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A member registered Apr 12, 2021 · View creator page →

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Amazing game! This was so good easily my favorite out of the games I've played in this jam! Everything was so well put together. It was very polished, the gameplay was super interesting and was a great level of challenge. The game was so simple yet made use of very interesting contrasting mechanics. So genius! Everything was so satisfying too. The art was also really good for this game and made everything so much better. Great job! 

There is only one negative flaw about this game, its the cover. I honestly probably wasn't gonna play it just because the thumbnail didn't look all too interesting. The title also wasn't too interesting to me personally as well. But I'm glad I checked it out cause it was so good. Amazing job!

Very cool concept, it was really interesting and creative. Especially with the multicolored part.  Reminds me of old flash games. I feel like this game could've really excelled with some sounds. Just some background music and a few sound effects would've been really nice. The art style is pretty tacky but it kinda works. The mechanics were fun and it got pretty hard at the end. Overall good job this was definitely one of the cooler games I saw!

I like the style of the game, cute interesting visuals! I notice you ran out of time so I won't be too critical but the lack of challenge definitely gets in the way. It would've been cool if you had to paint the whole wall like only one color and these random people get in the way and make it difficult to get the right color. I also thought that the color selection was a bit finicky but that's just a minor nitpick nothing crazy. Overall good job I thought it was cute simple game!

Oh I guess I didn't see the explanation part below the game. That definitely helps. The game is definitely a lot more fun when you understand what's going on lol.

I will say one minor thing that I think could be improved is some kind of direct benefit to sacrificing a tower. Cause when a new one pops up it's not guaranteed to have a flag on it which leaves it up to complete chance whether or not you succeed. I feel like the player should be rewarded for strategically sacrificing a tower so it should always have some benefit to it. And maybe sacrificing a tower with a flag could spawn more than one tower to encourage growth. I feel like the enemies spawning more and more is very disproportionate since they constantly increase in threat but you don't really get any sustainable growth to keep up with it. I usually always cap out at about 80 seconds before I succumb to the hoard.

This is just my personal thoughts though, I think what you have works. But thank you for the clarification that definitely helped my enjoyment and maybe next time I should actually read stuff lol.

And I would say I had minimal control lol

Thank you! Glad you enjoyed!

No problem! I wish you guys the best with your game dev journeys! And you should be proud of the game you made :D

No problem I like giving feedback! Very smart idea to do the game jams to improve, and I get not having enough time to implement things I had some polishing errors and bugs in my game as well. Well I wish you luck on future game jams and your improvement journey!

And yeah it is pretty similar to the bowser face minigame lol

Awwww thank you so much! favorite of all time is crazy. I'm glad you liked it! Thanks for playing :D

Thank you! Glad you enjoyed!

Thank you! Glad you liked it! And yeah it was ambitious I think I always have that problem with every game I make lol  T-T

Wow the polish and aesthetic on this game is so good. Probably the most eye catching game in this jam. The page for this game also looks so good and very professional, I can tell a lot of care and effort was put into just the production of this game alone.

As for the game itself, very simple and the idea was interesting but I wish their was a bit more interaction involved instead of just refilling the towers. I eventually just lost even though I never let any of the towers run out of paint. So it feels very RNG to me in that aspect. Maybe if there was some other mechanic like being able to upgrade towers or get more towers it would help with this but that's just my personal take.

Overall I think the game was good, good job!

Great job! Game was very simple and fun. I liked the added paint aesthetic on to this simple game. The theme really helped sell the game and the paint was a very clear indicator for progress done in each level. The game was very polished too, definitely one of if not the most polished game I've seen in this jam so great job on that!

Great job! Especially since this was a solo project and your new to this kind of thing. I liked the execution of things and personally I didn't feel like the dodging was too unfair but I do agree maybe it could've been changed. If anything I didn't like how far it went and maybe the player could be invincible while dodging so they don't just get tossed into a stream of enemies and take a bunch of damage. But the concept of losing control of where you are established and have to regain your bearings is a good idea, especially since this kind of game is all about positioning so it definitely shakes things up. I also liked the art and the paint splatter effects that made it fun. I do wish there was a more clear ending because when I beat the boss I thought something else would happen and I waited but nothing happened.

But overall great job! I would be proud of this if this was one of my first projects. Keep trying and hopefully have fun improving!

I like the idea but I feel like the execution could be a bit better, I might be wrong about this but I thought the goal was to completely fill the circle but when I did that it didn't have any kind of victory. Maybe I missed a spot but then I never got lucky with the clouds. Maybe if there was some balancing that allowed for a clearer victory that would've been nice. And personally I really didn't like the music it was super obnoxious and felt very unfitting to me. I can appreciate the effort but I don't wanna lie about it. Overall I feel like there was some good ideas here but a few things could be improved. Good job!

Cute game! I like the idea of the game. I think I might've misinterpreted the game to be "try and get the 360 frog" so I was trying to breed frogs to get the number 360. And instead the game ended up being collect them all. This is fine but wasn't what I expected that might just be me. Sadly I didn't play through the whole thing once I found that out because I lost motivation to collect all of them. But the game doesn't need to be that way its great for what it is. Very cute and relaxing. I definitely wish it did have some sort of casual groovy background music to help with the atmosphere. But overall great job it was a cool concept!

This game is very cute! I liked the intro a lot it was very polished! I liked the humor of the game as well and I liked the concept. The art was pretty solid and had good direction.

If I did have to give some feedback I would say that it does take me out of the game knowing that it doesn't really matter what you draw because they give you money for it. So unless I felt like drawing it, I didn't feel pressured to fulfill any requests. Another thing is that I wish you could paint on the go, like some sort of portable canvas so I don't have to backtrack to the house each time. And lastly the character's drawing requests aren't clear after you leave. They usually request something specific and then the request pops up in the top right but it doesn't say in detail so I would just forget what they requested because there were so many different requests.

These negative things aren't really too big of a deal because that could take a lot of time to implement and I think what you guys had was really solid for a minijam! Great job!

Great game! Very simple and easy to get into and enjoy. Everything was very clear and I like the limitation of the walls. The puzzles were also good too I feel like they were well balanced. I like the self portrait one I thought that was funny lol. 

Thanks zude!

Oh no! Don't worry I got fired a few times as well and I was the one who made the art for the game lol. I'm glad you enjoyed, thanks for playing! And it would be cool if it was on mobile, maybe a stretch goal for us.

Glad you liked it! I wasn't the programmer for the game but from what I know, each face generates invisible points where the features are. And the brush you draw with draws invisible points and the score is based off of how close your points match up with the reference. The colors also have there own separate points so you can't just draw everything with a different color and win. Hopefully that answers your question!

Glad you enjoyed, thanks for playing!

lol glad you enjoyed! Thanks for playing!

Thank you!

Hopefully you enjoyed it! And yeah sorry about that I wanted to update the itch page to make it better so I'm doing that right now lol

I really like the concept :O. Very cute game idea and well presented. The art and music is really nice and everything fits well together. The compliment messages are really funny i like them a lot. As for gameplay I just feel like the way the fishing rod moves is a bit odd and makes the gameplay a bit awkward to play. Personally I really think it would be cool if there were also insults that hurt you if you touch them so the player has to quickly read to make sure its not the wrong thing, this could make the gameplay a bit more diverse because you can just flail the fishing rod around and collect everything. But that's just an idea. Overall the game is really nice good job!

This  game is super adorable :O!!! Very cute idea! I love Memi they are super cute and scary. I really loved the cooking mama style minigames for the cooking. The only thing I didn't particularly like is the jelly fishing minigame. There is no time to prepare for the lightning so sometimes you will swing and it will just shock you mid swing which doesn't feel fair. Also the Stardew valley fishing system isn't balanced very well. The bar just moves too fast and too frequent to really keep up with it and you don't start with a lot of progress so sometimes it can immediately move and you just lose it. Other than that the game is great!

Thank you glad you liked it! Yeah we were intending for that mechanic to be used to drop a fish to catch a better one. Like if the rocket fish was coming and you couldn't catch both in time. That could've been explained better to show a use for it.

Thank you glad you liked it! Yeah I wish we had more time to add some more polish to the meteors and get some different obstacles in.

thank you glad you liked it! I'm not sure why it works on mobile because we did not build it for mobile

thank you! and yeah it was based off of that game lol

thanks glad you liked it! I'm not sure how it worked on mobile because we did not build it for that. Very interesting idea to add onto it as well, sounds interesting

aww thanks! glad you enjoyed. And it was based off the club penguin game.

glad you liked it! yeah the tutorial is a bit lengthy, could've been balanced better.

thanks I appreciate it! glad you enjoyed!

glad you liked thanks for playing!

thanks! glad you liked the rocket fish :D

Hey both of our games basically have the same name lol. I decided to check this one out. I really like the idea of the alien picking up animals with a fishing rod its really funny. I like the 3D top down movement for the game as well. As for stuff that could be improved, I feel like the animals and some other assets lack cohesiveness. They don't feel like they mesh well together.  Mostly I think the outlines all being different colors and some things not having outlines make it lack that. Everything feels very different which makes things seem thrown together. As for gameplay I feel like the game is very slow paced which I don't feel like fits the theme of the game. When you drop your rod you have to wait for it to land before you can do it again regardless if you've missed or not. And the animals don't move too fast but the game has this bit of slow clunkiness, when you miss a hook its not so easy to immediately try again. As for sounds its great that there's a lot of sounds. Although I'm not personally a fan of having just environmental noises for the music. It makes the game feel very empty and makes the game feel a lot slower. Overall I think the concept is very interesting but the game lacks some polish and balance.

I really love the models and the theme of the game. The thumbnail was very eye-catching to me and made me want to check it out. I think the graphics are pretty nice. I feel like what really holds the game back personally is just a lack of polish. Understandably its' very hard to polish something in this amount of time. I feel like it doesn't feel very good to control as well because the player can't move up or down very quickly which just makes avoiding obstacles a bit difficult, but not in a fun way.  The sounds can also sound a bit pitchy and loud at times. But overall not bad! Keep up the good work especially on the art!

The game was very eye catching with its nice and simple graphics. I think the concept is very good but definitely lacked a bit of execution. Personally I just think some adjustments to the speed are necessary to really enjoy the game. Falling is just way too fast and you end up just getting through things by luck. I do like the graphics of the game, they are very simplistic and everything feels very cohesive and easy to digest. The sounds also suit the game very well and really help with that arcade immersive feel. Overall the game definitely very polished it just lacks a bit of balancing.