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A member registered Sep 15, 2021 · View creator page →

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Nice and clean look&feel. The puzzles were creative. Not all were trivial (I have failed to solve the last one). Good work overall. I would add the credit menu or rename the non-existing settings menu. I would add an undo button.

The game looks and feels positive. I like the different soundtracks. I would work on movement as it is a little bit too much slippery. Also some game mechanics are not clear. For example: I would not have guessed it that I can push the barrel if it wasn't for comments in chat.

That is a game so polished that if almost feels suspicious (I mean it in a very positive way). If I could improve something it would be skipping the tutorial.

I think the main strength of this game is gameplay. You can acomplish something with a very simple mechanic and dice just add to that. There is also cool stuff to be done with the dice.. What I didn't enjoy is enemies spawning on my back.

Very cool looking and feeling game. Most of the graphics felt very much in place with the exception of the dice. Dices felt like rushed or not given enough detail. Improving the visuals of the dice would improve the look of the game siginificantly. Also, there is some balancing work to be done.

I've had too much fun playing it. Little bit unlucky on the rolls but that's what happened. I think there is room for improvement with movement. Other than that - continue working on content to expand the game.

Very polished looking game (or I am easily fooled). Well designed and accented retry cycle. I would work on balance as randomness can end a run which is frustrating.

Funny game, impressive that it is voiced (I haven't gotten that far in my games). It is nice to see that the game is finished (has an ending). I would work on the presentation, fight mechanics and look&feel.

Good start into gamejams. It's impressive how much you have acomplished in 48 hours. I would work on the movement, level readability and level design to keep good pacing.

A nice and fast paced game. The design with different cards doing different things added some nice depth to the game. I was puzzled by why I need to redo a previously completed level. Also, some acceleration and deceleration on movement would be nice.

There is a lot good in the game (overall it's great). One thing bothered me the most - the reroll sound. Other than that, it would be nice to see the result of my roll immediately.

A nice game to play for 5-10 minutes. I would work on feedback and player agency when working further on the project.

I think the game was very creative. It was also well executed and I am struggling to find things for obvious improvement.

An enjoyable short game. I feel like it would work really well for 2 local players (didn't have a local player next to me). For improvements, there are some display bugs (red zone covers attack zones). It would also be nice to have a button to skip the rest of the move if you don't have any sensible moves left.

Good scare, I was expecting worse at the end. Made me want to make a horror game.

Yeah, that was my thinking when designing it.

Awesome to hear from someone who played with a second human.

Good puzzle game, the look and feel is cohesive but a little bit rough. Occasional bugs softlocked levels for me. I woud implement an undo button next to save one from missclicks : )

A well executed tower defense. Good work on coding the mechanics and general 'feel' of the game. Sounds were there but SFX was lacking. The art did the job but was on the simple side.

A good puzzle game with dices. I haven't encountered any gamebreaking bugs, belive in yourselves. If I had to point something out that should be improved - the look and feel is a little bit rough. Having said that, it's so subtle that I can't put my finger on it right now.

Very nice game visually and also from the sound side. What kills it for me a bit is the crushing difficulty. I also had to double click to restart.

Visually very pleasing, good choice of sounds. The story while short, felt good while playing. What I regret is that my choices had little impact on the suspicion of the suspects.

(1 edit)

Awesome game, it's amazing what you came up with during this short period of time. I am looking forward to seeing your game on Mark Brown's video. If I had to improve something, I would edit the rewards that one gets from collecting the dice. I think there should be a way to increase the number of dice that you roll.

EDIT: I told you your game will be in the video : D

Love the game, love the soundtracks. The main thing that bothers me is the fact that I have to stop having fun (shooting) to do maintenance (running away, putting dice in places) before having more fin (shooting again).

The music is nice and gameplay enjoyable. You also have 2 characters but it is hard to determine the differences. There are bugs of wchich I am sure you are aware. The thing that was most missing for me is feedback on hit and cooldown indicator for dash. 

A nice and clean game. There is definitely room to min-max it and shoot for a better highscore. I do find the controlls to be very unintuitive, took me a while to get going. Other than that, hitboxes are a little bit too punishing.

I have enjoyed the game. The fact that you did the audio and settings shows your attention to detail. I would like more explanation for what benefits there are from differend dice rolls. There could also be more feedback on the jump.

Very nice game, visually complete and sounds work great too. I really miss seeing more of random dice roll effects as they are locked behind 4 lives.

Other than that, the game has room to grow so if you want to continue - it has potential.

The game feels nice, has a lot of care put into player feedback. The AI does try to challange the player (at least in the first playthrough). Nicely done on the sound part. If I had to find issues with the game it would be the delay between placing stones and the ai glitching (I am assuming) on subsequent runs.

Solid game, nice visuals and a complete game (visual, tutorial, sound and being able to finish). What could have been improved is managing the dice available (I had a feel as if touching them would break something). Additionally I would love to see some sequence interactions. For example, if you cry too many times - the boss changes his reaction.

Very nice cover art and visuals in general. I quicky got the room mechanic and navigating it was intuitive. What I was wonderin is why did the doors had a delay on entering. It slowed me down when backtracking. I don't know if I've missed something but after defeating the big guy and clearing the whole level, nothing happened. Maybe it was the whole game. Good job.

Great game, lovely visual, very enjoyable. If I had to find issues it would most likely be the lack of feedback when picking up a die and maybe not knowing the rules on respawning dies.

I like the idea and clean visuals. My issue was with controls. The moues should have been locked to the screen because it kept leaving it which made constantly turning left hard. Other than that, I had to mute the audio because it was very loud with no obvious controll to lower it in game.

Thanks for checking it out. I am streaming reviewing your game right now on

I like that the visuals fitted together and it having a chess reference is always a plus in my book. Congrats also for making a tutorial level. I guess after the second level time ran out on you guys. As for points to improve:

1. Add any feedback on the move (simple sound or animation)

2. In chess you end your move on placing a piece, clicking the dice was an unnecessary step in my oppinion.

3. A suggestion would be nice that the player completed the final level.

It's not a bug untill you admit it is one ^^

You can beat the game without wall jump if that's what tou are asking ; )

I didn't mean you @thePlayer, I mean the person who actually responded to my post.

Hi, do you have a discord account so that we can have a conversation?

Hi, I have started doing game jams last year and enjoy it very much. My main strenghts are design and programing. I am looking for a 2d artist who would like to create something cool with me. There will also be a sound guy joining us.

I like the ida and the fact that the game is a complete package (with tutorial, options and all that). From the graphics standpoint it was both nice (as some models were) but also lacking polish. The ui for example could have been much nicer with not that much work. Also the sound sounded like it is bugging out sometime, not sure if it was intended or not.