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Submissions streaming

A topic by AL Wyvern created Apr 26, 2022 Views: 839 Replies: 41
Viewing posts 1 to 23
Submitted (4 edits) (+3)

Hi Ya'll,

I'm gonna do a stream of a bunch of the entries for the Bullet Hell Jam tomorrow, starting at around half eight Irish Standard time, which is 24.5 hours from now. I'll be rating as I go too. If you want your game streamed tell me a little about it and drop a link!

Mine is here for anyone interested:

Don't feel like you have to rate mine, I will try to stream a decent amount of submissions but I can't guarantee I'll get to yours! 

Edit: My stream will be at 8:30 Irish Standard Time today and will be at:

Edit 2: If anyone wants to come on the stream and chat about there game, they're more than welcome to

Edit 3: Kid was unwell so I needed to look after them, all sorted now but stream will be starting a little late, still going ahead though!

Submitted (1 edit)

Hello, My game is about a cargo ship trying to deliver its cargo from island to island. Unfortunately there is a pirate battle going on around you, so try to not get shot


Rated, I enjoyed the game though it was a little chaotic!


You know you can stream mine Al. :) Happy to get any exposure! If anyone else sees it and fancies rating a beat-powered neon nightmare, here you go.


I mean, I was gonna be streaming that anyway, would have been rude not to, what with you showing up and all


Hello there! If you want, you can give my game a go:

The game is about a space ship that is sent to space by the Earth government in order to destroy an evil alien armada that is headed right to Earth to invade it. 

The ship the player controls has a variety of ways to deal with enemies, such as a dash to avoid undesirable circumstances, main and secondary weapons and, obviously, engines to propel itself.

Game controls and such is explained in-game!


Rated, there's the bones of something there for sure but definitely needs some work, the 3d models are nice (was that a tie defender?) but more time balancing game play would have been nice


Hey if you want you can give my game a go Rate Guns 'n Droids by Shades of Dark for Bullet Hell Jam 2022 -  it's about how Earth has been taken over by robots and only a plant can save it so you go through levels full of trigger happy robots to try to get the plant ! 


Rated, I got a bit of a laugh out of this however the controls were unresponsive and as such I wasn't able to get off the first screen, making the player more powerful and the gun shoot more often might help with this!


Pretty fair rating and review I just feel like you weren't able to utilize the numbers switching weapons idea as much.


I鈥檇 love it if you gave mine a shot! The goal is to cross a large expanse while staying on moving platform and dodging the incoming projectiles. It鈥檚 also plenty colorful!


Rated, really good use of the theme, however movement was a little slow and hitboxes for the direction buttons very small so it took a couple tries to move the platform the way I wanted, definitely on to something here, just needed more time!


Cool of you to showcase some entries on stream :)

if you want to give it a try here's my entry, it has 5 different playable ships with different weapons each, a shield you can manually activate to deflect bullets back at enemies for a short time, the game's a bit on the short side with only 3 levels x bosses but it has local coop multiplayer.


Rated, your key art is magnificent but didn't translate into the game which was a bit of a let down, you had a lot of features but I feel like time would have been better spent refining the levels and game experience itself, with time this could be something


Thanks for taking some time to play it on stream, i saw the replay on your channel, you gave it a fair share gameplay wise can't argue with that XD

I just want to point out 2 things : 

  1. The game does have sound and music during levels, so i'm not sure what happened there and why you didn't have any
  2. The jaggies thing is a weird issue i've had pop up randomly when making the final build and i have no idea what causes it,  sometimes it exports like that and sometimes it exports fine with crisp pixels all in place, if you look at a screenshot on the itch page that's what the graphics are supposed to look like :p

But like i said you gave it fair criticism on all the rest so no problems here :)


I would love if you could try my game too :D


Rated, this was a lovely little game, very simple and straightforward but I had fun with it


Thank you :D


can you stream mine too :D ?


Rated, good concept but a little to chaotic at later levels, it felt a bit too random if that makes sense, absolutely loved the intro and extro, great work there

Submitted (1 edit)

I would love it if you could give my game a go! It flips the "Confined" idea on its head and allows the player to confine enemies in their place to sneak in extra damage or escape from tricky situations


Rated, movement was a little on the slow side for me and bullet patterns later on got maybe a little too chaotic, however the items where fantastic and varied and added a lot to the experience, I enjoyed it


P. S. What's the link to your stream?


Ha, good catch! Have added the link to the original post


Id love if you could try mine! 

Fight through the underworld through waves of demons and five bosses in this bullet-hell twin-stick shooter!

Make sure to use alt+enter to put the game into fullscreen.

I'll try rate yours when I can!


Rated, I think you might have been in the stream at the time I played? I enjoyed it, though it was a little slow paced and you could have had better use of the confined theme, but definitely good bones there and could be great if you wanted to work on it further


Here is mine


Rated, pretty sure you were on the stream while I played? Was good if a little on the manic side, hard as nails but had a rhythm to it is and I like the use of lasers to confine the player and added a bit of a puzzle element to the play



Very cool to see you doing this! Would love to see you give mine a try :)

If you're up for a bit of a challenge, my game has a few "souls-like" bosses that you have to survive long enough from in order to defeat! Can be played in browser or there's also a windows download.

Thank you for this gesture. I'd be glad to watch your stream.
Here's the game I made with my friends, I've made the music.


I'm sorry but as a long time health care worker I cannot in good conscience play a game that denigrates vaccines

I understand your statement, no worries.

We made this more as a joke than a political belief though since we're vaccinated. Have a good day.


I'm glad you're vaccinated and it's only a joke, however oftentimes and especially on the internet it can be impossible to tell if something is a joke or not


Going live now


Watching you now. Would love to see your input :)


He gave very constructive and genuine feedback. Great streamer!


Awe, thanks for the feedback, much appreciated :)


Cool art + loss of time = Bug filled Bullet heck.

Submitted (1 edit)

I made a classic style shmup with influences from games like Doom. It would be rad for you to check it out! It's called Crimson Hell!


@Al Wyvern thank you for rating my game. I have started building games in Pygame for the past 1 year. I did all the artwork myself and built this in 1 week during my spring break. If you have a few mins you can watch this video to get a sense of the other levels I built.



here is mine :