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Spice Druid

A member registered Aug 15, 2020 · View creator page →

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Thank you for the response! I will keep at it 🙏

really sick art style, but there must be a control or something I am missing as every trail I take seems to be a dead end. it could do with a dash ability!

ok just got info that you can just go back up the pipe on reddit - I wish this was communicated better (signy maybe??). Also, early game players might not have enough levels to fly up that far. Thanks anyway

once you enter the toilet realm, is there any way to leave it? If you enter as a complete noob on accident and are severely underleveled there is apparently no way to go back to spawn even with console commands, so you will keep dying there unless you reset your game.

Very cool game! all the puzzles were all fun and challenging whilst not being too difficult. an enjoyable experience

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Thank you! Development has stopped for the foreseeable future as I am working on a new game of the same genre. Consider it a sequel of sorts, its going to revamp the mechanics ,story and gameplay from everything I've learned whilst making this one. Hopefully I will be able to show off something soon, so stick around for that. Appreciate it though!

thanks :)

Very fun. Although I wish there were more combat encounters and the inventory open cutscene is a bit too long.

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Thanks so much for playing! And yes, I am still working on this game. -edit- I'm no longer working on this game as I plan to make a new and improved FPS from everything I have learned making this one, stick around for news about that hopefully. Appreciate the feedback though, will definitely keep the platform building in some form for the next game.

took a while to get used to. Perhaps having a 'submit' button would reduce the need to either wait ages for the choice to submit and to give you more time to plan your strategy.

Great for a first game! thought the player and die should maybe be able to move faster though, and the last puzzle was quite janky. very cute though.

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great game, although I wish you could reset to choose different options.

where are the playerprefs stored? that way I could delete them and try again lol

Really fun, loved the voice lines

Kinda broken, turning was unintuitive and there was a nullrefrenceexeption when you entered the dice hole thing (dev console was on)

style was pretty nice though

great game, although the yellow machine gun shooting noise could probably give me tinitus. the purple one was fun, and then the green and blue ones were pretty much useless.

there was some decent enemy variation but It never got any harder and the wizards were too sparse imo.

pretty cool! could do with a tutorial though as I didn't really know what to do at first.

also, when I killed the king, I got softlocked as I couldnt continue, and I was still being attacked.

Very good for a first game!

cant say it fits the theme though.

super fun! could do with the ability to keep moving if you hold down the arrow keys, and it gets super easy endgame. amazing otherwise

Noted- Yeah I never managed to fully finish the graphics in time, especially the tank.

I added a more detailed description for the redirector on the itchio page, hopefully that helps a bit.

Super juicy!

Cubes were fun to knock around, but for some reason I couldn't enter the portal.

the color changing mechanic was definitely quite creative, although the powerups seemed to make changing colors a waste of your time. maybe its utilised more in the second stage but since I couldnt enter it I have no idea.

In terms of graphics I would recommend making the style of the terrain, slimes, etc to match the asthetic of the cube, I think that would look a lot cooler. 

Pretty cool nevertheless.

oh my god.... This is amazing...

A very fun game! very original concept as well, I couldn't think of anything for this jam.

I saw you in the wowie discord. really impressed that you managed to implement multiplayer in a game jam!

Fun game! I wish that the green blocks would jump more though.

When you think about it, it's actually kinda dark... a careless parent lets their child pick what to feed the fish instead of searching up the right one to use, and when they all die she just replaces them.

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yeah, it was kinda last minute and doesn't really pop out that much. hopefully this one is better!

great game! loved the unique style. buy the way, is it just me or does the banana seller look like his nostrils are his eyes and his chin are his mouth ?

here is a hint: by now you know that corpses can push buttons and finish levels, but what else can they do?

I am quite a celeste fan :D

is the skip button not working, or do you not know how to solve it ? I can give you a hint

Great game, makes me suspicious that this is your first!

Music was... questionable. and the motion blur and those spike balls suck... other than that I somehow enjoyed it a lot.

wish there was another ending if you did what the robot said, but either way a very good game!

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The game is pretty fun! although I didn't find it that simple, that bopping soundtrack definitely put up the WOWIE! factor.

great game, love the FX. although sometimes you can spawn in front of the FBI and get spawnkilled.

absolute masterpiece. the gameplay is stunning and the graphics are amazing.  I keep coming back for more.


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I couldn't get the game to run. are you sure you built it properly?

Really hard game and the dashing enemy was really unenjoyable. 

Also I think it is outside of the theme. anything related to the theme didn't affect gameplay.

Its suprisingly fun! you could have made it look better if you not only have a directional light where the sun is coming from, but weaker lights from the back and sides. doing that makes sure the cubes don't look as muddy. unfortunately I never got to use the giant because it was too slow to catch up with the other troops, but other than that its a really cool game!