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This was a very fun little game! It took a few tries to understand the force of the explosions, but once you get it it's quite fun to blast the little guy around! And making him dynamite, getting used up each explosion, works really well as a dynamic way to limit tries per life. 

Also, the combination of the 3d model and 2d art around worked quite well! Good job!

This is fantastic! 

The systems are great and build on each other really well, great work there! 

The only suggestions I'd have are for quality-of-life improvements, like 'bookmarks' in the book to go from section to section, and clear indicators of what's a clickable link in the book vs just a title. Another suggestion would be actually seeing the ingredients and dragging them onto the plate, rather than words onto a menu.

But! Those are just nice-to-haves. Overall, this is completely working and really fun!  Also, the art is really cute!

Great work!

I loved this! The art style, the sounds, the gameplay, all awesome! I would best describe this as a cute sandbox game.

My only critique is that I want more of it! I think the enjoyment from your game is earning new objects and working out what on earth to do with them, with no rush or pressure. Maybe you could add a timed mode with a scoreboard if you want to speedrun this game?

*SPOILERS* I loved the little guy running around in their hamster ball!!! This game is so adorable but that particular dude has a special place in my heart :)

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The visuals in this game are really nice! I also enjoyed the green monochrome palette that was decided on.

I found it a little hard to get into, there were a few spelling errors which I'm not usually fussed about but this was a very dialogue heavy game so it did impact the overall enjoyment a little bit.

I really love the level of detail put into the backstory! It feels like a very big game considering there was only a week put into this. Keep it up! :)

I really enjoyed this! I found myself getting hooked and replaying the game, trying to help the heroes. 

It was a little overwhelming at first trying to work out what's going on, but after you find your rhythm it's a really enjoyable game. Something I did note is that one of my guys was "Sleepy", and nothing I planted seemed to help him. I felt a little too rushed to work out what plant would fix the "Sleepy" issue best, so just did another play through. My first play though was also a bit rough as I was "blind" until I worked out what to do, and by the time I planted the sunflower everyone had very low health and I just restarted again lol!

I think if you make this a bit more beginner friendly, it could make an already great game even better! Thanks for making this :)

Thank you so much :D 

I'm glad you liked the hand-switch system. How you've described it is exactly what I was going for, leading into the pressure of ensuring 'nothing can go wrong'!  I'm also very glad you liked the artstyle, as that was a focus of improvement for me for this jam :)

I didn't have to ability to playtest on a laptop for this game unfortunately, but a lot of other players share that sentiment so it's definitely something to give a lot of thought to going forwardi n both this game and future jams. 

Fullscreening would definitely help rectify some tricky issue I think, sorry I couldn't get it working this time around!

Thank you for playing the game and giving feedback :)

Thanks for playing! I'm glad you liked the art style in particular, as that's something I'm trying to improve at the moment :) I'm also glad you thought the controls worked in this instance; I wasn't sure how they would be received, and I've gotten a lot of good feedback about the pros and cons so far :D 

A keyboard key to change the hand mode is a good idea! Maybe just 'Space' to do so. Thanks for that input! Yes, clicking out of the screen was definitely the biggest issue with this build.

Thank you very much for the fullscreening info, too! I'll definitely do that once the jam is over! I saw it worked well on your submission! I really appreciate that advice!

Good work! This was a nice little platformer :) I liked the dash mechanic, though it was a little awkward to press while trying to move with WASD. It took me a few tries to get to the end because of this, and then having to restart from the beginning was a little annoying. But I got there! 

I think the combat worked well, though sometimes it felt the ghosts had different levels of health to other ghosts which meant I would expect it to be defeated, but then it would still exist and damage me. 

Losing all the hearts at once when jumping up into them was also something which I think can be improved, as this also resulted in a complete restart.

Good work, and also great take on the theme! :D 

This game's atmosphere was exceptional! Definitely one of my favourites of the jam :D

 I loved the 2.5D artstyle, and the gameplay did exactly what I wanted it to.

I think I may have encountered a bug, or finished the game? I traveled to platform 5, then a train came, and I wound up back on the title screen.

Everything else, except for that, worked very well! The pysch-horror elements shined through, and I look forward to seeing if this goes further!

With these types of games, there's always the risk of explaining things too much, but I was a little confused when the shadows showed up - the psych horror elements came in a bit suddenly, and I wasn't sure what was happening. Once it clicked,  I was able to immerse myself a lot more, but that transition felt a little abrupt to me.

The idea of the puzzles worked well, and I see in other comments that there may have been a bug with this in this build. That's all good, because the idea behind it works well so its an easy fix! 

The idea of station rules / your own rules is also really interesting, but I think more fleshing out here would really make the idea of making your own rules to get through the world work well.

Overall, great effort and I look forward to seeing if anything more comes from this idea! :D

(PS - don't know if this comment is formatting weird for you, if so I apologise! I'm not sure what the issue is :') )

Thank you! An interactive tutorial would have been a great addition for sure! Trackpad has come up a few times in other comments, so that's definitely something to think about going forward as well as I didn't even consider that when making this lol - Trying to find the right point of spin speed for it was a lot of fiddling, it shouldn't go toooooo fast but also shouldn't be a slog too turn, like how it must be on a trackpad. I'm glad you found the controls otherwise engaging. Thanks for the feedback and kind words, friend! :D

This game was very interesting! The pogo mechanic was creative, but there were times where you seemed to require precision movement, and since we only controlled the jump/slam time it made it quite difficult to get through. The drugs bit was also very funny tho, good job with that haha! The little pink fish was also cute, good job with the art overall! And finally, the take on the theme was also good - having everything help instead of hinder fit very well. The menu could have been a bit more clear, as i wasn't sure where to click initially, then missed the tutorial / level 0 because of the (funny!) puffer fish going everywhere. Great work and effort given the time you did it in, plus school and everything else! I can see a lot of character that you put into it :D 

This was a very functional vampire survivor type of game! Everything worked exactly how i expected it too, and the cheese element was a fun visual twist :) One thing that was difficult was that enemies spawned really close in your path, which made it extremely difficult to get passed a few minutes of gameplay, even with experience rate gains and all the cool upgrades. That would be my main struggle, as otherwise it was very satisfactory :)

Thank you! I'm glad you liked the art style, that was something I was quite proud of :) May I ask, which wall of text was a hurdle? None of the text line seem too long for me, so I'd love to know what to improve on in the future!

Thanks for the feedback! Yeah, laptop track-pads were something I didn't consider with this control scheme at all, so thanks for bringing that up! It was built with a regular mouse in mind, so I'll have to think how it could be made to work with a track pad. The intention was to have the hand follow the mouse cursor in a drifting format so that it wasn't a super easy click-based game, and was more challenging to control -- almost like a surgeon-simulator style of alternative hand control, in a way. I'll definitely think about improving the tutorial to make the control more clear! Thanks again for playing and the feedback :)

This was so much goofy fun omg - i love the arcadeyness of it.

I really liked just getting into a pile up trying to take the easter island head lol. I can definitely see this as a multi-level game with more and more complicated and silly museums to steal from.

10/10 would punch a museum security guard again. Also, putting the tutorial as the sidebar image is super smart!

Thank you! Yes, I really wish I had time to fix the full screen issue up - but I'm glad you enjoyed it :D

There are so many submissions to this jam,  it's super overwhelming to try to choose which ones to play. So, drop your game here so I can play it! And while you're here, why not give mine a go too? I'm super keen to share feedback :D

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Your game was really good! I left a comment on the specific page with more feedback. Here's mine :)

This was a great little shooter! The sentient gun angle was fun, and the bouncing bullets and narrow corridors you could get stuck on made it so you had to think instead of button-spamming. Great work!

Neat idea! I enjoyed watching the massive crowd fight to get to the front of the queue, only to be told I have just two mushrooms left lol

Making a random -gen roguelike in a week is super impressive! great work there! It took a little fighting to work out how it functions, but it made sense in the end - though i wish the non-immediate-explode-floaty-guys had healthbars so I could plan my moves around them a little more. Other than that, it worked super well :D 

this is super well done! I love the visuals, and the little quirks that you came up with the make printing a puzzle were great! I do think the player character should just buy a new printer though...

Love me a good red button! :D 

Cool game! I got a little dizzy because of the different speeds the road and the side environments were going at, but other than that this was a fun little runner with a cool twist!

Cool game! The atmosphere is really well done! I got got by leaving a vent open :c Great work :D

I really liked this one! The puzzles grew in trickiness by just the right amount each level :) I did find the dark clouds to be quite annoying, though i understand their narrative purpose. I wonder if there's a different way that idea could be conveyed? Anyway, great job with this, and definitely explore this idea further! :D 

Thanks for playing! Yeah trying to nail the controls to work without just being attached to the mouse position was a fine line to tread

nervous is exactly what I was going for! Glad you liked it :D 

Thanks for playing :D glad the visuals fit!

Thank you! :D 

This was super well done! The chaotic vibe was very effective and I really really liked viewing it in the 3rd dimension lmao - great shake up!

this one was super fun - one of my favourites of the whole jam! Great work and keep working on this one going forward!

Haunted Unpacking is a super neat idea! Really cool what was achieved in a week - and the art and sounds were great too!

Loved the undertale-esque combat! And the art was very nice too :)

Took a few tries to realize the bricks were disappearing with the timer.

But once i worked that out I managed to build it up pretty high!

I really liked the art on this one! It was a little tricky to keep fighting the enemies when I could only fire in a straight line and they could go anywhere, but I managed!

This is a super cute little game and i really liked the platforming mechanics, they worked really well!

Love these styles of games! I felt there could have been a bit more to break it up, as i had to make a lot of choices to reach an outcome -- but it worked great!

I think the aspect ratio might be a little off, since I couldn't press the 'in case of snakes' button -- but that also fits the theme, so well done! Also, hello fellow nuclear power plant first-day employee!

Hello fellow nuclear engineer! I burned down your power plant :c -- really cool game, I really liked having to look around to find info, that was a great touch!