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A member registered Apr 03, 2018 · View creator page →

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I love the concept of this game - it is very stressful and cute all at the same time the art is really well done and the music really feels like I am in a shopping mall going about my mundane day

I would love to see an ending where you guy just rages and flips the table and walks out haha
good work guys! <3

oh man - the atmosphere is really cool in this game! - I was a bit confused about the pods but found out after a few of the little guys hit them what I was supposed to do :) 

the little guys are so fast haha, I appreciate the consideration to slow down time as you are charging up!

I think this is cool!

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I really enjoyed this - its a really surreal experience but one that I am totally down to see more! 

I love thew little pawns at the end of a round, they are all like 'wait for me guys plz'

absolute rave of a game haha - I wish the mouse had locked into the screen though!

Aw man Kelvin! this is sick
my only feedback really is that its a pain to see the values of things, like the generators and how much they provide and having to keep reopening the win condition screen because I have the attention span of a...

what was I talking about????

radical idea, great execution 

I really enjoyed this Cookie! - I had to turn my sensitivity all the way down but I think the idea was well executed

there were some spots where it would freeze up a bit when picking up things off the ground but that just might be a me thing

Hey Makbran!

for the pop out of the lock mode, there is a 3 second fail-safe that'll put you into the flying mode, maybe shrinking that down could help? 

I do agree with the bomb mode, and it's one of the things I have already addressed (uses less charge, and charges faster) eventually I want to have puzzles that you can't use the torpedo mode for (because of space constraints maybe?) so it needed tuning :)

The bins have been addressed too, that was our biggest feedback item from the community so I've made it wayyy more clear that these can be interacted with

Thanks for the thoughtful feedback, it's really appreciated:D

Holy crap hahaha solid effort! 

This is pretty much how I was playing to test new features too 😄 😄 (coming back to the first phone booth in particular to get the guy later)

Yeah the ground clip was unintentional - happens when you are spinning in the are because I forgot to set terminal velocity on that state, it's been patched out (sorry)

Hey kharmachaos!

What a fantastic way to assert dominance, LEG over your enemies!
after the jam is done I would will be adding in rebindable controls - which should fix this up for you

Glad you had fun with it regardless!!


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Thanks rameynoodles!

A future build will have a volume slider and rebindable keys! 


Hey GamedevGoblin!

I really want to add more MGS references 😂 

The soundtrack was actually inspired by the game 'ultimate chicken horse' you will hear it immediately haha


Thanks TLSAxt!

Glad you enjoyed!

Care to explain about the controls so I can check it out in future builds?

Hey DrillSoft!

Glad you enjoyed the game! Hopefully we get the chance to work on this more in the future :)

all good!
it seems that's our biggest feedback item at the moment. I have addressed this already in a future build to really show that the bins are a thing you can interact with - rather then just being a item in the scene :) 

there is a hidden mech where you can roll around a bit to charge - its not very much but it was more in the case of if you needed just that little bit more but cbf walking to the nearest bin to get more crumbs haha

Thanks Mewt!

I'm glad you enjoyed yourself with it! (twice haha)

Thanks bake12345678!

Hey caudiciform!
Thanks for the kind words!
I'm not too sure what you mean about soft locked and getting stuck between buildings.I think you might have missed the tutorial at the start saying E to interact on the trash bin - as they give infinite crumbs so you can always top up on charge!

suddenly I have 2 nickels, which is very weird because I am Australian tf am I going to do with these? help?
Hope you enjoyed my exploding bird. I happened to enjoy your exploding bird <3

great minds think alike

highly recommend adding in a flight mechanic ;D 

shitposting aside - Cool game! would love to see more content in the future!

Aw shucks, Thanks Landon! Haha

Yeah pacing mechanics and gameplay can be quite the tough juggle, Especially when it comes down to balance! 

I'll add to my collection of post jam views - keen to see you take it further!

Thanks for the kind words mockingbird12!

Hey qtipbluedog!

Thanks for playing - really glad you enjoyed yourself! 

The flips are my favourite haha - hopefully we get the chance to turn this into a full game so we can add more mechanics and fun animations 😜 I also wanna have more appearances of that guy too hehe


Thanks LowPolyFreak!

Rolling isn't the intended way of getting more charge, there is a tutorial at the start saying E to interact on the trash bin but I feel that hasn't been obvious enough. I have added in the speech bubble that I will add in after the jam to make it more clearer :) 

And yes! In the future there will be more ways to interact with the environment with the explosions - the intention was to make a playable vertical slice, rather than a full game from start to finish

Thanks for the feedback though, it's super appreciated ☺️ 

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Thanks for the kind words KelvinHM!

rolling for charge wasn't supposed to be the main mechanism for regaining charge - it was pressing E to interact with the green trash bins that give you unlimited crumbs. There is a tutorial for this but it looks like we need to make it more obvious :)

We wanted to ensure that we didn't scope creep so the game itself it pretty short but we made sure that everything else we did made up for it haha. There's also how much time in the day we can set aside for this (I work full time, and am a dad) so I only really had a few hours a night to work on this.

After the jam the game will get updated with a few QOL things that we have noticed and hopefully we can add more content

Thanks again!

love to see it!

Keep up the good work!

I actually really like the concept of this game and foundation wise its very strong - keep it up! I would love to see this polished in the future

Thanks swufy! Glad you enjoyed yourself :) !

Cool game ! I feel like the bullet speed needs to be like 20% faster then the player, I found when first playing the game I was shooting and walking towards the enemies but because the bullet is exactly (if not under) my speed I was getting hit first

really good foundation though for something a lot bigger - I hope you keep updating!

I enjoyed very much being able to explode on the spot - I know this fails me but its fun haha

Cool entry!

I love this, what a fantastic entry!

kudos to the bend thy knee sign being just low enough for you to walk into - great way to show the mechanic hahaha

Whats brown and sticky

a stick

Cool game! I enjoyed it!
I think for feedback id give is the game feels very slow - and with the scaling of the attack in the shop it does not feel like you are getting a substantial upgrade so I found my self clicking the basic attack a lot just trying to build more coins.

On that the story at the start as it was typing felt very slow , I wanted to just skip the typing animation but it skipped the whole story, had to refresh the game to go back and read it all haha

Would like to keep an eye on this and hope to see it grow!

Cool game!

there were some bugs where I clipped out of the world - and I wasnt sure if it was intentional but apart from that I got to suplex the captain and I very much enjoyed that

Apart from that - my only big gripe is no music or SFX!

I hope you update this after the jam :) !

I'm glad you enjoyed it so much Kuntern!
Personally I want to turn it into a full game - this just might happen

Thankyou madzandtheendtimes!

More will come ^-^

Thankyou yearzed <3 your comments are very appreciated 

Clenching is part of the fun 😊 some say you get a bigger explosion haha

Thanks bytron! Appreciate the kind words!

You can get infinite crumbs from pressing E on the green trash bin, I will be making this tutorial clearer in the future 🙂 

Will do!!

Such kind words ; ; thank you again!

Yeah we had to keep it quiet short just so we could stay on track with our already insane idea haha. 

After the jam there's some QOL I will be fixing up right away. The team and I are considering adding more content at the moment too (hopefully in the near future)

We are all a bit coo coo bird brained ATM haha