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A member registered Aug 20, 2021 · View creator page →

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A capa ta muito boa! e o jogo de forma geral ta bonito
Muito divertido e interessante esse conceito de batalha entre castelos de areia! Gostei bastante :)
Parabéns pelo jogo

Muito bom!
A bola maluco é imparável kkkkk, gostei das quests e do sistema de nível!
Parabéns pelo jogo

Muito bonito, os sons estão um pouco altos mas ainda sim muito bons.
A gameplay é boa e o jogo de forma geral está muito bem feito.

Parabéns pelo jogo!

Muito bem elaborado!
É uma mecânica muito bem feita e que combina com o personagem ser um caranguejo!
Parabéns pelo jogo

Muito bem feito!
Adorei o estilo de defender as tartarugas com ARMAS MORTAIS
O visual também está muito bonito.
Parabéns pra equipe!

Muito engraçado kkkkk
Essa mecânica de levar os picolés usando a bola deixa o jogo bem único e divertido!
Parabéns pra equipe.

Muito bem feito! As artes estão genuinamente muito boas, principalmente a animação da água!
Adorei a mecânica de entregar picolés e de escolher quantos você vai comprar no começo fase.
Parabéns pelo jogo!

Eu fui mordido :(
Muito divertido! E os desenhos estão muito bonitos
Parabéns pelo jogo!

Meu jet ski explodiu! kkkkkkk
Muito divertido, e bastante criativo!
Parabéns pelo jogo.

Que incrível! Adorei o personagem ser um passarinho kkkk
Muito legal o jogo, acabei com todos os vilões!
Parabéns pelo jogo!

Muito fofo a tartaruga adorei jogar estrelas contra o lixo!
Consegui resgatar todas as 60 tartaruguinhas.
Parabéns pra equipe <3

Muitas coisas para fazer! A arte está muito bonita e os minigames são muito legais!
Parabéns pra equipe

Muito bonito o jogo!
A arte está incrível e o jogo é bem interessante!
Parabéns pro time

Here is mine

Really well made, had lots of fun playing it, the randomly generated islands also create a good feeling of "newness", and the way to attack the enemies is also really creative haha, very nice game, good job!

Really liked the concept! Takes greatly both Bullet Hell and Confined themes, the game is also pretty challenging and fun to play! 10/10 best br developer

Really fun game! Was able to go through all of it on my first try haha, but even then i really liked it, the wavy bullet patterns were also really fun and fairly challenging to follow, good job!

This art style is really good! This is a really nice way of embracing the "Confined" theme of the jam haha, and the gameplay is also really fun, good job!

This game gave me some really good laughts haha, i would love to see a dating sim combined with bullet hell phases in order to progress, maybe thats something that would actually make me want to play any dating sim at all haha, good job!

Dodge/Movement focus games are always appreciated, really liked the visuals and the game itself is very fun! i would like a way to maybe make the player character more highlighted? but it also being very tiny helps with the precise movement the game requires, so i don't really know how to do that haha. Anyone, a great game overall! Good job

Very fun concept! really liked the design and it definelly gets challenging after some levels, i don't have any real complains other then i personally would like a more free movement for the player character, it's probally a design choice but i felt like the player is too heavy and slow compared to the rest of the game, but thats more on what i personally like then how the game "should" be.

Really fun game! interesting that your own bullets can end up hurting if you don't pay attention to what you are doing, as people already pointed out i would go for a little more precise movement so players can get a little more strategic in their positioning, but otherwise you made a great job!

Thanks for the feedback! the game is definelly on a little of a harsh state haha, i could try doing something in the future to help that!

Thank you so much for the feedback! Hehe yeah the art is not exactly the best one, i didn't had anyone to actually focus on it so i had to do it myself haha. Glad you had fun! Even if it got a little boring afterwards hehe.
Again, thank you for the feedback, maybe i will be able to do something harder for you next time 😜

Thank you so much for the Feedback!
I'm glad you liked the concept! The game is definelly hard but in future versions i will try to build a better learning curve, so the player will be already prepared for harder challenges.
I'm mainly a programmer so i really went for a simple but effect graphic design, and i'm glad people actually liked it.
Again thank you for the Feedback, i really appreciate it!

Hehe, Yeah i definelly should've gave it more playtest before finishing the levels layout.
In a technical way it is possible to block enemy shoots when teleporting, since during your meele attack the same reflects bullets, but that's too precise of a movement for most people (and me) to do it regularly.
Thanks for the Feedback! I'm glad you liked the mechanic and i will make sure to build a better learning curve on future versions

Thanks for the Feedback! As said on previous comments, i will make sure to make a better learning curve on future version! Again, thanks for the feedback. 

Haha, Thanks for the inclusion! And thanks for the feedback <3

Really nice concept, loved the design and a pixelated 3d game is a pleasant surprise

I really like Rhythm games, the graphics are well thought and i like the musics.
As said before, it takes a while to get used to two inputs to make a move, but when that happens it actually becomes really fun!

 Frankly, what he does is magic to me.

I agree

Thank you for the feedback! i agree that the game starts a little too difficult, it is supposed to get harder as you progress but it probally shouldn't start like that.
I knew i needed to change something on the jump but wasn't quite sure what was it, thank you for pointing out :p.
As for the graphics, i'm not exactly the best one in art and i wanted to spend more time on the game mechanics, probally could give the player a border also but the main reason for the enemies having one is so you can distinguish how many of then are together.
Again, thank you for your feedback! This is a concept i want to progress further and i will remember these suggestions when making more content on it.

Good visuals, but as said before i don't feel like we have a lot of room to actually understand the games mechanics, maybe separating it in multiple levels and removing the time on the first one? Anyways, since you said on the game page that it isn't finished yet i wouldn't be too harsh on it, it still has a lot of potencial to be a really good game overall. Good Luck on your Journey!

I'm more than impressed by how you were able to make such a good looking game with only 8 colors, the music is also really good, was it made on FamiTracke?
I'm also a big fan of bullet hells, even tho i'm not the best one at it :p
Well done

About the jump, since it's a puzzle game it is not really a problem, but i personally like more control over my movement when jumping

Good game, fun design and the graphics are really well made

I really liked the design! And the concept is good too, i really enjoy puzzle games.
I think the jump is a bit clunky and the music slowing when dying is a good touch but after your 20th death it became a little annoying atleast for me, but that doesn't make the game bad at all! I still really enjoyed playing it

Hey, that would make a really good Rythm Game! I'm more of a fast paced person, but i liked the concept anyway.