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William Tyler

A member registered Jun 15, 2020 · View creator page →

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Hello, you're game was pretty fun, and was easy to grasp. I wasn't expecting to immediately be swarmed by five npc's upon starting the game. There some issues with lag and being unable to interact with some of the celebrities. But aside from that I had a lot of fun with your game. Great job! 

Sure thing, so on the first level the background cuts off near the end of the level. While on the second level, in the part where you push the boxes, I noticed that the background randomly jumps to showing the claw-like arm, which then disappears if I walk a few steps back. I went and took some screenshots to show the areas I'm referring to. I still enjoyed your game either way and it was mostly just something I noticed.

The pixel art style is well done, and I your prototype was fun to play. Fortunately I use Chrome so I didn't have any issues playing it, but thanks for the warning regarding Firefox none the less. The aesthetic and gameplay were fun, and I especially enjoyed the wall climbing mechanic with the platforming. Whether or not this was intentional, as a Hollow Knight fan, wall climbing is such a fun mechanic. I could see how you plan on implementing the theme from your documents, as the main character is trying to Petition to help fight the consequences of climate change, and I can't wait to see how this is seen in your game. I'm a little confused about the timer though, as it doesn't stop even after exiting the tab. Aside from that, I enjoyed your prototype and look forward to seeing the full game.

I love the aesthetic/feel and I can see the plan you have in mind for your game by playing your demo. Although I just wish there was a better explanation for what I'm supposed to do with all the wooden planks I was getting from the forest, because all I could really do with them was stack a bunch on top of each other to the point that they stretched across the entire screen. However, I'll let this slide as this is just a prototype and it's still playable.  Looking at your game design doc, I can see you plan on implementing the theme through hazard cards and can't wait to see them in action. Either way, your game looks fun and kind of reminds me of Catan, I can't wait to see how your game evolves over the jam.

Hello again, I got to check out your prototype and I like what you have so far. The art style is cute, but I still don't understand what the tiki guys and the space teddy bear. Are they placeholders?  The gameplay looks fun, and aside from there being a bit too much gravity on the jump and some weird stuff with the background of the background, I really enjoyed your game and played it twice. I still can't wait to see what comes next.

(1 edit)

Your games sounds fun and the idea of a playing as a fox spirit is really interesting. I love the concept art and visuals you provided and you do a great job explaining the idea behind your game. My only concern is that the scope might a bit large, but you seem to have a plan on how to approach development, so this isn't really that big of a concern. Overall, I really like your game concept and did a great job explaining your idea. I look forward to playing your game and learning more about Rue. 

Your art style is so cute and it does remind me of Night in the Woods, which is my favorite games. I also like your choice of tackling the issue of light pollution as that's an area of climate change I haven't really considered. My only critique is that I would like to see more about your development plan so I can get a better scope of how you plan on approaching your game in terms of development. Aside from that, you game looks cute and promising and I look forward to seeing your finished product.

I'm obsessed with otters, and I really like the idea of basing your art style off of Gris. However, I would like to see more visuals and concept for your game such as concept art and storyboards. That way I can get a better understanding of what you plan to do for your game.