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The Cards You're DealtView game page

Shuffle your deck and trade abilities with your friends in this intense multiplayer boss-rush game!
Submitted by Alvesito (@alsitocpp), Tetraminose (@Tetraminose), tohomoko (@tohomoko), Polyducks (@polyducks), Oroshibu (@Oroshibu) — 1 day, 22 hours before the deadline
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CriteriaRankScore*Raw Score
ART / VISUALS#64.5194.519
SOUNDS / MUSIC#74.0744.074
USE OF THEME#94.1114.111
BOSS DESIGN#253.7413.741

Ranked from 27 ratings. Score is adjusted from raw score by the median number of ratings per game in the jam.

Game's take on the theme
The main gimmick of the game consists on you being able to trade your abilities (or cards) with your friends by dragging them to their decks in between bosses! In addition, most of the abilities also give a negative effect in exchange for their benefits.

Did your team create the vast majority of art and music during the game jam?

Did your game use PlusMusic?

Did your game use Playroom?

Did your game use generative AI art?
Of course not!

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Another comment, I found this funny little bug that red patch is the player, who got bugged during death, and I could shoot and deal damage but not get hurt and was permanently dead.

Developer (3 edits) (+1)

Hmmm let me try to see what may be causing it. Do you recall the weapon you were using? Also during which boss fight did this happen? Was it playing solo or with more players? Was the "Respawn in X seconds..." message showing up?

Let's just hope it wasn't an issue with Playroom... again 🥲


it’s was multiplayer, it’s was during the mage fight, I was using fireball, and no respawn was not showing. It let me still attack as if I was alive, yet I was clearly at 0 hp, I also had to Hp down debuffs.


Shouldnta died then bud 😎


Really good pixelart, im going to assume the health doesn't scale based on players present because the slime boss had like x3 the health i would have liked it to have


It's, fucking awesome! The only thing that's made me sad is that it's so short! Great artwork, music, UI, it's so polished and we had so much fun playing! Maybe some weapons like fireball is a bit undertoned by the powerhouse of a weapon that bow is, but overall one of the best games I've played so far!


Awesome and beautiful game!
I really like your art direction, and the game feels very smooth!
The main character is a bit slow to my liking and the feedbacks on the sword hitting a boss are a bit lacking , but otherwise I really had a great time !

Developer (1 edit) (+1)

Thanks for playing and I'm glad you liked it! Out of curiosity, how would you improve the feedback on the swords? We thought about adding things like a VFX for when you hit a boss (but we didn't have enough development time), as well as adding hitstun to each hit (but that caused some weird shenanigans with co-op so we ended up removing it)


I don't think hitstun is the way, because you swing 3 times a second. I think my main issue with the sword is the knockback! I feel that it is a bit too heavy!


But it is a very very minor nitpick.


This game has by far the best use of the theme. The multiplayer concept is very good, but it has a lot of bugs, the boss's health is very high and you should be able to exchange your weapon for a new one after defeating a boss.

Developer (2 edits)

Thanks for the feedback! We are aware of the multiplayer bugs. Sadly it seems like we ended up pushing Playroom to its limits in some fields, and it's pretty clear that it was meant to be used for less complex games (also, making a multiplayer game for a jam is hard). 

The boss's health is another issue that arises from this, since whether it's too large or too low depends entirely on the amount of players playing (since there is health scaling) AND on the abilities you got on that run. Generally, playing with 2-3 players should feel good, playing alone should feel like the boss has too much health, and playing in groups of 4 is pretty much unplayable past the first boss because of the lag.

And I'm sorry, I don't really understand your third point and I'd be glad if you could explain it to me. The objective of the trading mechanic is that you get random weapons so, if you want a new one, you talk with your friends to trade your weapon with theirs, and if you don't you can easily get it on another run. In my opinion, making it so each boss gives you a new weapon would make that side of the game pointless, but again, I'm not really sure that's what you meant. Thanks for playing!


Loved the game! I actually found the game quite simple for Playroom multiplayer. For this size of game, 20 player game lobby should be good(similar region). But the lag and jank is expected as you could be over synchronizing or sending more data than needed in later boss rounds. Its common for Jam and the time you all had. 

Would love to help, look through the code and provide pointers.

All in All, great execution!


I'd be glad if you could help me after the jam ends! There's definitely a lot of stuff that feels like it could have been optimized, though because of the lack of time we had at out disposal and the lack of documentation (specifically for Godot) I had to improvise a bit in some parts of the synchronization process. Glad you liked it!


This game is fun, has beautiful, consistent art, and can be played by many people. There are a lot of little details in this game. Good job.

I'd also like to invite you to play my game if you're interested.


This game is really fun. Great art and effects. Good Job.


That was really great! I can see how having others to play with would enhance the experience... solo takes a while to beat the bosses. Very smooth gameplay and lots of polish.


An absolute blast to play!

One of these runs, though, I'm sure I'll be able to catch that polyduck peckin' on the gravestone, and have myself a nice dinner.

I rate it 10 YEE's out of 10 HAW's!


Let's gooo partner!!!


Very polished all around and a lot of fun with friends, especially with how easy it is to just straight up get started.  The bosses all felt fair and challenging besides their health which was definitely too much, at least in 4 player lobbies.  Another thing is that the items and especially the stat boosters don't feel that powerful or game changing. A small thing is reducing the knockback on the sword since I was given all the attack speed boosts from my friends but I was only landing half the attacks because the knockback.  Besides those minor nitpicks you guys did a great job and I would definitely buy a full release version of this in a heartbeat.  

Developer (1 edit) (+1)

Thanks for the feedback and I'm glad you had fun playing! Sadly, the game gets a bit janky when playing with 4 players, and I'm pretty sure the reason why the boss health feels like too much is because about half of the attacks disappear with the lag. We haven't gotten that many comments about the health from players who were playing in groups of 3 or less (in fact, quite the contrary, some people complain about how the last fight lasts too little). But you're right, it's definetly an issue we have to tackle.

I can definetly see how the stat boosters can feel unimpactful at times. They were mostly added as a bonus (since they were pretty quick to develop) and as a fun way of making players say "wow, look at how absurdly massive my weapon got lol" or "I die in one hit but I can just dash across the entire arena wooo". They were made rarer for this reason, but they sometimes still appear more than they should, and that's one of the things we'll probably be tweaking first whenever the jam ends.

And about the sword speed, we straight up didn't notice since it's only a problem with swords, so thank you for telling us!


Amazing game, I definitely  have to play it again with friends.  Congrats!

Host (2 edits) (+2)

Polished graphics and music, an interesting exchange mechanic, and an overall incredibly fun game!! 

The first boss was a touch simple / bullet-sponge-y, but this was more than made up for with the second and third bosses -- and a simple first boss definitely makes sense.

AMAZING job!!! 5 stars all around!


This game looks really nice and polished. Gotta try the multiplayer at some point.


This is incredibly polished for a 30day jam projects! the art the music and the fact is all multiplayer with a fun exchange mechanic??? 


Beautiful game! Played it in multiplayer and we had tons of fun! So impressive that this was made in 30days!


Really great and polished game for a 30 day jam!

Definitely needs to get top 30.

(get this game to steam, I'll make 3 alt accounts and buy it in all of them)


Wow super great, might be the most polished looking game I found on here so far...didn't play it too long but gave 5/5 Great job

Cant do better than 5/5 Best of luck to you!

Hey there, I am trying to get other to re-submit their reviews for my game if was deleted and removed from the Jam on accident based on a technicality which was solved between the Jam Host and a particular asset used in the game...please if you have time, energy, and/or generosity to re-saved your ratings/reviews for the game. I am going through and re-saving yours given my browser kept your rating saved data on my end...but it looks like I lost all 73 reviews and ratings from my end....  :( best of luck to you in the Jam 

Sorry for the inconvenience if you have a chance to rate/re-rate


The controls feel super responisve and the visuals are really well made, great job on the art and music side of the game, I couldn't fully enjoy as it is based around multiplayer but I had a great time, good job!


Wow! I absolutely adore the art. Big ups to Polyducks and the rest of the artists! The controls were responsive, the music was a banger and the theme interpretation was super interesting. If I REALLY had to pick out something that I think could be improved, it would be the length. It could be because I was just playing with myself, but the bosses had a ton of health. Maybe decrease the boss health a bit (but then again, I wasn’t playing with anyone else). Other than that small nitpick, wow what an amazing game, awesome work guys!


Thank you a lot! Really happy to see you liked it this much and wanted even more. Polyducks did in fact colaborate with us for some assets (like that really chunky bird, love that), but I was the main artist for the whole project, hoping you can invite some friends to play the game again soon, it changes a lot how it feels ^^


Oh wow I seriously love your art style! I will definitely try to get my friends to play with me. Again, awesome work!


Yeah Hombre totally carried the art for this whole project. I did the sprites for one bird haha. Thanks for the shoutout!

Definitely get some friends together on voice, planning your loadouts is so much fun.

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