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Ti R²

A member registered Jul 05, 2017 · View creator page →

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Hello! Thanks for the amazing work on this. I understand bitsy doesn't have a discord anymore so I'm coming here for help.
I'm making something for the LowRez Jam, and I was wondering what configurations or sections of the code I could change to get the text boxes to be at the same resolution as the game. If it's not an easy change I might end up just making every text box as an image and calling them up via dialog scripts

This absolutely goes above and beyond answering my question, thanks! I'll try all these out right away.

I'm just starting with decker, and I feel like my question is absolutely basic and stupid, but I swear I've been digging at the documentation and examples and can't find the issue.
I have a button on a card that has the following script:

on click do
 key: 1

The idea being that you pick up the key and it leads you to an identical card of the same location with no key.

On a previous card, I have the following script on a button, to avoid going to the card with the key once it's been picked up already:

on click do
 if key=0
  go["fieldbed" "SlideUp"]
  go["fieldbednokey" "SlideUp"]

And it won't work at all. It always goes to the card with the key. I tried reversing the conditions, using other symbols, no dice. What's the proper way to do this check?

não funcionou o download, se conseguir disponibilizar eu agradeço demais

caraca te sigo no tt e te encontrei nesse jam por completa coincidência, bom demais.
eu tava exatamente curioso se o decker era capaz de servir de base pra umas ideais minhas de estratégia de manutenção de recursos e pelo jeito é. baita trampo

(1 edit)

That's a bonkers interpretation. Of course you can only "submit during the jam", that's how the website works.
I won't push any further since this is a prize-less jam, but the language is clear enough. What usually happens is the opposite: Jams that allow for projects started prior to the jam will go out of their way to make that clear in the rules.

Jams are not just about doing the game in the allotted time, but also about doing them "together". That's the spirit of any jam. If the author was truly misinformed about this, then pretending it's ok will just lead to a possible worse situation if he ever joins a jam with a prize.

(EDIT: It did not escape me that you were the only other person to submit right at the start as well. At least yours does look like it could be conceivably done in 5 minutes if you already had the text in mind)

"Submissions must be made during the jam period specifically for the jam".
I find it hard to believe this was done in 10 seconds

I played up to the bow at the castle, and it was enough to know I was dealing with careful, thoughtful level design. Every room was a nice little puzzle and the enemies interact orthogonally in an interesting way. The aesthetics are solid, although I feel some AI art was used which always feels a little soulless for me.

I felt that I lost mouse movement for a second whenever I picked up an item, and having to switch back and forth to the amulet was a little cumbersome. More than once I forgot to change back to a weapon and fumbled the beginning of a fight. But I assume these are limitations of EFPSE.

Speaking of which, do you provide example scripts anywhere? Your enemy behavior is very interesting and I'd love to learn from it.

awesome concept and cozy execution. would love a fuller experience where your choices had more visible effects on the aesthetic of the cafe. it feels like it wants to be a "aquarium" style of idle game instead of a "frantic cookie clicker" style, so customization would feel great.

really cool proof of concept regardless

please do! I just blindly downloaded it to add some newer stuff to my handheld, and was pleasantly surprised. unfortunately I had a bug where the key disappeared from my hands and I couldn't complete the level. so I came back here to report it and only then realized this was from many years ago. you're clearly very talented at this and should return not only to this project but to gamedev in general.

thank you for the reply! 

Hello Haroldo! Sorry to go off-topic, but I can't seen to find a message function on Itch. Your site seems to be offline, and all references to the SAM - Simple Adventure Maker for the SMS point to it. The only direct link I found is here for the 0.01, and the github repo for it has no releases. Where can I find the last version of it? Or is 0.01 it?

Is there a way to use this together with Bitsy 3D? if yes, which tool should I start the project in?
Thanks in advance for any assistance

Amazing idea, vibe and interface.

I get that having the instructions be cryptic is part of the vibe, but because puzzles are seemingly random, I found it too slow and frustrating to "test out" what happens when new types of pieces show up. I've been playing for an hour and I'm still not sure how explosions work.

I'd love to play more if I was sure of what I was doing, but I feel mixing puzzle gameplay with rules uncertainty is not for me. I really want to like it tho

Am I missing something? The contents of the PDF could fit a tweet. Here they are:
"To use this SRD you will need to know the basic rules of rock paper scissors (look that up yourself) and a little bit of time to spare. To start think of a theme for your game. Space, Hamsters or even Space Hamsters. Now think of three (or more) new hand gestures that fit that theme. Once you’ve got them decide how they work against each other. That’s the basics of this SRD but.. you can add more. For example health: Every time a player is beaten they get dealt one damage. Effects: Every symbol has a special attack. Vs GM: Could be used as a resolution mechanic where you have to beat the GM for success. Combat System: Could be used as a full blown combat system in your TTRPG. But you could probably think of even more ways. If you are kind, could you please add my name somewhere in your text (LynxenRPGs)"

Very nice. Loved the little icons. The rules on weapons are not correct, tho

Wow! Just what I've been dreaming of. Can't wait to test it out.

I can't see the other ending because I can't get myself not to kiss them >_<

great demonstration on how super trunfo/top trumps is a broken game mechanic haha
but amazing presentation and implementation

(1 edit)

Very cool. Amazing graphics and music. I felt that sometimes when I hit the eye and bounced back, there was no way to actually hit a triangle on the way down and I'd just lose 2 or 3 lives in a row and have to restart. Maybe the bounce back from hitting the eye should be higher to ensure the player can make it even if they cleared the lower layers.

no, it's a tool for people running a traditional rpg table

That's very interesting! Good luck :D

How can this become a commercial standalone game on Steam? Are you authorized to use the IP?

I'll refrain from commenting at length on how this game has you shooting at a person who is a anti-imperialist revolutionary hero for many.

But I must say, for historical accuracy, that Che surrendered once Prado's unit surrounded him in a ravine. He was executed the next day as he refused to answer to interrogation and the Bolivian president feared public uproar if Che were to face trial.

The CIA (who backed the operation) wanted him brought to Panama. Instead, Che was executed by a single soldier (Sgt. Téran) to whom he supposedly shouted his last words "Shoot, coward! You are only going to kill a man!"

Indeed, the ideas have not died with him.

No, I did! Got really sick and I'm currently working two jobs now. Will try to release it ASAP. Very sorry everyone.

Indeed, maybe "limit-removing"/Crispy Doom would've been a better choice. I was trying to simplify it for new mappers, not make it harder haha!

But more jams will come, surely :D Either way, ratings are visible as separate criteria and I don't think it's fair for those who made the effort, so I don't mind the bad ratings for my lack of testing.

Yeah I didn't put that Cyberdemon there to be killed normally, just as an obstacle. There's a secret that kills it, tho, to allow a 20/20 run.

Thanks! I've tried to signpost the way down with health bonuses but I believe I didn't on the harder difficulty. Admittedly if you just make a straight run for the castle you'll probably live and I didn't really add much on the way there to make it worth it going the longer route.

You're the second person to tell me it isn't compatible yet I used Doom 2 mode strictly and I did test along the way (not the lastest version tho, as I only had some minutes left haha). I will look into it tomorrow.

Thanks so much! On the lighting, I can only dream of doing that awesome high contrast stuff many mappers do nowadays, but I did try to play with it a little haha

I hope it wasn't too hard. I'll admit I mostly tested it on medium, then I just ran the other difficulties a couple of times. Easy is meant to be an absolute cakewalk if not for the platforming, and I did manage to finish it on hard but I had to res myself a couple of times, which I thought was fine given I'm not that good of a player.

By the end of it I was just testing on GZ and didn't run it on vanilla. Did I hit the visplane limit? :'( I'll have time to take a closer look tomorrow. Thanks so much for the feedback!

(1 edit)

Hello everybody!

First of all thank you all for participating. I was sure this jam would flop and get like 2 maps, but 8 maps is quite a sizable episode! Especially with so many different styles and ideas all around. I delayed the deadline a bit in hopes of reaching a nice round 10 maps, since a couple of people had mentioned in forums or discord that they were going to participate, but I thought getting that cool Friday the 13th release date would be too cool to miss, so rating period starts today!

  • Please play and rate all the maps! Even though there are no prizes on the table, constructive feedback is priceless! And on that note, even non-participants can download and comment on submissions, so feel free to share it around!
  • I'll be re-downloading everything on Thursday night to build the final version of the merged WAD. So feel free to make minor fixes and changes until then.
  • While the rules state that map order will be random, I don't think it's unreasonable for Dewzan's map to be kept as the last one, given how much longer it is. If any of you take issue with that, I'm open for feedback.
  • Please answer this topic with:
    • Your name, as it will be credited
    • Your map's name, as it will appear on screen
    • Custom music credits, if you have it.

I originally meant the level order to be chosen at random as it says on the description, but I do think it would be more fitting for this to be the final one given how much longer it is, if the other submitters don't take issue with it.

Very nice architecture, solid visuals and verticality. Really feels like it could become a longer map with a very interesting flow between encounters. I just had a problem with the sky rendering which I'm sure can be easily fixed. Very cool map.

Very tight gameplay and architecture, liked it a lot. The shootable button was very nicely telegraphed. I felt like shells were too little in the beginning for the lower difficulties, and the floating skulls blocking line of sight to the last couple machinegunners felt annoying. Specters on dark corridors are always a scare in software rendering mode and the last arena had some great infighting opportunities. Awesome map all around.

Very cool! Loved the lightning effects, the elevator encounter at the start, the sigil-esque ledgewalking. The secrets actually made me feel clever for finding them which is great design. The final encounter felt easier than the previous ones, but it was still very fun. Great stuff.

So fun! Great architecture and encounters. I did feel like the very first room was the hardest of the whole play through, but maybe I just suck at creating monster infighting under pressure. Awesome map all around.

So cool! The environments are really expressive and the trickery is just enough to keep me on my toes. I played on old school software rendering so I didn't see the cool colored lightning from the screens, but it still looked very nice. Top notch work.

This is INSANE. I definitely didn't have a psychological horror 40 min map in mind when I thought of this jam. It was very creative, full of amazing tricks and vistas, and an amazing environmental storytelling. I will admit I noclipped/godmodded in some of the tricky ledge walking and the very unforgiving archville arenas. But I've never been one of those players who enjoys "git gud" gameplay, so I understand I'm not the target demographic here. Doesn't change the fact that this was extremely surprising and different in the best way.

Very nice! Especially for a first map! Loved the layout, the encounters, the music. If I had to point out one thing would be that your first use of the skull button is inverted (it's "on" before use). Dunno if it's intentional but it could be confusing if it was a longer map. But I really liked it all.

You can edit the files even after submission! Feel free to update it.