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TorchFire Games

A member registered Oct 18, 2016 · View creator page →

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Excellent guess!  When a boid hits the boundary of the sphere, it picks a new target position on the opposite side of the sphere and rotates towards it.  This leads to some boids turning left and others turning right and they have the potential to break off from the group.  But if the bounds are turned off, then using the settings you had, they would just swim in a tight group forever.  The bounds keep things interesting :)

Thanks for checking it out, glad you enjoyed it!

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I noticed that the explosions part of BulletFury (BulletExplodeOnHit.cs) is very heavy on FPS (100 FPS without explosions, only 25 FPS with explosions in the demo).

Looking at the code, I see that new explosion GameObjects are being instantiated on every collision.  Unity instantiation is famously slow, so I'd recommend using object pooling in order to reuse a large amount of the explosion prefabs and avoid the Instantiation slowdowns. Should speed things up by 2x-3x I would guess.

Coroutines are also somewhat slow, so that could be sped up by using a timer on the explosion prefab, or even better using the new Async Await.  But the biggest performance gains will come from object pooling here.

Just wanted to give everyone else a heads up in case they're looking for ways to improve performance.

Cool, that did the trick.  I had to re-add the BulletFury render feature, so I bet it has something to do with that.  Either way, problem solved, thanks.

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Thanks for the BulletFury demo project!  It looks pretty promising and I was able to get it working on Unity 2020.3.33 URP.

One request... Can you update the dll compile directory so the plugin doesn't break if you move the BulletFury folder into a sub-directory?  (error message below)  I like keeping my project folders organized and it's a pet peeve when assets completely break if you simply move them to a sub-directory.

`error CS0006: Metadata file '/Users/B/.../_Game_Jams/BulletHell22/Assets/BulletFury/BulletFury/Plugins/BulletFury.dll' could not be found`

Bumping this one up.  Can we change the start date/time so it doesn't conflict with New Years Eve holiday?

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Without giving away any spoilers, there's some important bits of dialogue that explain it, both before and after that event.  Subtle, but it's there.

Thanks for checking it out :)

Hey, I composed the music for the game, and I just wanted to say thanks for the kind words :)
The tracks were specifically designed in a modular way for the game, so there isn't a normal song to upload, but I think I could arrange them in a way to make it work.  Will definitely let you know if I do.  Thanks again!

Clever mechanic, splitting the movement and attack into the blue/red bars.  I had fun blasting through the waves and seeing what all the different weapons do.  UI is nice and clean too, especially the warp indicators.  I didn't make it to wave 50 to fight the boss (the difficulty seemed to ramp way up around wave 10) but got a score a little above 1,000 so not half bad.  Great job on this!

Nicely done, the UI/UX is especially polished on this game.  Impressive how much you were able to get done including AI in such a short time.  If there was more time, a few balancing improvements (Ranged is OP!) and slightly faster pace would have made it even better.  Great entry overall.

This is a really well-made game, especially for only 2 people in 10 days!  Loved the visual style with a mix of pixel art and 3D.  The game had a cozy feel to it, similar to A Short Hike.

My only (minor) complaints are that the platforming didn't always work right (player got stuck/didn't respond to jump button), and I ran into a lot of invisible walls. But those are small things for an overall great little game.

Well done!

Why is the game jam starting on Dec 31, New Years Eve?  Most people are celebrating the holiday that day, and then usually relaxing/recovering the next day.  So for anyone that celebrates the new year (which is most of us), that's 2 days gone.

Can the start date get pushed back to January 2nd to avoid conflicting with the holiday?

Thanks for checking it out, and I agree with all your feedback (we just ran out of time to do all that stuff during the jam as I’m sure you can relate to :)

Glad the feedback helped! For objects falling through the floor (assuming you’re using Unity), try changing the Rigidbody collision detection on all your objects from Discrete —> Continuous or Continuous Dynamic.  It’s a little bit more expensive on the CPU but prevents missed collisions falling through the floor.

Yup, this one fit the theme.  Chaos!  Loved the awkward T-pose character moving around trying to avoid all the random destruction around him.  Graphics and UI were good and it seemed like a cohesive game with some potential.  Nicely done!

Check out our game if you get a chance too

Hey congrats on submitting to your first game jam!  It's always a lot harder than people realize and I'm sure you learned a lot.

That said, the jump mechanics weren't really working for me and I couldn't get over the first black column.  Sometimes it would single jump, sometimes double, and sometime triple, but somehow never enough to get over that dreaded black column.

Anyways, congrats again on finishing your first (of many) game jams.  Would appreciate if you checked out our game too.  Best of luck!

Pretty good game you put together in a short time.  Ran into a couple quirks though: I wasn't able to see the UI (it was scaled off screen) but eventually figured out that Q and W were the special.  Oh and it wasn't clear what the sword and ... toilet paper roll? icons were for when you beat the level.  Some popover hints would  help out with that.

But overall, good job especially since you did it solo!  Check out our game too if you get the chance.

Great visual style for this game!  The controls weren't my favorite though, usually spacebar is used for jump instead of the W key so that would make things a little smoother.  And man those potions were chaotic haha.  No idea why the character kept throwing them but it would be nice if bread popped up more often to chill him out.

Best of luck in the jam!  Would appreciate if you checked out our game too.

Fun game!  This one has some potential.  (btw I tried out the latest version since you said you prefer honest feedback to improve the game).

Here's a few comments and recommendations from my perspective:

  • Graphics, interactions and UI are all really well done.
  • Opening the game time took a bit long and at first I thought the game crashed my computer, but eventually it loaded up.
  • Recommend you make it easier to find and kill the rats.  On a few playthroughs, the the game ended before I even saw a rat.  I played it about 10 times and wasn't able to kill any rats so I ended up focusing on the cleaning instead.
  • Would be great if your body didn't get stuck on the objects and they would get knocked out of the way when you walk.

Hope that helps.  Best of luck and would appreciate if you checked out our game too

I'm a sucker for retro pixel art games and this one nailed the pixel art style!  High five to your 2D art person.  I also liked the general idea for the game and little touches like the Among Us guy.  

Congrats on finishing! Would love to hear what you thought of our game too.

Reminded me of Papers Please a little bit, but this one got chaotic real fast.  And it's crazy that you did 2 game jams at once!

Nice job finishing and submitting to the jam.  Would love if you checked out our game too.

ha thanks for checking it out :)

And yup, we noticed that bug pop up once in a while too but I have a good idea how to solve it.

Fun vibe, I loved the 2D pixel art in a 3D world, very cool :)

It was also super chaotic to make a rhythm game where you don't have to follow the rhythm!  Clever idea and well put together by your team.

Would appreciate if you checked out our game as well.  Cheers!

Great job on this!  The story was very intriguing and had me hooked to find out more, so I was a bit disappointed when the game changed from a story-driven top-down game to an endless runner cranked up to maximum difficulty.  Only made it to level 2 and even that was quite the challenge.

In my opinion you should have stuck with the top down story and run with that, maybe make it a zelda-like or an RPG style game.

But your team should be happy with what you were able to accomplish in a week, congrats!

Is this Bennett Foddy Jr?  I caught some major "Getting Over It" vibes from this one.  :)

Excellent voice over work here, and some clever gameplay mechanics.  Didn't really seem to have anything to do with the theme though unless I missed something?

Bravo on completing something original and playable in only 48 hours.  Look forward to seeing your other creations in the future!

You must have looked into the platinum rule when brainstorming on the game jam like I did :)

Good job making this in only 48 hours!  The music was great and had nice pixel art. There were a few things I'd improve on (controls, background stars, was the explosion mechanic supposed to so something?) but overall it's great you were able to make something in such a short time, submit it, and hopefully learn a lot along the way.

For your first game jam congrats on completing it!  (and in only 10 hours nonetheless)  Believe it or not the vast majority of people who enter game jams don't finish, let alone have something playable.  So congrats on that and hopefully you learned a few things.

For some constructive feedback, the music was a bit too crazy for me, and some of the mechanics felt a bit off (I don't think it's possible to collect the heart in the middle of the level), but considering you did all this in only 10 hours I'm sure you'd have been able to iron out all those wrinkles if given more time.

I could tell you put a lot of effort into this but unfortunately I ran into a lot of bugs that made it hard to play.  The player ship was almost invisible against the background, and somehow it kept moving above the top of the screen and getting stuck there.

But I know first hand how hard it is to make a game in only 48 hours so what you were able to put together in that short time has a lot of potential!  Just iron out those bugs and you'll be making good progress.

I had a good time with this little puzzle game.  Clever mechanics and the art style was appealing to the eye too.  Good job putting this together in only 48 hours!

The music in this game...really moving.  Reminded me of some Ludovico Einaudi pieces (check him out if you haven't heard him before).

Looks like you weren't able to finish the full gameplay in time (I know the feeling) but congrats on still being able to submit something and hopefully you learned a thing or two along the way.

You did a great job with the art and music on this one.  Set the mood just right.  The controls, on the other hand, made me want to punch a baby.  I didn't though...because that's against the golden rule :)

Good job making this all in only 48 hours!

Fun little game, I'm digging the art style!  I liked that you get power ups depending on guessing jail/pardon for the crime right.  And best of all you did it all in only 48 hours, nice job!

Fun gameplay in this one.  Killing all the sperms like a tiny birth control device.  Made $500+ on my first run and beat the game.  All hail the creator!

Clever idea, but unfortunately it kept freezing and couldn't use spacebar to get back to the main screen in level 2.  But it's always impressive for someone to create something in only 2 days so kudos on submitting!

Fun mechanics! Actually pretty similar to Get Yeetin (you should try that one).  Pink rectangle is a jerk so I punched him.  The end.

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Oh man, why shift for attack??  I kept getting a Windows popup every few seconds asking if I want to use sticky keys.  Anyways it was a fun little game with a good sense of humor, congrats on submitting something in only 48 hours!

I jumped over the sneaks and got that gold to buy a sun hat for the lady friend.  Then I ended up in heaven I think.  Lady friend was happy.

PS: Nice job finishing something in only 48 hours!

Haha it's hard to beat the simple joy of blowing stuff up.  Thanks!

You're 100% right, even though I learned a lot about 3D modeling in Blender over the 48 hours for the jam, if I was able to find some pre-made assets (or team up with a 3D artist) then I might have been able to get my full vision into the game before the deadline.  I'm chalking this up as a learning process and will use it for future jams.  Great feedback though, and thanks for checking it out!