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A member registered Jul 09, 2023 · View creator page →

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Very good entry to the jam. Also one of the few downloadable games with a MacOS release. : D

Only point I would criticize is that it takes a while to get used to all the mechanics. Maybe a short optional tutorial/handbook of the dangers to your llama might be helpful here.
Unless finding these things out for yourself is intended. : )

Looks like we had a similar idea. Would love to try, but don't have access to a Windows machine right now. : (

Very nice puzzle game that works well with the theme. : )

Some bugs I encountered while playing:
- The game assumes an American keyboard, meaning for me z and y are switched
- Resetting with the backspace button disables moving the blue blocks
- The green block gets stuck sometimes after scaling on a blue block

(1 edit)

Very good looking game with a unique concept. : )

However, especially once the tilt mechanic becomes necessary it becomes very tedious to get the shape just right. One idea could be to give the player different/more objects that make it easier to align the shadows and give extra points for completing it the hard way.

Another thing: the tilt seems to be defined as the rotation around the global canvas x-axis, which feels a bit weird to me since tilting typically happens around a local axis of the object. I don't know if it's actually better for your case, but you could try implementing the tilt to rotate around a local axis (depending on where the mouse drags) instead (although this is also a lot trickier to implement ; ) ).

This must be the work of an enemy stand:

There, the traffic is significantly better now and the population  has decreased, which long term will lead to significantly more affordable housing.

Best game I played so far. : D

Thank you. : )

I also had ideas for some levels where the WASD/JUMP is disabled and you only have the window to control the character. But, I also had work on Monday and Tuesday. : D

Thanks for playing and the feedback. : )

All unintentional solution are intentional (and apparently the game has speedrun tech now).  ; )

Yeah, I think one thing that makes it harder to predict what happens when you move the bottom is that there is a threshold for the minimum speed at which the floor must move after which upwards momentum is imparted onto the player. In hindsight it would probably be better to explicitly check for when the floor stops moving and only then launch the player.

Thanks for playing! : )

Reduced the volume a bit to try not deafen the players.
Was also thinking of adding coyote time, but that's one of the ideas I had to cut for the jam. : D

Thanks. I would love try your game, but I am on MacOS and seems to be Windows only. : (

Fun game and creative concept. : D

I don't know how exactly Godot physics are implemented and are applied here so ignore if not applicable:

It looks like the scaling is allowed to happen independently of collision checking (i.e. scaling happens first and only afterwards collides with other objects/wall). The unintentional movement of the objects seem come from collisions with the player/wall, that push the objects in a certain direction. If that is the case, I think it would be good to resolve the collisions directly while scaling and explicitly solve for the correct new position (note: this also requires recursively solving the collisions of objects moved by the scaling, such as the player). And if no non-colliding solution for this position exists, to disable the scaling.

Running in Firefox on MacOS. Works in Safari, but with glitched out audio.

Made it to the top of the pyramid, but then got stuck in a death loop after falling of the left side. However, from what I have played it was a fun game. : )

It seems we had very similar ideas for design. : D
Very fun and well designed game.

Very creative idea. : )
I do not know how the last boss is intended, but the strategy of "Just run in and die" slowly gets you to the end.

Very nice game. Especially like the art. : ) However, on my end the window size seems to be set too large and going fullscreen hides the start combat button.  : |

It looks like a nice game, but on my end the loading takes forever and I get a freeze on the second platform. : (

Very cool idea for the jam. Also, somehow Pico-8 games always looks really nice. : )

Feedback from my side:
The game feels a bit slow and does not really seem to speed up by much when you square up. Background music would be nice as well (but do not know how easy that is with Pico-8 and its constraints).

Very fun puzzle game. However, as others have pointed out, a tutorial on the tools would be nice. : )

Very nice assets. Fun gameplay mechanic, but as other people pointed out it is easy to softlock.

I think the game needs a better way to teach the player its mechanics. For example, a lot of time for me was figuring out how exactly the boxes and barrels interact with each other.

Very nice artwork and idea. I especially liked the comics in the beginning and end. : D

Some glitches I encountered while playing:
- Camera panning past the current level
- Unable to activate menu options (start game, credits) with the keyboard