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A member registered Jun 17, 2018 · View creator page →

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There is only one ending and we forgot to remove the interacting spark on the bookshelf, you just have to get all 3 books and interact once and an object in the room will dissapear allowing you to progress.

Really amazing art love the little panels for the story and the pixel art, although i dont really get the rat in it I feel like it could have been a little different like in the game you fight pillows thats what I think they were atleast so instead of a rat i would put like a pillow and it just becomes evil in the eyes of the cat or at the very least make the final boss be the rat.

Great game pretty fun and interesting puzzles, really liked the audio design and the difficulty curve is pretty nice ending in the hell of a parkour section that surely didnt take me like 20 minutes to beat, Puzzles great but the movement feels a bit off with no momentum or anything so the jumping felt too floaty and not really precise, like when you jump and turn mid air you shouldnt be able to move at full velocity on that direction but ofc this is just for the last section since it was all about platforming.

Really intersting puzzle game would to see more of it, great job

Fun little platformer kinda makes me wish there were more levels I feel like I only played two tutorials and whats there already works so a couple more levels with what its already in there would have been cool, I liked the changing between the girl and the ghost in a few areas i found myself doing some nice changing between both to kill enemies.

Fun game just missing more levels

Good platformer but can feel quite frustrating when there is no checkpoints and mean spike placements in every corner, it feels like I just need to go tapping the keys constantly, the graphics did fit the game pretty well specially the area around the player but I feel like the game design needs some improvements for example some kind of checkpoint or alternative route that opens after you reach a certain point

Really fun game I went for two playthroughs and almost managed to kill the final boss, The blood mechanic was pretty nice, i didnt really get it at first but once you start seeing the messages it all becomes more clear, on thing I would add a health tombstone in every stage at least 1 and maybe add a blur effect for the border of the sight circle to make the enemies appear more smoothly.

But yeah great work, and really cool boss fight keep it up

There are a few hints on what you need to do, specifically a note on the floor but with just a bit of exploring on the second floor you can find what you are looking for, The way up is indeed closed until you deal with something and that something is in one of the rooms  up there. Would love to hear your thoughts again if you decide to give it another go since that was just the start of the game

Really cool platformer game, at the start i was a bit confused seeing so many different paths but it made sense later, The map is really well design to make you want to explore every corner and find new ways to progress, really enjoyed it great job

Really good game it does give those liminal spaces vibe and I really liked it, one thing i would change though is the effects on the screen even though they are good and do give the vhs look they are too frequent and make it really hard to see in some areas, I really  liked the look of the maze area but since I couldnt really see much of it it got a bit ruined for me.

Overall really good ambience and map design but would lower the effects a bit

The horror vibes are what we wanted to give so glad you liked that part, for the second key you need to find the door for it so i belive a bit of exploring will give you the results and for the sprites we did use point rendering and it looks good on our end so I don't really know whats going on but we'll look into it.

Thanks for playing and for the feedback

Thank you for playing, Yeah for some reason the AI behaves weirdly in the built version, in engine it actually worked perfectly fine

Thank you for playing, glad you liked it

Glad to see you again, definetly one of the parts that i enjoy the most is the design and brainstorm part and we wanted to have the player have as much fun as possible while destroying everything, thank you for playing

Really interesting idea, Really makes you think in some puzzles, loved the art style and the animations of the board, I am curious though in the first level is there a way to get the golden wings?

I also tried the level editor I have to say it works really well except its missing a way to play test the maps because otherwise you just delete everything and have to make it again, i did a small map to test it out but it definetly was difficult without a way to test it.

Overall I really like the idea and it has a lot of potential, would definetly want to see more of this

Thank you for playing, all the sprites are actually 32 pixels per unit but I agree that the art is not the forte since both of us started learning pixel art not too long ago so there is a lot of room for improvement, thanks for the feedback.

Thank you for playing and for the feedback, The chili reseting was planned but we had to finish other stuff you know the classic gamejam experience but we made so the chili respawns after a while so even if you dont get the results you wanted you can try again later

Glad you liked it, if you dont mind me asking what were you trying to do that was "the wrong way"? i know some other people had problems in the first level but it's always good to learn from these things

Really interesting story and great animations and visual desing, I really did not know what i was getting into and didnt really understand "how could a visual novel be chaotic aside from the clasic cute but now creepy" but the writing was really good and the minigame did get super chaotic to the point of making me panic, amazing game really well done congrats

Thank you for playing, yeah the hammer is not in the best position but with a bit of exploring you can find it around the north area of the map

Fun game with great art style, it takes a bit to know what to do since I got a bit confused with the tutorial since it said that i had to bash enemies but i just took damage from them until i noticed that you have to attack them when they are going in a different direction which also made me realise that i could just spam movements and get better results than trying to follow the rythim, but aside that it was really fun and it did get pretty chaotic.

Really fun game it started slow but once I got the income it really became what I expected in a computer chaos, one thing I would add to it would be more variety on the panels that show up since there is only like 4 different panels but overall a really solid entry great job

Really nice game my favorite part was the music and the movement felt nice and the visuals were actually pleasing but I wouldnt consider that it fits the theme very well, the gameplay was pretty straight forward and it didnt feel like chaos at all, at one point the enemies just went down a ramp in a straight line which i feel it could have been done differently maybe something like enemies appearing behind you and use the spikes in some way so the player actually needs to jump them, it's a nice idea and its well implemented but i think it could get some more work on the design aspect

Glad you enjoyed it, The highlighted gates can be opened if you have the hammer that is somewhere around the map

Glad you enjoyed it and yeah it's not just you, i'm already working on better controls for the after jam version, I added these controls as a temporal thing but in the end I didn't have enough time to work on some better ones.

Since most games that are played with WASD also use the mouse, the controls are to keep the hands in the same position as it would be in any other game, but as i said thats how it's on paper right now, I will try to look up examples and maybe even add an option to customize the keybindings if necesary.

Yeah the controls were gonna be temporal but stayed until the end, the new control scheme that I might implement is gonna be "left mouse" to shoot, "right mouse" for hammer, the big jump is gonna change for a double jump then "shift" for dash and "F" for gliding. I think this sounds good enough at least on paper we'll see in practice. Thank you for the feedback

Fun game although im not that good with rage games I tried my best, the bomb sound and explosion radius are a bit weird to me like the sound effect is way too loud and the explosion would hit me even though I wasn't really near it, I really like the mechanic of having to stick together with both characters and I think it was well implemented.

Thank you for the feedback, I'll check the collisions and see what can be happening, the controls are a bit weird I know and the addition of a tutorial would be have been nice but time was not on our side here, to use the pink guy ability you need to press shift and the mouse wheel or the "C" while in the air.

Would love to hear your opinion about mine:, already played yours it was really fun.

Really fun game, I feel like the learning curve is a bit too high at the start like everything goes too fast but when you start to get into the loop its just very enjoyable although I think it's still a bit rough with the health system since most of the times the guys don't reach in time so I think a way to gain lives back would be nice but other than that really enjoyable game great work. 

Thank you for the feedback, most of the stuff you mentioned it's already being worked on like the boss area needs a few changes, the pushing you into the spikes I thought it was a good idea in paper but then I didn't have that much time to actually test it, the same goes with the blue guy area after actually testing it again it is obvious that difficulty spike is too high there so it's gonna go under a few revisions to see how to make it better. Glad you enjoyed it and thank you so much for the feedback.

Really fun game, the enemies are hard to avoid sometimes but i think thats a good thing to keep you moving around, the only thing I didnt quite like is how random it is there were a few times where i was missing one item and it was nowhere so i had to cycle through all the items until it appeared, maybe i was just unlucky but a way to manage that would be nice, like the items you need having higher probability or the enemies changing the items from time to time, but overall I really enjoyed it and it was fun great work. Here is mine would love to hear your feedback on it, gonna play yours now

really simple game but fun although I think it could get more work on the enemies since if you are good enough with the mouse there is really no reason to move, you can just stand in the center and click everything, a good idea could be adding enemies that shoot or having random speeds for the asteroids and ships.

Loved the visuals and the music, the gameplay is a bit hard to get at first but as you play more it becomes easier to move, one thing that could be added is some kind of warning for when a wall is gonna go down since when the beat drops it gets faster sometimes you can't even react in time to the wall coming down so most of the times its just an instant loss, but other than that really fun and it has a great feel to it. nice job.

Fun puzzle game, the controls for the characters were a bit confusing at first but after I got 3 character it wasn't a problem anymore. The puzzles were not too complex but fun to do and solve, one thing I noticed though is that after you get the fireball guy there is really not much use for the sword guy anymore he is just in the  back not able to do much or anything at all in later levels. Overall I really enjoyed it and it was fun, great job.

Here is mine, I would love to get some feedback on it since i'm already working on a definitive version. i'll make sure to check yours when i have some time. Here is mine, i'll make sure to play your game too when i have some time.

I really enjoyed this, that big boss was terrifying, really enjoyed the retro gameboy style art it's really well made and the capturing mechanic worked really good, one thing i would liked to see used more are the areas that you can't reach except if you have the specific character you need to get there like the fire elemental floating tutorial. but overall really fun and really well made great job.

Thank you for the feedback, my intention with the map was for the players to get lost a little bit so they were forced to explore, the original idea was to make it more metroidvania style with a minimap and everything sadly this last part wasnt implemented in time.

For the enemies I agree a hit effect would be nice but for now they produce a sound when getting hit which I think works the same way but maybe something could be done with the audio setting so it feels stronger.