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A member registered Mar 13, 2021 · View creator page →

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(1 edit)

I know the feeling!!  As the resident sound-person, it's the best.  I'd love to hear your thoughts on our soundtrack! :)

This was a really interesting idea!  Love the upgrade system.  The bugs that you described did appear for me, unfortunately, and kept me from really experiencing the game fully, but I hope you continue to develop this idea!

Echoing many of the comments, I think speeding up time would have been ideal.   I think your choice of art assets was great, but I was a little puzzled by your music--it was oddly calming and sweet against the tenor of something called "shoot a bunch."  As well, the explosions were very loud against the music, so a little audio tweaking would have gone a long way.  Best of luck developing on this idea! :)

I really liked this submission!  Ran into a minor crash when there was a lot going on on screen, but the movement felt great and I think the combat system is really clever.  One minor thing is that the music, awesome though it was, was really loud, so that might be something to look into.  Overall, lovely entry!!

Played the whole thing and loved it.  I would 10/10 play the more challenging version of this game.  Great art, great sounds of the die, great music, and great feel/gameplay.  Really wonderful submission!

Played the whole thing and loved it.  I would 10/10 play the more challenging version of this game.  Great art, great sounds of the die, great music, and great feel/gameplay.  Really wonderful submission!

Really lovely entry!  Loved the aesthetic throughout--the 8-bit style music was on point.  I don't generally like turn-based combat but I *really* liked this system!!  Great submission.

Lovely overall!!  Just a touch of movement bugginess if I held any direction for too long or tried to move too quickly from one tile to the next, but for 48 hrs, this is awesome!!  Loved the music, too.  Total vibe.

This was lovely!! My computer threw a driver error, but still played just fine. I was absolutely charmed by all of it: the art, the puzzles, the presentation, and though I can't place it, a huge ping of nostalgia! I do think the only thing missing from this game was a soundtrack and maybe even some sfx.   If you continue work on this game, I'd love to make the music for you! :)

This hit all of my nostalgia gaming feels! I almost felt like I should have been playing it on an OG Atari joystick.  Very fun, and though simple in design, had a great amount of challenge!  This is the first game I've submitted where I've had a genuine "oh no!" reaction to losing.   Also loved the creativity on the levels being on the faces of a die--so cool!  Super satisfying entry.

The absurdity and surrealism of the level art is amazing, but I wouldn't have ever guessed that it was hiding behind the initial art!   The sounds were fun and the character of the die is actually very charming, but I didn't make it to the end.  Very fun entry!

Congrats on your first unity game!!  I had considerable trouble with the windows build, but you very clearly had strong and cohesive ideas for the aesthetic. 

Loved the art and the music (though was a little assaulted by the bass-boost at the beginning, lol), and think you have the seeds of a very cool idea. 

Notes on movement:

  • I kept getting stuck when moving forward with both D and ->
  • S did not function like the down arrow, which was a little odd because the other keys worked
  • I couldn't make it to the second die :(

Great start and best of luck on your future games!

This is ridiculous and fun and I absolutely love it.

Hi there! I just sent a Discord friend request. :)

This is WAY cool.  Love the groove, love the sounds, love the everything.  I want to play this game now just so I can jam to the soundtrack!! 

What a start!  Absolutely adventure-inspiring.  Great orchestration and taste for suspense. 

Clever twist on the theme!  SUPER cool sound palate you've got going on, and lovely composition style.  I had a great time listening to this by itself, but I could also see it being something that could just "move me" forward in this game without really hearing it, if that makes sense??  Totally motivational music.  Lovely work! 

Absolutely gorgeous!  This is one of those games where I would sit in the menu/loading screen/etc. for a while just to listen to the music.  The instruments are gorgeous, and I'm a huge fan of the percussion you chose.  Lovely all around. 

Thank you so much!! :) 

I liked this right from the start!  I think your instrumentation ideas are really cool, and I so appreciate you putting your chord progressions.  Always appreciated, and your taste for unexpected notes really keeps the momentum strong and engaging.  Love it! 

Thank you so much! :) 

This is lovely.  I love orchestral work, and you did a great job!! :) The fifths in the violin are just so adventure-y. Nailing the theme. 

Thanks for the reminder – trouble of my own sensitive ears, my computer/headphone volume stays so low that I don't always catch issues in the final mix.   You're right in that I should keep a better watch out for that! 

Thank you so much!! :) 

I loved the birds/bird sounds! :)

Well thanks, and same to you!! :) "We Did It!" has all the right feels.  Cheers to bittersweet endings!

Oooh, polyrhythms out of the gate? I'm sold!  In seriousness, your approach is so charming, and you were able to achieve quite an array of different styles and tracks with MuseScore. Bonus points for that alone!  "We Did It!" is so dang perfect.  Great choices all around for that one. 

Though I'm sorry to have left you wanting, I am admittedly STOKED to hear that!! What a compliment! Thank you so much, and I'm glad you liked it. :)

Thank you so much for this, Aran!   I so appreciate your thorough feedback, and I think you're absolutely right about some sidechain compression – can't wait to give that a shot!  Cheers!

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You put a great deal of care and attention into not just the music, but the story as well.  I think that's absolutely lovely, and it really paid off!  It was such an immersive soundtrack, which is extra impressive for the sparse instrumentation that never felt thin.  Bravo!!

(1 edit)

This was incredible!!  I really like your spin on the theme, and I appreciate your taste and sense of sound.  Really engaging listen. And fabulous album art, btw!

I am ready to pack my bag and leave the Shire.  Very moving!  Really lovely work. 

I am ready to pack my bag and leave the Shire.  Very moving!  Really lovely work. 

I really liked your palate of sounds!! I feel you on the creator's block – I was grappling with the same when I submitted my own track, but you obviously pulled through and made something delightful! "Hero's Respite" and "Sacred Grove" are absolutely charming, and "Long Road" is a total jam.  Did you do the art, too?? Really lovely project. 

Lovely orchestration style, and beautiful writing throughout! (Extra bonus points for some tasteful col legno in the third track.)  Your vignettes really do their part well: short, sweet, to the point, and full of individual goodness.  I really enjoyed the whole set! 

MuseScore is my go-to note software, but I really like you expressive you were able to make your tracks in spite of its often-less-than-ideal MIDI sounds!  Really like your oboe placement – reminds me of FFVII. :) 

I love the bittersweetness out of the gate, and the Zelda vibes are just *chefs kiss* lovely overall.  Really impressive for only four months in!  Can't wait to hear what you make next! 

I really liked your stage tracks – equally modern and nostalgic. Lovely work overall! 

Really cool structure! I like those chords stringing all the way through.