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A member registered Jul 16, 2017 · View creator page →

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Greatly enjoying 0.2! Tree cutting is such a simple mechanic that really proves to deepen the strategy. Now the running $ total feels like a measure of skill as well as luck. Shuffle still feels a little expensive, but I'm sure mileage varies on that. I've played probably 60-75 islands' worth and used shuffle only once or twice, but when I did it certainly came in handy.
Still loving how great the feedback is, both through the SFX and the camera shake.
Keeping it bite-sized could definitely be wise, especially if you want to migrate to mobile at some point (which I would love, personally), but if you're planning to stay on desktop, I think a map size option could be a lot of fun. I'd love to see how the strategy changes when the map is twice the area, with an advancement threshold of $50, and so on.
My personal feature wish list aside, tons of replay value, great game. Keep up the good work! :)

Wow, that's too kind of you. I really appreciate it. We had a blast coming up with this game, I'm really glad you like what we were able to do in the short amount of time <3

Very fun! The music is a great choice. The size was perfect for my screen haha

I got a stuck a couple times trying  to get to the sink and had to back up and reposition, but overall things were smooth. And I appreciate how consistent the pixel dimensions are. Great job!

The packing mechanic was awesome! The driving was soo fun! Great job :) The parallax on the buildings goes the wrong way I think, which was confusing for a second, but I don't care! Drifting around buildings and sniping packages makes for an awesome play experience.
If there's anything to criticize, it's that I wish I could stop quickly, or reverse direction more easily. I love driving fast and skidding, but that means it takes an awkward few seconds to reposition if you miss one. But again, the driving is awesome overall.

Great job!!

This game is beautiful! I understand the lateral interpretation of the theme. Well done. So rewarding. Thank you!

Really awesome game. As a big fan of puzzle games, I loved how strong the theme was, and how well you introduced the puzzle mechanics as levels went on.
The music is perfect, nice and ambient, but not too repetitive as to get boring quickly. The visual language is really clear, and the physics are consistent once you get the hang of them. Let me know if you keep developing this, because I would play 50+ levels of this game :)


The 'A for objectives' on the game page is a typo. It's Q.

Wonderful game! Some slight physics errors, bu who cares!! It was a blast :)
The art was great, design, programming, all top-notch. One of my favorite games of the jam, and definitely my favorite game about escaping from an abusive husband.

Thanks so much, and good luck in the voting!

((Interesting approach to the jam. An amusing change of pace, if nothing else!))

Played it with my roommates and only two of us died!
Instructions unclear. Fed the dishes and washed dinner. Could use playtesting.

Overall a great job! I wrote down my thoughts as I was playing, then came over here and realized that it was almost exactly the same as HiImBarney's review. So I'll second that, and add a couple things.

The lateral movement vs diagonal conveyor belts didn't bother me at all. I thought it worked well with 8-way movement.
There were moments where it would be unclear whether the item I was entering was registered, like if the player model was at a shallow angle to the box, or if the box would go behind a pillar, etc. I think either removing the ability to drop items on the floor, or adding some more visual feedback on placing items would help a bit.
I was having trouble cycling through the inventory, remembering which way was up and down.  If the mouse wheel is a usable alternative as HilmBarney alluded to, that's great. Personally I didn't realize that. Perhaps I missed it in the controls screen. But I would remove the use of x and z if possible, or at least make them swappable, like invert-y-axis is in many games.

Again, great job, great game, and good luck in the voting!

Nice job! I had a great scare when I realized they were also coming from above! As others have mentioned, some tweaks to the graphics and the enemy behavior would go a long way, but it was fun! Thanks :)

I love the art style! And what we have of the dialogue is really great, feels natural. I can completely relate to moving toward a VN style for time reasons, we did almost the same thing. Great job, and I hope this gets further completed if you have time in the future! I'd love to see Father Lupus, and more of the compound.

Fun game! Definitely added ambiance from the voice acting. Expecially impressive in a jam game, so good job. Also, I love any game where you can open everything haha
I sort of felt the mouse sensitivity was too high, but overall it has a great vision, and it's executed well. Thanks!

Love that 'thwack'! That professor is a real heel! Thanks for a fun game; It feels really polished, and your procedurals are balanced nicely. There were a couple of dead ends that created difficulties for me, but I know how long tweaking those variables can take, so kudos for making it work so well in the short time. :)

Thanks so much for your kind words!

The dialogue system definitely was one part that we didn't have time to really polish, but I'm looking forward to going back and getting that smoothed out along with the core mechanics once voting has ended. We loved working on this game, and I think it could have potential as a puzzle RPG.

Thanks again for playing!

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Strong mood, for sure. The game itself is pretty sparse, but as others have mentioned, the graphics really pull you in. I was genuinely curious to see what would happen. Thanks!

Love the concept, and it's visually clear, too, which seems like it could be tough to pull off. Great job! I would love to see it with some of the kinks worked out, and maybe a slower ramp-up time to get a feel for the new levels. A visual indication of which colors are most valuable would help a lot, as it's tough to reads the stats at a fast pace like that. But it's a good start to a cool game! Thanks :)

Fun! It's definitely a van that makes me want to crash into things haha
I can see this being even better with more levels, inclines, etc maybe a little tweak here and there to the physics. Thanks!

As others have said, a great game, and very soothing. As a longtime fan of Tetris, I'm loving all the tetris-likes in this jam, but this one is my favorite of those so far. Played through a couple times, got to island 15 or so. If you add a couple mechanics to this (Things come to mind like limited-use tree cutting, or using sandbags to squeeze one more tile out of an island) this is easily worth a few bucks on the app store. Great great job, and good luck in the voting!

Wow, what a great look for a game! The art and design go together really well. The pace of the gameplay is almost perfect, and it has very few bugs. The lightly sardonic tone of the entire design was absolutely great as well, keeping the mood up by escalating the absurdity at each turn.
My only notes are that if the jump doesn't trigger, not to play the jump SFX as that messed up my timing a few times, and then maybe a little tweaking to the hitboxes to make the level design a tiny bit more forgiving. That, and maybe a punch-up of the run animation. Contrary to other comments, the clocks as time-extenders  seems pretty clear from the start.
For me, it was a brute force memorization game, learning the safe paths and building muscle memory, which made for a very rewarding experience, in which you're spending longer getting to know each level as opposed to rushing through many quicker levels as many platformers do.
Overall, high marks in every category. Thanks!

The hitboxing took a little getting used to, and the speed could be a little slower. But visually it's great, and I love the thematic element of getting paid in toilet paper. Very funny! Thanks

Yes! Good to see you :)

So impressed that you were able to develop for mobile and publish on the Play Store in two days! Love the icon showing up at the location of the last tap. Swapping from reading the item off the bottom to using that feels like a superpower haha
Would love to see a couple more power-ups and maybe different themed levels, but overall it's a fun little game! Great job :)

A fun idea! I like the art and music. Love the mechanic of each case coming around until it's finished. The low frame rate makes the game a lot more precise, but harder to time for me. Works as expected, no bugs I saw. Great job!

Click and drag items from the top and arrange them to fit within the white box on the bottom. Each suitcase completed is worth a point.

Very frustrating, but very satisfying as well. After probably 30 tries, I actually cheered when I finished it. As others have stated, this would make an incredible co-op game. I wouldn't complain about a bump up to the mass or responsiveness of the box, but I can definitely respect the challenge. Thanks for a fun game!


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A Job Well Done. Excellent game, 5/5! My favorite of the jam so far. Took me a while to realize you can hack up the trees, too! Muahaha!
Let me know if you beat $1342

Really enjoyed this! So frustrating! But satisfying and consistent. It took many plays to develop better strategy. As best I can tell, you have to focus on putting perpendicular walls between you and the enemies. The only times they slow down are to change direction and if the rub up against a wall. And still I couldn't get more than 500 points. Kept going in for "one more try". Let me know if you decide to implement multiple levels or more power-ups. Great job!

On a straight-away, the enemies are definitely just barely faster than the player, but that's kinda the point! You have to put as many walls between you and them as possible. Their speed is counteracted by your agility. They take wide corners whereas you can corner very fast.

Great game! Very spooky. Had some minor issues with navigation controls, but overall, a really well-done game. Thanks!

Why not get WinRar?

Super! Heavy ambiance, Strong aesthetic. Great job!

3Pac is a good boy. 10/10 mixtape

Lots of fun! Took a minute to get the hang of it, but once I got on a roll it was smooth sailing! I'll be following to see what you make next. Thanks so much!

Great execution! Turns out there's also an instant win button. I'm a dirty cheater and I'm not ashamed! haha

Got 3555. Well-polished! Could use a difficulty curve at higher point values, but the gameplay is tight and the audio feedback is really satisfying. Thanks!

Very cute! Really great tutorial section and surprisingly hectic! Thanks :)

Great idea! I've been tinkering with my game since the jam, too, and it's been a blast implementing all the new features. Good luck 👍