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A member registered Nov 21, 2022 · View creator page →

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The game's gimmick makes it really tedious to play, the 1st 2 bosses are almost the same design

Really long tutorial with clearly AI Voices, the enemy attacks way too fast, also i thought the game crashed when the dodge tutorial started because time stops suddenly with no indication

Nice music, the 1st boss doesn't have much health but you have to hunt him like an anoying fly in your kitchen because he teleports

Charming GB zelda style art, bosses didn't have a massive healthpool but atleast on jam difficulty i could just mash the attack button and get the win on them

Really good pixelart, im going to assume the health doesn't scale based on players present because the slime boss had like x3 the health i would have liked it to have

In 2030 most games will look like this

The 1st boss had too much health couldn't be arsed to beat it, it was cool how he creates portals to reflect bullets back at you tho

I didn't get it, the music is nice tho

Turn(Math) based combat, you "exchange" parts with the boss, but odds are you will have blank/missing pieces in your ship making the "choice" of taking a boss weapon a no braine

This game could be ran at x2 speed and it would be decent, there seems like there are interesting mechanics in there but it was way to slow for me to be arsed to kill the first boss (i died)

Nice art and one of the few games that didn't give bosses a massive healthpool, the bosses weren't particulary fun tho more or less just a sprite swap and the 3rd one had like 3 instances of me taking damage in a single frame when it teleports

Nice character portrait, however the gameplay is presented at a really bad camera angle making it hard to dodge and hit attacks

Good art, the rest of the game is incomprehensible

I mean killing bosses is way too slow, and the timer for buying stuff is way too short, i forgot to mention the art is the one i liked the most out of the whole jam

Jaw dropping

Really hard boss not sure when you can attack them besides of when they slam agains't the wall (cycle bros eating good aka boring ass fight)

Way too slow mid boss fight and way to fast on the shop timer

(1 edit)

I don't even know where you are meant to go, also make the intro skipable

The art is nice, bosses have too much health, and weapons have too much ammo for the theme to really come into play

A lot of games have done the exchange position with another character mid fight to fill in the theme and i feel like this is the first one where it actually has been required (only on the final boss) so props for that

Had to read comments to comprehend how to deal damage to the boss, i feel like if the speed threashold to deal damage was reduced i probably wouldn't have had this issue, even then the whole way to damage the boss is a chore it takes like 3 seconds to get an attack in and the first boss will probably take like 30 attacks to defeat, since you are disjointed from your damage source you can stay really far away from the boss and easily avoid damage, the art is cute