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A member registered Sep 30, 2023 · View creator page →

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Pretty fun game. Your hitbox being only reduced to a dot upon focusing is an interesting concept. Though it does make it a little difficult to dodge bullets when you're also trying to point your mouse at the enemies.

This game uses a lot of free assets and a small amount of AI images which is a slight shame but considering this is just a free fan game i think it's alright. Especially when the mechanics themselves are pretty well made. The fps seems to be uncapped though? Strange decision but i guess the game works fine despite that.

I do wish there was a save system when exiting the game though. Alt tabbing out of the game caused it to never get into fullscreen and the buttons became desynced from their apparent locations so i had to restart it and even though there was a resume option when i quit to the main menu, it was gone when i reopened the game.

the bar increases with graze i think.

I did fix multiple ufos making the sound at the same time in the last update, though if i find more instances of that problem i'll try to fix them in future updates.

Could you tell me which sound effects by themselves felt off to you?

Finally got to playing the game with a 2 player party (Sakuya and Sanae) and completed the first 2 scenes. It's pretty fun. It's like fire emblem but the parts and lashout mechanic makes the enemies a lot more interesting to take down. The one problem with the game currently is that the scuffed version has a lot of ambiguous wording on its rules, so you'll have to interpret some things as you go along, especially things regarding sequencing of simultaneous events (like multiple things which let a character on the board attack out of turn at once, like lashing out and sakuya's abilities happening simultaneously). How wounds of different severities stack is also unclear. Like how much does 1 deep wound and 2 normal wounds account for? So hopefully the author makes it clear in the unscuffed version. A visual representation of ranges and how burst looks like would also be good to lessen confusion.

The gameplay as intended though, it's pretty fun. I especially love the swing when a player can use a perfect spellcard. Maybe a bit too much agency is given to player hands but if you feel like you need more of a challenge you can let things like turn order of enemies with the same speed, or the turn order of the players themselves, be decided by dice.

And although this is a 2+ player game, someone can absolutely play this with a single person controlling all the party characters. Since the enemies have their own set behaviour (or an equivalent of A.I), you don't need a GM for that. It will play like a boardgame version of fire emblem.

There is a lot of note taking though. Like a LOT. So people playing this make sure to have a reliable way to take note of player and enemy statuses throughout the game.

Neat game. The movement controls and animations are pretty smooth for the most part. Except for the spin move. That move had me taking a few minutes just to execute and i end up having to mash the down and jump keys to be able to use it. Hopefully you make it simpler to use. Some sound effects would also be nice since there is no audio other than the background music. The bullets could also be recoloured because they blend in too much with the outdoor background.

Missed opportunity to make the clown into clownpiece. Otherwise, this is a pretty relaxing game with some funny yet bizarre random events. The planting sound effect sounding like a bomb is pretty funny too.

Great game. There are a lot of choices it looks like, and i've only gotten a handful so far. I love the writing. Though there is one issue of pacing being a little weird (like skips in time that aren't very clear)and i see some contradictions in events? Like Yuuka threatening the teachers to stop the exams but then i have to still deal with the exams and convince the teachers to change them?

Impressive looking game. I like the graphics in it a lot. The gameplay is good too, except for one problem, the pacing.

It takes too long to generate enough power to hit a boss, and it's really easy to lose all the power you generated due to how fast flandre can get. Every stage took me over 6 minutes long which by that time the visuals of the stage became old real fast. If the generation of power needed was half as much then the game would be so much better paced.

Also, Komachi meter is epic. More games should have a komachi meter.

This is so cool. A pc98 rpg! Pretty fun too. I also got beaten up by shinki on my first attempts, but then came back with a whole party. Yuki was the only one i was missing by the end. Though when the you have a full party the game becomes pretty easy. I think the enemies should get more (or in this case less?) speed for every party member you have.

Greetings, Sisyphus, the scratch developer.

Genuinely a cool and cute recreation of tetris. Even has the delay on placing the tile that allows you to move them under each other at the last second. Love the artstyle and chippy music. Though I wish it also showed the next block that showed up. Pretty hard to plan stuff without that.

Great game. I never watched avgn but the level design on this game is pretty evil. I applaud you chief.

okay it seems that she moves normally when unfocused, but when she goes focused, she stays slowed down after unfocusing for a while afterwards. Then it gradually gains back its normal speed.

i played on the web build but im not sure if i had any fps issues since i didnt check that. Her speed was just barely enough to dodge komachi's scythe swing.

The illustrations in the book look amazing. May i ask a few clarifications since i want to plan a game of this.

With anything regarding range, does it work in tactical rpg logic? That is, every point in range lets you go one point further in any orthogonal direction and you could change directions midway, or do you have to stick to a single direction for the entire range? That is, can you move in an L shape and such depending on how high your range is? Applies for both movement and spellcard range.

Can I get more clarification on "Whenever Reimu moves, she may also move the Yin-Yang Ball anywhere within 4

spaces of her. It always moves in a straight line from where it was." Does it mean that the yin yangs are always on the same square as Reimu unless she moves them herself? And doesn't "move anywhere within 4 spaces of her" and "it always moves in a straight line" contradict each other?

What is "Blast"? I am assuming it is the same thing as burst? And if so, what are the numbers next to it? I'm assuming the range of the burst but it says that it's always a cross shape of 5 squares? Since all blast/burst abilities have a 2 range though, all of them are the same square shape, but it would be strange for the range to be 2 in that case.

For Sanae's aspects, can she always choose which aspect to cast whenever she uses one of the spellcards?

With regards to the damage mechanics, does accumulating wounds, mean that an injury happens when accumulating the wounds or when taking the wounds *after* accumulating the required wounds? Like does receiving a severe wound immediately injure a character or do they need to get wounded again afterwards?

What does scaling on the scenarios mean? The amount of players playing?

Amazing game. Great level design that adds an additional layer of gameplay as you try to guess what the level is about as you explore it.

The order of levels you get are apparently random but I got Koma as my first one. Very amazing lmao.


Amazing game with really good presentation and fun bullet patterns. I love the concept of this game and I really like the different art styles for each fight.

Though the extra comics at the end lacks the komachi comic that's on the game page.

I like the visual style of the game. But otherwise there isnt really anything to it. It is pretty relaxing to play while listening to some music though. Wish the ball and bullets were faster from the start though.

one of the better touhou 1 games. The ball actually feels responsive and does stuff and gets a lot of vertical velocity that helps it not become a nuisance. The charge ability is also nice to keep the game from becoming frustrating in case you lose control of the ball. My biggest complain though is that the ball spawns on top of you in every level so you have to quickly move or shield if you dont expect it.


This is actually the first time ive enjoyed the gameplay of touhou 1. The physics are pretty smooth in the first 2 stages and it actually felt like you could control the ball rather it controlling you. Although the hitbox on the swing in the first stage is pretty small. Mizuchi's speed in the third stage also felt extremely slow. And I don't think focusing even slowed it down any more. Was that intentional or did you accidentally give focus speed to unfocused mizuchi?

Regardless I like this game a lot. Both boss fights were a lot of fun. Especially Komachi's.

a seihou photography game is pretty cool. Although it took me a while to realize how to play it. I really like it. Although having X be the fire button and Z be the guard button is a little odd to me, I'm used to the opposite.

Really nice pixel art. And i love Sakuya flying on a roomba.

very fun game even though the end gets really hectic (still somehow got 255/89% on my first try somehow)

This is the first game that i'd almost rate 5/5 on everything. Everything is made so well. My first concept for a game this jam was actually to make a Zelda-style NES game, but since I never played it and I don't have experience in making RPGs, i settled for something im more familiar with, but I'm glad someone else had the same idea and I think you executed it much better than I ever could. The sound effects sound lovely, so it's a shame that picking up healing items and killing enemies doesn't have ones.


It's also just a shame that all the build up ended up to nothing due to you running out of time. If you do make the boss fight then I'd gladly replay the game for it. Though I hope the walking speed would also be increased (or a running option would be introduced) to reduce the replay time to get to it. I ended up getting 8/8 health by the end.

Thank you! I tried to replicate her patterns from UFO and I'm pretty happy with the results. Especially the spellcard with the lasers since i had to code in an entirely new bullet-type with the lasers and spent a while trying to find a good sound effect for it.

extremely fun game. I love it. I only wish the difficulty would continue to exponentially increase.

I think you have to make windows defender allow this game, since i got an error and a confirmation from defender to allow this game and the game worked afterwards.

The backgrounds for the game look really nice, and the dialogue system and how rin changed her appearance every few lines was pretty cool.

Although this game seems to have been translated so i didnt really get what the story was about.

In the gameplay section, Marissa's bullets are completely opaque, and they go over Rin's bullets. If it werent for marissa somehow having the smallest hitbox in the world this game would pretty hard, unless you purposefully stop shooting while Rin is shooting. Which might actually be a cool concept for a shmup? But I don't think that was the intended effect.

Dialogue is a bit stiff but I like the idea. Though the UI can do some work. For example, the credits have white text over a white background. Also, the textbox should have a little more to it. Like a border, a texture, or something.

Cute little puzzle game. Got it on my 4th or 5th run. I like all the character portraits, they're so cute. And I was surprised that the solution i thought of worked.

Although some of the parts of the forest and the beach are unwalkable? I assume it's because they are areas that don't lead anywhere, but maybe add some kind of indicator for these areas?

Also, the walking is a bit tiresome. If there were a feature for autowalking (for example, right clicking in a direction will keep cirno walking in that direction until she hits a collider) would help a lot in that. Or maybe just make the map a little smaller or walking speed a bit faster.

I'm mixed on the time aspect. If there were an explanation for it in the story of the game i'd be more inclined for it, but it also didn't really affect me much since i figured out the solution pretty quickly. But my presuccessful run ended right as i was holding the last item for the game. Perhaps add an option to disable it? A timer would also be fun, would add some kind of speedrunning element to the game.

A pause feature would also be good, since my successful run i ran out of time just as i was holding the last item to end the curse and running for my life to end it, and my laptop suddenly gave me a notification for low battery.

hope you make a version that doesnt need a controller because i cant play this game otherwise (unless i somehow find a way to emulate controller inputs with keyboard)

Really fun game. I ended up not finding any of the secrets but I still liked it regardless. The boss fight at the end was pretty fun albeit pretty simple. The level design is really good in this game. Although I initially thought the goal was to find a second yin yang and put both of them at the top room with the two holders (perhaps that's one of the secrets? Never found a second yin yang though)

I tried to make the ufo noise a bit quieter in the updated version but my laziness made it so every ufo that comes into the scene makes the ufo noise, and i'm not sure if multiple ufos making the noise at the same exact time makes it louder or just the same amount lol.

Also, try looking around the main menu of the updated version if you want a harder experience ;)

Fun game that reminds me of aya dive from the last gamejam (which was one of my favourite games of that jam). Though wish the dream things were away from each other enough to allow some kind of run where you can't miss any of them. A visual or sound indicator of when you do get them would be nice too.

Low poly marissa is a treat. And the backgrounds look pretty. Except in the last level though, where everything is white. It's really hard to see anything in that level.

The music is good, and yuuka's mode was pretty fun and stress free due to not being able to be damaged. Don't have the heart to try clearing reimu mode though.

the upgrades and buildings dont seem to do anything yet they still take away resources, and all new buildings look like the flower field. If one or more units end up the same spot then they'll stay grouped up forever. The pathfinding for the pranksters goes to your cursor rather to where you click, and i dont know how long the battles take because i had 12 pranksters but the battles with the sdm seems to go really slowly. The fairies do chop wood but 15 seconds for 15 wood is pretty slow.

10/10 game.

Lovely game <3

If only the brush were a little smaller so i could fit in her hat. But this is a pretty impressive game for renpy, having 2 minigames in it. Wish the drawing somehow saved as an image and appeared later in the game though. That would've been really funny to see.

Very fun game. Though i wish there was a way to gain more lives or a continue system cuz i held out until wave 12 and wanted to see what the rest of the game has to offer, and i dont think i can replay the whole game to that point sorry d;. The controls are a bit strange, would've preferred if z to shoot and shift to strafe instead of s and x so they would be easier on the fingers.  Still liked it a lot though.

You sir, have a good eye for level design that gives me dopamine. That room at the end was really good.

Also, if the gang sign was 2 objects put over a third object rather than one single image that would be really hilarious.

Wish the movement was less slippery though.

game looks cool, and i love mystery games so i'd love to see where this goes! unfortunately i might be too dumb because i could not discover any of the questions or revelations besides the ones that require a single phrase.

This is not a game. This is an experience.