I finally beat the game. this game hard. but fun. Though even though the tutorial says it shows your hitbox, the hitbox isnt ever shown in there. Also, the bomb lasts a pretty annoyingly long time. The last part of the last stage is evil.
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This game reminds me of a really old flip phone game where you had to stack apartments of a building as far as you could. I wonder if this game was inspired by it because it would be awesome if it did. Really sick game with fun art and endings and the panic of trying to keep balance after 20 blocks is really fun.
Solid controls but needs more variety. Every wave (atleast up to wave 11 where i stopped) is just a single enemy at a time which isnt very difficult to deal with, even if they have different bullet patterns. Since you can kill most fairies before they shoot their bullets. And an indicator as to where a fairy is going to spawn before she does would help in the spawning problem that others have said.
Level design is weird because while the gimmick is trying to find the portal as fast as possible so that projectiles dont get bigger, you dont really have any pointers as to where the portal is. A more linear level with a boss stage at the end wouldve done better.
Aside that, the game is fun. I especially like using marisa's master spark because all the per-frame damage sound is funny.
Really cool concept even if the game is kinda barebones. Though my first time seemed to never end even after like 20 turns so I had to restart the game just to check. Opening it through the console exe let me see the enemy's health which helped. I liked positioning right below larva to use dream bomb to deal a bunch of damage to her. Though it also seems that strawberry cross dealt way too little damage in comparison even though it has a higher gp? Would like to see this concept expand.
Also bonus points for using yumemi.
Glad the game got fixed.
The first pattern seems really static and easy. As in it doesn't feel like every wave changes at ALL. So just sitting in the middle where the 2 waves of bullets miss you is enough of a safespot that you don't need to move at all. Not sure if it's a bug.
The second pattern starts off with 2 really fast aimed bullet IMMEDIATELY. Which can kill you if you're not already moving during the phase transition. There should really be a delay for this because any first timer wont be able to prepare for it. But once you know it then it's a pretty decent idea. Though I think the bullet should both have a clearer sprite and also have a clear sound effect associated with it.
Pattern 3 has the same problem as 2 where the fast bullet attacks you during the phase transition, but other than probably my favourite pattern in the script. I like the combination of managing the phase 2 bullets while dodging the reflecty ones.
Pattern 4 is cool too. Though wish it also kept up something with the gimmick of the last 2 patterns.
It's a pretty cool script though Uroko's power of controlling scales had me expecting bullets that change size.
nazrin's patterns are pretty good and the art is really well made, but the game has a lot of bugs, most especially the problem with invulnerability. I also like the idea of the bomb making bullets small rather than just removing them.
Some other things I noticed and not said below: Power seems to not work? Or might even have an opposite effect because it felt like my damage at 3 power was weaker than 2 power. It's very hard to tell though when there is no visual difference between every power level. Though it also does feel like enemies (including the boss) are way too tanky in general. Almost every phase was a timeout even though I kept being below nazrin.
The music for both the main menu and the boss doesnt loop.
Your pickup hitbox should definitely be increased. If it's the same as the player hitbox then I suggest separating them. Also, I assume the item speed when you reach the PoC is lerping the items to the player, but that gives an awkward effect where their speed when closer to the player is slower than the player's actual speed. So the items never reach you if you keep moving. I had the same problem in one of my shmups when I lerped item movement too. I suggest making them move at a constant high speed instead. That'll make it much nicer.
I liked the art and sound design of this game although the story left me really confused. I suppose it is a sequel to another game that I haven't played which might have made it make more sense.
The combat is a bit repetitive though. It's hard to make a 1 party member rpg interesting but you could've used Yuuka's ability to make copies of herself in LLS to have multiple party members. Also, I think doremy's ai was a bit bugged because she just kept using intimidate and strengthen while rarely attacking at all.
Really cute game but I feel like the generation speed of the flowers is way too slow with how exponentially expensive the upgrades get. I think the second and third levels of the flowers should've been faster. Bees should also bee able to pick up more than a single bolt, or atleast have that be an upgrade. Some visual indicators on what level each flower is wouldve been nice too.
This game is really good at making you rage. Unfortunately I'm not a big fan of rage platformers but I appreciate hoe intentionally evil the level design is. Had to quit after 20 minutes because I just kept getting sent back to the beginning.
If the 2 jump heights were separate buttons this game would be a little less frustrating.
For some reason the script is not showing up in the luastg launcher. All I get is a "SelectGame" screen but nothing further than that.
I'm pretty sure the version is the one in here? And I placed the extracted folder in the mods of the game.
Am I doing something wrong or is something missing for the launcher to recognize the script as a "game"?
Really cool game but also extremely difficult. I think the hitbox of the enemies should be a little bigger since it seems they don't get hit unless you aim exactly at their center.
Also lack of a tutorial is a problem since I can't figure out how to heal or change weapons. I only discovered you can reload and sneak with R and C by pressing every button on the keyboard. Atleast add the controls to the game page.
The little movement pause when youmu parries is a little awkward and there is a big pixel dissonance between youmu's sprite and the background, but the game's visuals are really cute and gameplay is decent.
Though it feels weird to see a 2d game in unreal engine especially with how that engine inflates the file size.