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A member registered Dec 19, 2020 · View creator page →

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This game has the actual best environment I seen. The music, sfx and graphics mesh so well together to give like a Buckshot Roulette esc vibe. The actual game tho was very difficult for me, but it made it all the more satisfying to finally beat it after a long time (mostly due to the emergency nerfs). I was initially going to give an in-depth guide on "how to complete IRIS by Kedrickfudala", but it may be better to do this in a slideshow with pictures. For some overall tips:  The game starts you with a pool of moves but regens a set amount of moves each level completed. This used to be 2 moves pre patch but may of been changed. This essentially means 2 is the par for all levels and you only get a finite amount of turns over par. If you take too many turns on a earlier level its best to restart. Second, after the patch, completing the inside game first may give more turns according to the dev. Try to always take advantage of this.

Also for the lime level, aiming shooting slightly lower than horizontal gives a really good double bounce of the rounded edges which will put you right next to the hole. If you miss the second bounce the ball would still likely settle on a straight shot to the goal.

This game got me lining up my cursor with the stars for my shots. Really cool design and polish. The timer is a really nice touch and the UI looks great. Did you use the real gravity equation for the calculations? I think it would be really nice to have the planet resetting size tied to a button rather than every reset so it would be easier lining up shots, but that might clutter up the controls. By the way, I LOVED the scroll mechanics. I am literally the number one enjoyer of having the scroll wheel as a main part of the game. Its underused and probably because of controller support.

I was wondering why every rock i hit kept falling down until i read the instructions xd. But for real this is a really cool concept! I think its really impressive you made something randomly generated. To any players who want tips on getting a high score: spam click rather than hold on rocks in order to get more boost, also wait until you see a good rock before you move your cursor. PS this game made me try rebinding scroll up and down to left click, It doesn't work so don't try it.

Thank you for the comment.  The grab mechanic was definitely very interesting to add. There was a bug where the grabbed block would push the player which would then move the grabbed block again till you hit a wall, but it was worth it because otherwise the only way to fix mistakes would be to restart the level.

Thanks for playing. I initially was going to make the player a robot to fit with the name but i took many creative liberties along the way.

Thanks. That took a long time to get working.

Sorry for the wait. I been busy with school. I may not be able to get it done soon.

Omg, say no more. Working on it now.

Thanks for clarifying.

Thank you for the reply. I look forward to the continued development

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Thanks for playing. The music glitch was a known glitch minutes after I submitted it. The problem was in my code to make sure only one music script was playing. The code would check if it wasn't the first one loaded and would delete itself if it was. The problem was that the script would delete the script to delete itself rather then the object that was actually playing the music which would cause 2 objects playing the same music to be playing at the same time. It was a simple fix by changing "Destroy(this);" to "Destroy(gameObject);". I did fix it in the newer version but accidently removed the escape feature entirely in that version also. Thanks for letting me know.

The concept was nice and the introduction slides was a good was to introduce the story. The introduction does go pretty fast so its a bit difficult to read it all. The background art and music was really set the scene. Maybe the title screen music could also be played in the level select and the credits. The gameplay was pretty simple, just navigate the character to the stars.  The movement was a bit uncomfortable (maybe the point of the game) but a wasd movement system with only 3 inputs is really difficult to do. Maybe "w" to move forward "a" to turn left and "d" to turn right could of worked better. There was a additional input with mouse 1 to click on the UI. I'm not sure if this should count. I also had a character select screen when I first started up the game but could not get it when I opened it a second them. The tutorial in game was a neat addition and it stated that there was a boss fight. I didn't see any boss fight tho and just collected stars. Overall the game had a good atmosphere but could use some more polish and content.

The game looks really nice in 3D. It was really fun trying to find the small differences between the watches. The gameplay does suffer from the limitations, but it was still implemented well. I can defiantly see the game expanded with different watches and better input methods.


Thank you

No pressure about updating the game. Working on an existing project can be slow as you need to work around rushed code.

Thank you so much for the comment. I think your the only person to talk about the music so far. Initially I was just going to use some royalty free music, but I felt that the music would be too high quality for the  simple art, so I just went into some music creation software and made something simple in like 10 minutes. I do wish I made the track a bit longer so its not as repetitive. The reason for level 4's ramp of difficulty was that I wanted to add a lot of levels and slowly ramp up the difficulty, but then when making level 3 I realized that I was running out of time so I just made level 4 a bit more difficult. 

Oh, that's unfortunate. Thanks for working past it and getting as much done as you can. I hope your medical issues improve.

When I submitted I didn't realize scrolling would be an issue because my mouse had decently fast scrolling. I am working on fixing the issues. The art was made simplistic due to the fact that I can't draw and I wanted to focus more on the game play. I used particles to slightly enhance the visuals. The sound effects were used from The background "music" was just something I quickly made in the end to fill in the silence. Thanks for the comment

Thanks for the kind reply. I am working on fixing all the issues mentioned

Thanks for a reply. A scroll multiplier is added in the tweaked version on my profile.

(2 edits)

OK I was able to get it to open. I did have to install 7-zip in order to open it. This game really is something and it's surprising that there wasn't as many ratings. The restriction was misinterpreted so i'm going to just ignore that part and the exposed debug information. 3D game with voiceacting, interactable object, lasers, and moving planforms within less than 3 days was very impressive on top of being your first game. The movement felt smooth and there weren't too many bugs. I did find some very minor things: you can pick up objects through glass walls, held objects can go though walls (although this is hard to fix), and ,although it was smart to disable collision with the player and the held object, collision between the held object and other objects still work which can lead to some funny stuff if the player is on an object holding another object. These are very minor issues so I wouldn't worry about it. I wish the theme was implemented more. The time slow was only available at the last level which I completed before the narrator gave the ability. I never used unreal engine but overall it looked pretty impressive. I think the game would be better if you got the time slow ability earlier and made it more integral to the platforming. That and maybe make it easier to open by exporting it as a .exe or html. Congrats on your first game jam, don't be too disappointed with results. I know that feeling because this is only my third one. The most important thing is learning

The time limit is always the hardest to work around. Good luck on the second build

The art and level design were well done and player animations and fancy transition was a nice touch. The concept as a whole is a fun idea. The puzzles could use some more nuance as I found myself just spamming and switching time at every opportunity.  The last one with the tree was pretty fun. After climbing the tree I couldn't seem to progress. Was that the end of the content? If so the game would do great with more content. Also thanks for the reaction in discord lol.

The game really was able to use the three buttons efficiently.  The art and music was very nice. The tutorial was a nice addition with it not just being dumped at the start with large blocks of text. The gameplay looked pretty repetitive at first but the additional combination moves do add a lot to the game. Does the spell damage and resistance only last a few turns?

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There should be a sound effect for each mode. For the flying of the map part, I hadn't been able to replicate it. Thanks for notifying me tho. Usually the fail safe would be to encapsulate the entire map with walls like with level 1 but I seemed to have forgotten it when making level 4. Thanks for the criticism.  As for the mouse issue I mentioned this to others but I really wasn't able to do much testing with different mice. I do have a tweaked version if you would like to test it. You can find it on my page but please don't change any rating  I just want to make it more playable

The game has a really nice feel. The audio and visuals sets up a nice 8-bit style. This might be a problem only on my end but i think i am killing the enemies off the screen and i'm not sure if i have a hud.

i can't open 7z file =(

The game is nicely polished while being fairly complex. More content involving the stats would be nice. 

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I did create a version with some small tweaks. If its possible could you test to see if its better. You can find it on my page. I'm not sure if im allowed to put a link here. Please don't change any rating however, I just want to make it more playable

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Sorry for being too active. I'm just really worried that my game is unplayable. I've added changed version with better scrolling. I can't make any changes to the original page. You can find it on my page. Please don't change any rating however, I just want to make it more playable

Last time I worked with a scroll wheel, moved the character according to how far the scroll wheel was moved. However I found it really inconsistent between scroll wheels as sometimes a mouse would make the character way too fast. The way I implemented this time was that every frame the game would check if you moved the scroll wheel up or down and move the preview forward one space or backward one space. I thought this would fix the issues because as long as the player is moving the scroll wheel each frame the preview would move regardless of how much the scroll wheel is changed. I'm not completely sure but maybe it had to do with frame rate because the scroll wheel would be checked every frame. I have theoretical two solutions right now: move according to how much the scroll wheel is moved but cap it or exponentially increase the speed depending on how long you've been scrolling.

The camera panning was definite new to me too. I added it to make sure the game gave me enough space to design levels without being to large. I tried to make is as smooth as possible as the cameras would move faster the closer you are to the edge of the screen with a linear increase. I was going to try to implement a exponential relation but thought it was too much work you too little results. By variable zoom should I add that to a settings menu? I will try to fix all these issues once the rating period ends. Thank you for the criticism.


The title of the file is so relatable. The animated player sprite looks nice and the game runs with no bugs. I think this is a very solid game that only needs more content 

The limitation was very difficult to work around. Thanks for clarifying about the inputs. I thought the wasd was doing something but wasn't completely sure. I think if you don't use wasd the game runs fine and is enjoyable, but if you hold s as soon as you start, you would fall out of the map. What's funny is that you can still shoot the enemies while under the map.

Can you elaborate on the issue? I'm assuming that the scroll wheel made the object too slow. Accounting for this was pretty difficult because I wasn't able to test on multiple mice. I am working on a fix and will update it once ratings end.

This game just looks incredible.  A detailed main character with 2 sprites and multiple other images of their past and future self. The background was also surprisingly detailed for how many were present. Somehow the art wasn't my favorite part of game as I have to complement the music. Adaptive music was definably something I wasn't expecting in this game jam. Having instruments subtly get removed and introduced was a feature that excited me when I found out. Plus the music quiets as the pause menu is opened. While the gameplay is a bit confusing and lacking, the overall look and sounds really helps. Well done.

Its a really great concept. The rewind time function both allows you to go left and undo mistakes. I loved the effect when you rewind time. The small animations, speed up tiles and ice was a nice touch. I didn't find any bugs. This game is very solid, I wish there was more content.

This game has a good concept with nice models and animations. It is impressive for a 3 day game jam. There is a few bugs, I fell out of the map a few times. I'm guessing you ran out of time.

The movement was a bit hard to learn but it was a clever workaround the limitation.