Really cool idea to have the rewind feature change your characters evolution, nice to have a bit of a narrative going on as well! Visual are clean. Great job :)
Vexed Programmer
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The concept is really good and I feel that it is almost there but it is missing something.
Mainly, you get so little time with the light on that when I manage to find the light bulb, it feels more like luck rather than skill. I would either increase the timer slightly or allow the player to rotate the light to face the cursor :) Good job!
It is amazing what you managed to get done in three hours! Very fun and could make quite a good hyper casual style game. My only complaint is the lack of a "isGrounded" grace period. When you walk of an edge you should give a small window where you can still jump (like 0.2 seconds), this would make the controls feel much more responsive and less frustrating while keeping the challenge!
Really great project. Obviously for this to be a full game you will need multiple maps and maybe upgrades for the towers, but for a Jam game this is a great portfolio piece that you should definitely continue with!
Some general ideas to improve the base game would be:
The ability to click on the towers and be able to remove them.
Improve how you handle playing sound (10 lazers all going at the same time is a but much :P)
Really great job, keep it up!
Thanks for playing! Yeah the how to play thing was a bit last minute, I was also developing this on a 28 inch monitor, so the text was very clear for me haha! I was debating how best to approach the game, as I ended up with this time trial idea, I thought it best to have it in a way that means player have to practice and get better at dealing with the gravity but I did want to add a grapple/rope mechanic that I didn't get around to!
The digging was the main thing I wanted to get working, it is quite a complex combination of a marching cube algorithm split across multiple threads each of which are handling calls to compute shaders so that it can regen the mesh fast enough, so that took up most of my time :)