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I like how many applications this simple mechanic had. Using the electrified water to open the door in the first level was such a great eureka moment. I think the platforming and controllers need to be more precise, and some of the plugs feel too tight for their own good, making the challenge of the game come more from fighting the physics rather than the puzzles themself. Congrats on the submission!
I found that I would try to drag a piece onto my grid and it wouldn't attach a lot of the time. It seems like if I didn't place it in the exact right place I was trying to put the piece, instead of snapping into place it would instead just go back into my inventory. This also seems like it could have been a problem my resolution effecting how the game perceives my mouse position possibly because I havent seen other people have problems with this in the comments but that's just a guess.
Atmosphere is perfect for this type of game. I felt like the time until growing could have been cut down in half and it would have helped, as it is now it takes too long to defeat an enemy. I enjoyed the character designs quite a bit and the enemy AI is excellent. Good job and congratulations on the entry!
Planets, how it was executed here, are a truly inspired idea for an auto clicker. Good art style to boot. I have the same gripes with the scaling/grind as others. Being able to go around upgrading different planets is a fantastic solution to the problem of needing to sit and wait with auto clickers. Good job!
These are some very well designed cards that all work very well together. A lot of synergy and counters that make you think. It never felt too difficult and would love to see this expanded with maybe multiplayer. Super polished as well. I have the same gripes with the deselect as everyone else, but overall FANTASTIC job! This game is criminally under reviewed!!
Big fan of the art style. The gameplay is very well designed, and is very elegant, every thing works well together. I ran into what I think is a bug that makes the game hard to play: The first time the rider falls off a built path I cant seem to make more ramps and they die. With this fixed I think this becomes super replayable. Good work, especially for 48 hours!
The color palette and minimalist art style work excellently. Puzzles make sense and had a nice difficulty curve. Felt unsatisfying that after a point the game changes and you lose movement. I feel like puzzle game progression should in general add mechanics not take them away. Even with this, my favorite level was the first one without movement lol. Overall, good job and congratulations on the entry!