Thanks, and yeah Im pretty aware of all the flaws :'D I'll definitely release some sort of 2.0 edition personally at some point that addresses everything, but I'm glad you enjoyed the overall experience!
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Yeah, thats the one glaring design gap that i somehow didnt notice :'D The original idea was to have both the lasgun and shield generator break down randomly like the generators do, but I ran out of time. Different enemy types were also an idea at a time, which would have made scaling a lot easier. Glad to hear you like the concept though!
Glad to hear you enjoyed it! While I do see the David Firth connection, the art style is kind of just a random byproduct of my lack of time. I knew that I would run out of time if I tried to perfectly shade every sprite, so I did everything quick & dirty, plus i'd never used actual brushes before (usually just flat colors), and this was the result. I think it enhances the sort of uncanny feeling the game has.
Clicking on the product page instantly made me a fan of Green Guy Gaming. This game is insane!! Love the use of drums as SFX, the art style/expressiveness of the car, the music, the upgrade screen, the gameplay (balancing speed and control), theres a lot to love about this game. One of my faves of the jam for sure!