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A member registered Jul 30, 2021 · View creator page →

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Nice work, I really enjoyed this one ! Loved the new zones and the upgrades ideas ! Unfortunately,  I crashed when I used piercing attack against a summoner

Thank you for playing ! I’m glad that you liked it !

Thank you for your feedback ! I spent a lot of time decorating the inside of the room, so I'm glad you loved it !

I did try some new things with lightning and post-processing to give a fantasy/magical look. The movement are quite tricky, I agree, I should have made a slider to decrease the difficulty of the movement. 

Thank you for your feedback, EllaRed !

I really liked the story, and the story telling, I think you are the only one who used his real voice to do narration which is very cool.

The fact that the Maze walls went down just after you complete it was very enjoyable ! Good job !

The enigma were quite good, because you have to interact with the environment and really think for the last one. But I was quite confused at the texture on the walls and the skeletons ? Were those skeletons guardians of the prison ? 

I did encounter a bug just in front of the TV where I fell into the floor.

I liked the dynamite and the interaction with it, it was nice

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I managed to escape your tower !

There was a weird bug that would push me away from the table when I tryed to grab to blue crystal on it.

I really liked the background music and the environment was  immersive for a magical/fantasy tower.

Good job !

Hey pipp1n , thanks for the feedback ! I will think about turning it into a full game, it could be a good experience with more mechanics and other rooms ! I am so glad you liked it, I did put a lot of efforts into the sounds, that's nice you noticed.

I saw that you patched your game, I will make sure to give another try to The Rune Door !

Wow, this is a comment that makes me very happy ! Knowing someone had played my game and enjoyed everything is quite nice !

I'm so glad you enjoyed and noticed the polishing made to the particle effects and the mechanics !

I'll make sure to test Deactivated ^^

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I really liked this mechanic of duality, great name too ! I quite enjoyed your game ^^ and managed to escape !

Here is some feedback that I noticed:

  • There is a problem of colliders with your safe, I managed to grab the potion inside by just passing my end through the door without unlocking it
  • The grabbable were quite difficult to pick up, especially the key in the chest
  • You didn't deactivate the default Right Thumbstick Pressed actions of VRIF that changed the hand of the player

This is a good game, the colors, the aesthetics, the duality mechanics, the potions mixing, the effect when you pour the green potion on the chest. I hope to see you again in other VR game jam !

You could polish it a bit, and add an end/win screen, and it will be a good addition for your profile.

Keep going, great work !

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Hey I just tested your game, I couldn't write on the whiteboard.

However, I did manage to go to the 4th room because I pulled the door in a weird way that allowed me to pass. You just have to take the hammer and hit multiple times the right side of the door to pass.

And I did finish your game !

(this is pretty sus)

I really like the equation and the end screen on the computer which was greatly made.

Anyway, you have still a lot of things to learn about VR (Grabbable, Socket, Physics, Locomotion),  but there is always room for improvements and new things to learn, keep doing it !

The art was quite good, especially the computer who was really well-made I insist ! I really liked the small plot-twist at the end !

Practice makes perfect !

You scared the *** out of me at the start, just after the cutscene-sound, I just teleported instantly, and my heart did bounce, also the creature at the top of the well is very disturbing, but that's some good stuff, it was your intention. I am fond of the intro, it is just so clever to put a mini-cutscene because you can explain the rules, like the first hand with then key and lock. I felt a more mature VR experience since the last game I played from you (VR Game Jam 2021), the mechanics were very VR related, everything was well thought, especially the water raising (I had an "Oh...the water is raising... "moment when I realized).  The fact that you coded the underwater camera is amazing, that's great because it really adds to the immersion.

I had issue reaching the keys, and I managed to climb the chain without unlocking my feet.

Great atmosphere, great attention to details.

Bravo  kokutouchichi and oonej !

Very, very cute game, I love the little music, the win confetti VFX, and the animation the objects doe when appearing and disappearing. However, I was confused when I got the key, I didn't notice that it was on my left wrist at first. Also, some objects didn't disappear well between the levels (but nothing a little patch can't fix). I really liked the fact that there was a timer and an attempt counter, it makes sens especially in this kind of games. I would have loved more challenging levels ^^. I also noticed that you tried to develop/build it for WebXR, could you tell me more about it ? Why this decisions ?

If you polish it with more VR interactions like kokutouchichi said, it will be a great little game !

An overall lovely and great game, good job ! I hope to see you in next VR game jams !

I added a little note on the table next to the wand explaining how it works, the locks now grab the key from your hand, it should be less frustrating now :)

The wall torches doe have a rigidbody, but it is kinematic, so yeah that would be quite surprising if you managed to break them :D !

Hey, I have taken your feedback into account, I put a patch which should be less confusing for players !

Thank you for this wholesome feedback !

I really wanted good mechanics, especially with fire, so I'm glad you like it !

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Okay, prepare for a long post !

First, I want to say that it is AMAZING that you had put up this game in just 72 hours ! I was surprised with the complexity of the puzzle, like the one with the books that you have to put in order or the one with the crystal, that's amazing ! And also, AI, damage system, death animation with physics, sounds... that's a LOT of things for one person in 72 hours

The part that I got stuck with is the last room with a lot of zombies, I did not found a way to go to the turtle on the left, so I used a bug to get there (don't judge me please lmao) . The bug is that when you grab the gun and you try to pull it, it push you into the opposite direction, so I put the gun in my right hand and I pull it, thanks to this bug feature I got the left turtle easily. But then the turtle head got stuck in the floor and I had to reload the last save point.

I also lost the white crystal in the zombie prison into the floor, so I also had to reload.

The save and load system is actually quite a good idea in this kind of game jam where there is a HIGH probability of having a bug (like the gun jump, or the turtle head getting stuck in the floor), thanks to this system I managed to restart the room and finish.

I could also walk from the left bridge to the right bridge because there is no collider on the big stone above the last gate.

I love the sound design, the sliding rock sound is so satisfying when I figured out your enigmas ! Also, the music in the last room was very enjoyable, but it was quite loud.

I am amazed that you managed to combine Autohand with Hexabody, I think that the first time I see that. Is there a reason you didn't go with Hurricane VR ?

Just one thing...what have you done with this UI ? When I had the bug in the prison room. I wanted to restart the game, but couldn't remember how to. So I opened up the ui and it was in the ceiling, half-hidden. 

And how did you manage to show images on the books ? It is a render texture or something like that because it very well done !

Also the art that you hand drawn was very good, I felt well immersed.

Very very good job ! I am interested in seeing what you could do with more experience !

Thank you I appreciate your comment !

Glad to know that you enjoyed my game, I am curious to know how you broke the torch ? I didn't even though it was possible.

I will check your game !

Great to know you overcame the challenge of Hazardus Magnificus !

I put a lot of work in interactions, every crate and barrel were flammable, and every object could be grabbed or had physics.

I see a lot of comments about the mechanics of the wand and the key, and that's something I totally misdid. I will try to push an update with new indications and transparent-keys in the keylock that will auto-grab.

As always, thank you for your complete feedback, it helps me very much !

I'm glad you like the sound, effect, and the wand (it was quite tricky to make it work).

Congrats on finding 3 keys ! Thank you for your feedback, I will try to improve with the golden-key objective. I hope you had a good time !

You have to ungrab the key in front of it, it doesn't just grab it by force from your hand (might do a patch)

Good job ! 

I managed to finish in just 6 min 30 ! The Spiders model were great, and the large mutant turtle was equally scary and enormous. I discovered the "little melee system" asset thanks to you, and it seems to work well. Great job with the full body IK, I also uses Hurricane VR and I know that setting up the full body IK can be quite tricky !

I was confused about the cube of different colors, I didn't understand what they do, I just know that they deal damage if you throw them, a little hint would have been good.

For 72 hours you did great, AI, damage system and full body IK !

Thank you for playing and also taking the time to write a complete feedback, it helps me so much !

I'm glad you noticed the effort put in sound design !

As you saw with those Red herring decorations (that I confirm are just decorations), visuals are not my specialty. I agree that there is a lack a visuals queues, but the chest only opening on the lock is a bug, it was meant to open as soon as the "unlock" spell touches it. And I should'nt have picked a chest model with a real lock on it.

As for the 6 golden keys, they must be inserted in the 6 black mechanism around the door structure, I should have put a little VFX here to highlight them.

Thank you again for taking the time to play and write great feedback !

I managed to solve the puzzles and I loved the laser mechanic you implemented ! But the unique feat of your game is the Lens, which is really well implemented and is fantastic in VR. Just one note, I had trouble standing up despite my tolerance to VR movement, the rig seems a bit "wobbly" like kokutouchichi said.

Good job, I had fun !

Hey, yes it is available in the asset store, here is the link !

I am glad that you liked it ! To achieve the look of the game I used an asset called "Flat Kit: Toon Shading and Water" , here is the link to the asset .

Very interesting turn based system, a tutorial would have helped for the controls. I really like the big orange crab, when he is facing you, you realize that he is BIG. I like the strange-purple-alien planet vibe the game has ! Nice work !

I loved the voice acting, especially the Karen one ! I found it a bit difficult because I didn't know where the asteroids were, maybe an 3D audio on them would have helped ! Otherwise, I had a good time ! Nice work !

I really wanted to play because of the screenshots and trailer, but I can't manage to have my controller synced with the virtual hands. I have tried with Oculus Link, sadly I don't know what's wrong

Thanks for the feedback. Indeed, there are many people complaining about the difficulty and the punishing aspect of falling. This is something I will work on next time !

Thank you for your feedback, glad to see that you liked the shader and bow system. Considering the story, this is the first time I wrote stories and I also think that there was sometimes too many to read on the different pages. Lesson learned ! Next time, fewer letters !

Thank you ! I'm glad you liked the Bow and Arrow system. The last climbing part with the soda ocean is indeed difficult, the soda was supposed to kill the player and make him respawn at the beginning ! I was short in time so I improvised something

Thank you for your kind comment ! I wanted to add more, but I had no time left ! I am very glad that you loved the overall look !

It sounds, look and is fun to play, I love it ! The 9nth wave caught me off guard, my planet got destroyed at wave 10 ! Nice job !

I managed to get 50 kills and I went into the night/torch. I saw that the world border were shrinking. It would be nice if there were rag doll deaths to zombies and sound from the zombie and background ambiance.

Sorry for the inconvenience, this was my first time experimenting with a build that other users will execute. I think the issue comes from the project settings.

I love the gravity system, well done !

Wow, this game gave me some emotions., I think I understood what this game is about. The slow movement is the speed of an elder person. Each ticks at each second made me think about the time flying by, while I was listening to this incredible audio from the radio. The first call gave me hope at first, then I really felt the disappointment. And I think this experience is in line with the "Small World" Theme, because yes, the elderly live in their own small world. What an amazing experience, I really loved the beginning with the music and notes, it felt like a movie.

The destruction of the buildings was really very satisfying. The little effect when we break the roofs of the banks is nice. A little background music would have added to the feeling. Well done