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A member registered May 13, 2021 · View creator page →

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Owh okay' it's was I though but I was not sure as sometimes the darkness around was blinking red (if I remember when ennemies were around) and sometimes not ! But yeah cool idea fitting the theme well

Totally agree. I run out of time to implements more bonuses so there's only the basics one but we can imagine a lot more indeed

Nice chilling game ! Art is really cool, a bit difficult to plan where the firefly will go at first time but really nice entry though !

I think control could me changed, shift + right click gives me the right-click popup and the I can't shoot anymore unless pressing shift, well, not ideal. But puzzles are really good !

Spell selection is not very handy but at least you tried to made a cool system :) maybe a selection with other keys than wasd cool fit better ? Also it could be nice to have a health bar somewhere (or maybe I missed it ?)

Got stuck at level 3 too. Nice little game, the switching animation is pretty cool !

75.91 for my time !
Nice entry ! Sometimes controls are a bit tricky or maybe it's the colision area that is "big" but after dying I was dying a second (or third time) directly but maybe it's me ! Anyway, nice little game ! :)

Really amazing puzzle game. Maybe I missed it but a key to restart a level could be nice, I've been blocked on a level (beacause of bad move) and unable to restart from where I was. Anyway, original entry !

Yes this is the only "simple" solution I found to loose HP, otherwise it was toooo esay.

Thanks for the review ! 🙌

(1 edit)

Yes of course, without that well.. you never loose HP, or it means duck are hogher value than light card but then you loose too much HP. Balancing is quite difficult ^^'

Thanks for playing and the review !

Yup, but yours seems better as it seems it relies less on randomness than mine haha

Really nice puzzle game you made ! Last level was pretty challenging loved that ! Music is really nice too, really good entry :)

Noooooo :'-(
Well... first of all it's a really really really good entry, arts, atmosphere, all is really great. The whalish sound is.. perfect <3 But arf' there is one tiny thing that could have made the game perfect, control remapping. Actually, default godot controls WASD are set to the french equivalent ZQSD but here not.. don't know if you've change anything or so ? And remap menu is not available. Well, it's really a tiny thing as I can switch to english keyboard easily but, at start, when you can go back (as S is a common key), and then discover that you can't turn to the right it's a little bit frustrating. 

But well, enough cherry-pick VisioTempus, you made a really cool game so congrats. Sure that your game will be, if not top 1, top 5 or 10 ! Oh and there's different langage for islands name, nice idea. I loved to discover the 10 islands

Don't know why but I love bioluminescent fishes so this game is for me lol. Nice usage of duck, I love the fact that we can play as pacifist ! At start it's not clear that the rounded mineish things deals damage but when you hit 0 health without having a fish touching you... you understand haha. Really nice entry tho, loved to play :)

To improve the game without adding complexity in code you could add more randomness in spawn position, it could be really nice as we can stay at the same spot pressing Z indefinitly. Well done !

Nice adventure game ! Life can fly out really quick, quicker if the ducks are chasing you and you don't have anymore light to throw lol. Fun entry, music is nice too !
A last thing that is really not important : Lifebar deserves to be always on top (it could be hide by the walls)

Okay' thanks ! I think the tutorial needs more clarity and had to be shorter as well, at least, a little. Maybe I need also to add more strategic interest too it couldn't be only you =P

Really good strategy game I loved to play ! Arts are really nice too. Well done, such a nice entry :)

FYI : The first main menu is shift on the right

Really nice puzzle game, especially from level 5 ! Loved that and quite addictive !

Don't know if it's a bug or not bug I had to wait ~2min30 befre having the first (and only) enemy in wave 1, maybe I was moving too much looking for them ? Approximatively the same time for the next wave (but more ennemies).  Other than that, art is cool, footstep sound too thanks for this entry :)

Love the animation of burning ducks !  Controls are a little bit tricky, at least the spacebar as it's used to drop, rotate and call but you grab parasol but you grab parasol only when walking through them ^^' many times I was calling ducks with space but wanted to grab parasol (I think the area of grab is not all along the height ?) But anyway, cool game ! Really nice arts too :)

I'm loving maze so your game is attractive for me ! One shot for enemy is a little bit rude as sometimes the light doesn't work but hey, it's a jam ! Nice entry :)

Thanks for sharing your feeling :) happy to read that it was not a pain to play if this is not your kind of game !

(1 edit)

Thanks for the review ! Did you read the in-game tutorial ? If yes, was it because it's not enough clear ?

Hi thanks for your words ! Yeah this is the only way I found to deqls dq;qge to plqyer otherwise it's too easy to survive but yeah, it's really need more balancing !

Nice adaptation of Potion Craft ! Really fun to play game tho, good submission :)

Interesting gameplay, nice proposal ! Well done =)

Navigation (or click ?) on web version is quite buggy so it's difficult to tell the character to go somewhere, nice storyline tho !

It seems I teleport myself in childhood haha, nice game !

Nice TD, as others already said it could be nice to know the price of the towers + where you can put them and where you can't. Also a path randomisation could be interesting as they take always the same path. But in a scope of a jam it's really nice =)

Love the animations ! Really nice game, fun to play !

Platformer which can only be used in light is pretty cool ! Jump is has a little bit strange feeling but it's okay after few seconds of trying it, nice submission

Interesting concept that could fit perfectly in non-euclidian games

Quite difficult to understand what bonus you gain, I'm loosing 20HP after gaining 10HP when I drink an health potion, is it a "gift" effect ?

Nice little game, jumps are a little bit tricky to control and a double jump could be a really nice addition. But cool to play anyway.

Is your project public ?

Yup the main goal is that you purchase these game 200$ at the end to get the complete version 3:-)

Joke apart, thanks for your feedback ! I'd love to make it longer but sadly too busy these weekend to make it more complete :(

Owh bad news ! For me it's okay with Mozilla. I'll check later for Chrome and Safari :)

Thanks anyway for your try !

It could be something like :

Play a sound

Ensure that there is a minimum distance between player and monsters

Player died with 2 or 3 hits

Like so, the player knows a monster appeared and he gets the time to run away if enough reactive