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A member registered Apr 26, 2020

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10/10 would recommend

I understand. Good luck to you on your other project, and stay strong!

(1 edit)

Good job! I agree with everything Fred Bird said. Also I found that I can climb walls by spamming jump next to them. I wasn't sure if I got to the end of the game because I got to this one door after around 3 doors or so and it wouldn't open even though I was certain I had killed all the enemies. The game should have more obvious visual indicators to show that time is currently slowed because even with the fuzzy effect and the copper color, I'm not immediately certain what has changed. Maybe there could be a screen overlay, distorting colors and a sound for entering time slow and leaving time slow. Maybe also text on the screen to show the amount of hands I have left, so I can know when I need to save them for more important things and when I can go bratata all the enemies with thousands of clock hands. The designs of the enemies and the player makes me intrigued as to what I'm fighting, where I am, & why I am. That's great because it helps with story building. The background and floors could use more variety as they are a bit dull and can get repetitive. Though the game has its flooks, there is also a charm to it. Looking at the art, it reminds me of Wizard of Legend, & the combat is interesting and unique. My little sister saw the game open on my computer and tried it out. After each death she was learning more about the combat and getting better and she might have made it as far as I did. Keep working on it!

Quite dope good sir!

Why are you not able to continue developing your game?

Quite dope good sir. I figured out what you meant by timing your slashes. I was able to follow a clicking beat and saw my time delay going up quite a bit. A big issue is that I feel like my time delay doesn't really matter. I went as fast as I could to ty and get to the top by skipping the enemies and jumping. I got to a point where enemies weren't even spawning anymore and then my time ran out! Keep working on it if you choose to do that!

Hey it's okay. I wasn't able to submit my game at all because I wasn't able to finish in time, but I did what I could. You're not alone, lad!

Hello! I really enjoyed the menu and all of the visual indications that came with it! There's something so amazing about creating menus and it's really cool. Anyways, when I began playing the game, I wasn't sure what to do. I found that F3 turns the game to fullscreen and you can also change the resolution in the settings, as the resolution started off quite tiny! X let me run, & C seemed to be the interact button. I wasn't really sure what to do after I found the clock in the chest. I ran through the shooty things and got to the door on the other side, but I couldn't figure out how to open it. I tried pressing every key on my keyboard, too. I'm not really sure if I was missing something or if that's all there is to the game at the moment. Overall, the art and animations in the game are amazing, but the game could use a tutorial to explain what you can do, & audio as well!

Hey this was quite enjoyable! I was in awe by the main menu and the title animation that happens when you first start the game. The menu music was dope and the whole concept was dope too. It was really fun to play and I didn't really have any problems. My only suggestion would be to have some sort of visual indicator when you freeze objects. particle effects on the object, changing its color, and/or an animation of some sort. Okay that's all!

Oh, my bad!

(1 edit)

Really cool! I loved the menu, music, art, & the way more mechanics are introduced as you continue playing. The menu had a great polish and the art is friendly and adorable. The music has those good vibes and I enjoyed listening to it. The little monster that gives you abilities was really cool the first time I discovered it because I wasn't expecting it. It was just the kind of thing to keep the player interested in exploring. The movement was all good until I got to areas with roofs, then the physics became wacky. The staircases with ceilings right above them caused issues for me because I would get stuck and I'd have to use an ability or start pressing a bunch of keys to get out. This also made things a bit difficult when I am in a rush to get to a platform really far away but I keep getting stuck. A suggestion would be to make the bar for stopping time last longer, or adjusting the physics! Also, the "sticky situation" gem (I think that's what it was called?), I got to it by using my 'Q' ability to glitch into the ground until I got to the gem. I'm not sure if that's how you're supposed to get it but I had a difficult time figuring out another way to get past the spikes. Overall, I enjoyed my time playing and you added quite a bit of content, even different characters and difficulties (I played on normal & I found all of the gems). It also looks like you made this game without a game engine, impressive!

Very very dope, I was able to find all except one achievement on my own (I looked at your playthrough for the time achievement.) I really like it!

You wanna know a secret? Use a hand mirror if you have one :D

Twas dope!

I was having this issue with my game as well. This is the video I watched that fixed it for me: (Just so you know though, this video is about the Event System. Basically the idea is that in your main menu scene, you have an event system, but in your next scene, you forget to add an event system. I'm not entirely sure if you're saying that you already have an event system in each scene but just in case here's this video. )

I'm not sure how you would go about submitting your game but I'm sure you could figure it out. If you're really unsure though, you can always ask the host on their "Questions!" post.

Me too matey! Do what you can!

Hmm, you might want to do that idea of having the player as a bell. Otherwise, it might not follow the limitation, but it's up to you.

Good work! It was a very short game but enjoyable none the less. I do wonder what was causing the smoke. Also, I noticed there wasn't much purpose to having an inventory.