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Hey, thanks for playing! the game was definitely not working properly, I fixed some things and the game should at least run as intended, if possible give another shot and tell me what you think about. In regards the font, it was a trade between readability and theme, but yeah some parts are hard to read

I actually ran for fun (and with physics)

The ground below me vanished and i fallen to the void indefinitely

Very cute and well-polished.  I was like "wtf is a non linear race", but now I get it. 

I can see how this game as multiplayer party game would be awesome.

The acceleration is fine I think, tweaking the deceleration should diminish the sliding

On the projectiles, don't know if it is intended and i couldn't  reproduce a 100% of the time, but when jumping the projectile doesn't go in the direction of the crosshair, it goes above it

Damn dogs, Always after my chicken

Really liked the game, and specially loved the theme interpretation

I don't get it, you mentioned randomly spawning processes, but on mine nothing happens :v

The hardest part was finding a friend

I don't know what else could you do but the fact that I can just smash my keyboard and it will be the most effective way of progressing seems wrong

It’s a bit rough around the edges, but as a proof of concept, it shows promise. Keep up the good work, there's potential here!

Loved to look at it, sucked playing it, the variable player speed was hard to get used to it, most of the time felt like I was ice skating, and jumping makes the shooting "jump" as well, but fun game, good work

First of all, love the aesthethics and the windows, but the decimals really annoys me, do it really need to have milimeters precision? made it real hard to look what number it is at a glance specially when sometimes is not used(Diamonds on fleek for example), Also I would love some information about what everything does, you already implemented this on some places(Hydration, Electrolites, Clout...) but other things I have no idea what it does like lubrication,or how much [RUN] actually is. Well a lot to talk about but is because i really liked the game, will be on the look for updates

I tried sometimes but it didn't register wins or loses, my runner always just run into the void, and  I agree with the other comment, whole words with a longer race would be nice

Very charming game, and done in 48h on java? impressive

Multiple times I thought the collision was wonk, but I was in fact gaining a live not losing it, very confusing that it is the same animation, also sometimes a rat and a bird would cross the line at the same time making it impossible to cat them both.

The ship feels like it’s fighting against me, it's so difficult to control that I couldn't progress very far. I also didn’t notice how the theme was implemented. The idea is here, but it needs more polish.

Nice game, but while fun, I who have not played witness, found it very confusing, some explanation how the puzzle works would be nice

The gameplay feels a bit too lengthy and repetitive. While the core idea is interesting, the overall experience needs something more, can't quite point my finger at what, nonetheless keep up the good work!