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A member registered Mar 21, 2020 · View creator page →

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Answer 1 - You can include as many of the wildcards as you would like, or none of them. They are just an additional challenge for the jam that you can decide to do or not.

Answer 2 - It's not explicitly stated anywhere for the jam but the game you make should still be your property. GWJ does not take ownership of it from your submission. I believe this is fairly standard for game jams, you to keep ownership of the game you submit.

Wow that is way better then I've been able to do, great job!

Thanks for the feedback, and thanks for playing!

Fun game, honestly I couldn't figure out the first puzzle, maybe if I committed more time, but I really enjoyed the narrators comments and positivity.

I had that issue at first too, but realized enemies had health bars and friends you hadn't picked up yet didn't.

Well it looks great. You did a limited monochromatic pallet well.

Glad you enjoyed it.

Thanks for playing!

Well done. Had a similar thing were Stability and Approval didn't lower any longer. I basically was able to just let the game run till I had a bunch of money then I did the costly things just to see what would happen. After the first day was done the back button didn't work for me.

Great take on the theme and funny little comments for the things you can buy.

Same issue still today. From the error it looks like you have a signal that's not connected right.

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Appears you didn't export it correctly, same issues as everyone else. Or a few scenes aren't included.

Same issue as below, doesn't do anything when I press Start

Nice little game, I really liked the main menu and would've like to have seen more of that kind of art through out the game.

Nice start to a tower defense game. There were points when the turrets would just fire off to the side instead of firing at the target which seemed odd. But it's a good start.

Thanks for playing!

Really nice exploration game. Had fun just exploring and freeing moons.

Really interesting game. Wasn't full sure what I was supposed to be doing but the music, card animation, and controls were great!

Really enjoyed this game. I'd make a suggestion of you teammates having a different color health bar to the enemies but, it looks like you were using a limited pallet so I'm not sure you'd be able to. Liked the rock paper scissors aspect of the weapons and characters. Well done.

This is very odd... I've tried to recreate this but it's not happening to me.
You are able to jump to the volcano planet, it can be difficult to get it right if it's the top right planet, I'll have to move the volcano...
The only dangerous planets are the sun and the green gas planet, but you are saying it has happened that these were you only choices to move forward? Would you mind playing again and tracking when you see the issue, possibly a screenshot? (more likely two since you can't see both planets at the same time)
Thanks! Really trying to track this down and see what's going on, it's almost game breaking, really ruins the experience if you get stuck like that. 

Nice game. Is there an end? I played for awhile and got to floor 44 and it felt a bit like it was dragging on. Really enjoyed it. I don't know if it's something that comes later but I could've done with a bigger movement range, or smaller rooms. The first couple moves were mainly used to get in range of an enemy, this made encounters last longer then it felt they needed to.

Nice game.
I couldn't figure out how cheering worked, seemed like people got made even if I cheered and it just lost me fame...
Overall fun experience.

Very cool aesthetic. The sounds were fun and enjoyable. The control was a bit hard I barely managed to get off the first platform for awhile. Neat idea and good use of the theme!

Nicely done. Sound effects made me feel like I was actually fixing a pipe! lol
But seriously great sound effects, enjoyed the art style. The game was short enough that I played through both endings to see what happens if I take the bribe.
Very interesting take on the theme.

Well done, nice game. I've read through the below comments and also don't have much to add. Other then to reiterate the tile map was a bit busy, over all the art for the game was great. Starting over after completing two levels kind of stunk and made me actually quit. So for replayability I would think about having a level select system if you revisit this or for future games.

Well done, solid submission!

Fun! Had a difficult time with a few of the last levels but managed to beat the game. Was a bit frustrating when enemy units were on top of my units and I couldn't click them, not sure how this could've been addressed, maybe just make enemies pass through mouse input? Still enjoyable and inspirational as mentioned by others.
The art was nice and fit with the idea that it was happening in a child's imagination.

Thanks for playing!

I over scoped last jam, so I kept it under control this time, lol.

Yea the jerky camera is due to changing the player y velocity when it enters a new planet. I dont think I can count it as a bug... lol but after the jam I might go back and do what I should have done and disconnect the camera from the player and have it tween between planets.

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Thanks for playing!

That's interesting someone else mentioned getting in impossible situations, I've played the game extensively and haven't see this and my setup for the generation shouldn't allow it.. Can you clarify, there are 3 types of planets, Safe (the colorful ones), Hazardous (the volcano one), and Dangerous (the sun and green gas planet). You should always have a planet that you can land on as an option. Did you get to where you only had dangerous planets, or was one Hazardous?

Thanks for playing!

Just to clarify your comment, there are 3 types of planets, Safe (the colorful ones), Hazardous (the volcano one), and Dangerous (the sun and green gas planet). You should always have a planet that you can land on as an option. Did you get to where you only had dangerous planets, or was one Hazardous?

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Fun game, ended up winning a few rounds with the method I like to call "Pawn Massacre" Basically fill up spaces on the board with pawns that will eventually kill or block the approaching enemies. LOL
Nearly beat the Queen.

Well done with the art work and it's a pretty solid game. The menus are great. I didn't see much reason for moving. Felt like progression was a bit slow. Maybe have the enemies drop the coins or drop extra coins to incentives moving and also speed up the process of unlocking the next ships.

Don't have much to add that wasn't said already by others, but well done.
Nice relaxing game, not to challenging. Really enjoyed the art style, possibly would suggest having more versions of the planets then just stretching them so pixel sizes stay the same.
Great game, solid submission.

(1 edit)

Thanks for playing! Appreciate your feedback!
Yea, there is variation to the 'safe' planets size, it's not much but a bit.
Placement of the volcano was tricky, wanted it to make it kind of hard to jump to, but the main purpose is to limit you to one round on that planet, so it could probably get moved to more of a 6 or 7 o'clock position.

Edit - Just remembered to include this: My record is 31 :-)

do you mean the character being wider then it is tall?

Yea, I'm starting to think an arrow would've been helpful...

You've given me some ideas. This is already able to play in browser on an android device and its ok, but making it kind of rogue like where you build up coins for upgrades or cosmetics could increase replayability. 

Thanks for playing!

Thanks for the input and thanks for playing!
Yea the bull doesn't move faster the longer you play, that would've been a good way to add challenge the longer you played though. I'll keep that in mind. This game may get a little post jam updating or a version 2.

That's an interesting idea, I kind of drew myself into a corner with how I generate planets though, after you hit two it makes more, so if you were able to skip one that would throw off the count. lol hacky mechanic... but it works.

LOL, nice.

I played this more then I think I should have... LOL

It's really fun and challenging, I watched your walk-through and learned how good the bow upgrade is at taking out rows of enemies so I gave that a good 5-8 tries... I lost track...  Well I gave it one good last try... for now... I may come back. But after kiting the boss around for like 15 minutes I was taken out by a green guys arrow... :(

Thanks, Yea it can seem a bit odd that the forward momentum stops so suddenly. I considered adding an arrow that would just point straight up to show you were you could expect to go but thought that might be a bit awkward and make the game way to easy. Thanks for coming back to see the completed project! And again thanks for playtesting during development.

Nice WIP. Procedural generation is difficult to implement and it looks like you had a really go start to it. I like your character sprites and the over all feel of what you put together. I enjoyed breaking it by spawning in like 50+ enemies lol

Would have been cool to see what you ended up with, this is a great start and I'm sure you'll be able to take what you learned from it to enhance future games.

Glad you posted what you had, rather then giving up. 

Awesome! Thanks for that rating and thanks for playing!