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Thanks so much for the awesome feedback. Also love the idea of starting a level with blocks you have to clear to finish! And uhh.. yeah that was a totally planned "easter egg" lol

Thanks for the play! :D

Thanks for the play man! I checked out Blocklet and I really dig it! Splitting between playing Tetris but also playing a platformer is an awesome idea. 

rare Tetris, even! Thanks for the review friend. :D 

Both Tenfold and I are pretty new to game dev and about halfway through the first night of the jam, it fully dawned on us that we have to make a game (Tetris) to make this game. Kudos to Tenfold's coding wizardry though! Lol. Thanks for the feedback. :D

We really did go back and forth on what to kind of reveal at first, but adding an explanation after restarting once or by level 2 WOULD be a solid idea. Thanks for playing and giving feedback!

Ayy thanks for giving it a play! :D

For less than 24 hours on the visuals, that's super impressive! I love the vibe of everything. I feel like everything, gameplay mechanics wise, needs some tweaking. Never died to an enemy bullet, it was always my OWN bullet trapped in the air. lol. Still had fun and I hope you continue messing with this one!

Bearguy, I'm gonna need you to move aside, this is my operation now! Music goes hard and once automation hits, you just kinda win before you "win". I had fun and I'm going to probably keep it going in the background a bit longer. lol

The gameplay loop is pretty basic, but I enjoyed myself. At a point it gets pretty hard to see behind the taller buildings, so camera rotation is a must for sure. Other than that it was fun!

You know what? I think it's time to relax.. and make some MONEY! This was fun, and like Peregon mentioned I also ended with plenty of money and lost. Great game though!

Whaaat? I gotta try this. lol

The car did feel a little slow at first, but when you lost even a little speed it feels really sluggish. Gimme a speed boost powerup or maybe incorporate more inclines to build speed. The graphics looked amazing and I had a fun time with it!

Whenever I reach the bottom or something the screen goes white and freezes it seems like. I really like the idea and design of this though, hopefully you build on it more. Mice-flies? Amazing. lol

Love the art style on this. The difficulty as you get higher did feel well paced as well. Being able to skip the starting cutscene would be my only suggestion. Awesome job!

Simple mechanics but effective for sure. Well done!

The player movement does feel a little wonky, but it works! Simple but addicting. My best score is 42, I'm no Peregon. Lol

I uhh.. took longer than I'd like to admit to finish that end puzzle. The controls were mostly fine, but maybe having an outline show which object your character is gonna pick up. Quite a few times I would pick up just a totally different block I meant to. Other than that I had a fun time playing. Great work! 

Simple game loop but I played multiple times. Adding some player upgrades like being able to attack faster/more damage or maybe like a one time use all material gets collected at once kind of power-up would be cool. Great game great job!

The puzzle aspect of this game is pretty basic, but this idea has a ton of room for growth! Adding different blocks/block types, jump pads, etc. I had a fun time and great work! 

I really enjoyed this one. Good work!

Thanks for giving it a play! :D

I see a possible parallax scrolling for those trees and I get excited.. then the game is just a screenshot. Hopefully you end up uploading this for the jam or otherwise! 

I can't believe you whipped this out in 2 days! Incredible. Using the theme in a suspenseful way is pretty cool. I made it to the end and enjoyed it. I also like the boss mentioning the previous worker just gave up after 20 minutes. lol

My poor spacebar, I really got into this. Haha. For learning a new game engine on the fly, this game is a 5/5! Also after the first playthrough it seemed the zombies moved faster right off the bat rather than after 5 or 6 killed. Future implements? Uhh you could add maybe some base building mechanics or maybe other survivors can join you as a sort of "turret" system. Whether you build on this or turn it into an entirely different game, great job!

Thank you for the feedback! :D

I really enjoyed the concept of this, its pretty unique! I did realize pretty quick you can point down and spam blocks, but it doesn't work all the time. Also the music is too good NOT to be looping. lol. Great job!

I enjoyed playing this! it was simple and easy to pick up. As far as the programming, it was spot on. Awesome job!

I'm totally lost on what I need to do to play the game but I like the music. For some reason I'm not able to place anything on the tiles. If you added just a little instruction before the game starts this could be really cool! 

Honestly not bad though! I was frantically looking for a way to sell units or maybe a building. Haha

That was definitely something we wanted to implement but just didn't have time. Good ol' feature creep. Lol. Thanks for the review!

Quite addicting, simple but effective gameplay! At one point when I was 20ish blocks up, a blimp was about to collide with me and I thought in a split second.. is this part of the background or will actually hit me? Got in my head, fell anyway, never found out if it was true. lol 

Made it to the end! The camera movement was a little jarring but I ended up getting used to it. So, you can stand on a box WHILE your moving it, so I never really needed to use most of the other platforms you placed for the level. Simple for what it is, but still fun none the less! Good work!

Wow very addicting. One of my favorite games of the jam so far! Few bugs here and there, I was a noob and just started building stuff without seeing what everything did, and I ended up with 0 coins before I ever built a Market to passively gain coins. Great job on this though, I'm for sure going to come back to this and get further. 

I enjoyed playing this. I would say being able to see how much the upgrades are without sacrificing an existing gun would be nice. Took a few restarts to get the hang of it, but all in all great job!

I love the moment where your like "Oh i'll start walking this way" and you just roll. Lol. The feeling of collecting another sheep block definitely made me wanna play more! Only thing I would suggest is a checkpoint the moment you collect another block. Other than that I had a fun time playing!

Ayy thanks for the feedback! 

That's the beauty of it, it's not even a tetris clone! lol thanks for the review!

Really love the design for building platforms with objects/enemies. Id say the collisions for some of the platforms did throw me off a bit, but all in all I had a great time playing it!

Thank you! :D