able to get my name in the leaderboard too which is pretty sick. Nice entry!

Glad you enjoyed the story and decided to give it a play as well! For the enemies sometimes not returning, its a bug for them to not immediately go back, and I don't really know a solution to it. However, it may be consider a feature too as it can give some personality to the enemies like maybe one is still suspicious before returning back lol. Thanks for playing the game! 

Ahh glad I was able to impress despite spoiling some of the content in my updates! I'm also very happy to hear you was very immersed in the gameplay and story! Thanks for playing our game

Ayyee top 5 is huge! Thank you for your generosity! 

Thank you! Yeah I knew some people interested in voice acting and I knew how to easily implement it, so I felt like I needed it in the game to really sell its story together.  Glad its one of your faves!

Update to my previous post: Got to play the bug free version and its a lot of fun, glad you reminded me of the fix! I would say maybe having a wrong indication sound when giving the incorrect Ice cream as I had a few moments where I was so confused why they weren't taking it until I realize it needed sprinkles. Nice work on the game! 

Lovely pixel art on the character and environment! The music is pretty captivating in keeping me engaged as well! The puzzles felt kind of tedious as it just moving the same rocks and sometimes I keep getting them stuck and having to restart it all over again. The gameplay is missing a element that can break the tedious cycle of moving rocks. Nevertheless nice work on the game!