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A jam submission

D.I.C.E.View game page

A fast paced shoot 'em up with bossfights. In constant development ot add more content.
Submitted by Tulenväki Productions (@tulenvaki), RamiN(Tulenvaki) (@bakatus), Teemu (Tulenväki) (@tmuve) — 31 minutes, 13 seconds before the deadline
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CriteriaRankScore*Raw Score

Ranked from 104 ratings. Score is adjusted from raw score by the median number of ratings per game in the jam.

How does your game fit the theme?
There is a roll of dive every time enemies are killed to give more time to live

Did your team create the vast majority of the art during the 48 hours?


We used pre-existing art

Did your team create the vast majority of the music during the 48 hours?


We used pre-existing audio

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Animation is great! I really enjoyed it!!  


Thanks, glad you liked our game.
Check the soon to be released improved version with LOADS of new stuff, endless run option, 6 new weapons, more than double new voice lines etc.


I don't like when devs force a player to do something not interesting. Timer until death is just not funny at all. Feels like my hair is tied to the bus and I have to keep up. Games do have challenges, but this one is not even a challenge, it's a torture


Thank you for your insight.
It is true that this version is a tad too penalising, but that has been fixed and balanced in the latest version.
The idea of it being having one type of mode is a bullet hell endless mode where you have to get as far as possible battling the time gained from the kills against the diminishing energy of the reactor.
There are other modes planned as well and I will be taking in suggestions and critique so I can deliver a more tuned up game for most of the audience.


Very fun and super polished game! Love the way music drops once you get through the first part! Great visuals and effects as well, very well done. Difficulty might need some tweaking imho, those 2 waves of ships are very sparce and if you have a low number on the die it's almost impossible to complete. Anyway amazing job for the jam!

Thanks for coming to my stream! Here's a recording in case you'd like to refer to it


Thanks and glad you liked the game.
So awesome for you to review it as well as interviewing me for the game.

There is a LOT already done in the dev version.
More than twice the voice lines.
Balanced enemies and the flow of the game.
6 new extra weapons.
Reworked dice mechanics.
Cycling power icosahedrons.
And it is an endless shooter with ever growing difficulty to spice things up.

Just waiting till the jam is over so I can upload the latest version <3
Be sure to try that out, it is a totally different and more awesome experience.


Btw, congratulations for being the 99th person to rate our game <3


This is great fun, well polished and good game feel. Nice responsive controls and good audio, especially the voice lines.

When going quickly across the screen sometimes I felt like I died to an asteroid I couldn't see from the side. A minor thing

Well done!


Glad you like our game, just follow us and wait for the after jam release, it's going to be a blast with more than double the voice lines, 6 new extra weapons, new dice mechanic and more enemies.

Submitted (1 edit) (+1)

Fun and polished one.. it would be cool to have enemies that rolls dice too.

keep up the good work! good luck (人 •͈ᴗ•͈)


Thanks, glad you liked our game.

There is a lot more done in the dev build already for the dice mechanics and enemies too...


Very polished looking game (or I am easily fooled). Well designed and accented retry cycle. I would work on balance as randomness can end a run which is frustrating.


Thanks, glad you liked the game and thanks for reviewing it <3

There will be a more finetuned version coming right up after the jam.
Already implemented loads of more voicelines, sound effects, enemy stuff, 6 new weapons systems and more..


One of the best game I have seen so far in this jam, it is very addictive and the controls are super easy.

Really nice job !


Thanks, lovely that you liked it.
If you liked our game then be sure to follow it since we've already developed it WAY further and will be developing it even more in weeks to come.


Wow, awesome job. This was a ton of fun, very addicting! I love how simple it is to control and just run it back if you lose. The void you mentioned that you can't cross unless you do a specific strategy is definitely unfortunate as that means you can't continue unless you know it. I was also confused by the ability to just Right Click to get better firerate (maybe a debug thing left in?). But hey, this was pretty phenomenal overall. I love the time mechanic as an idea in a shmup, it gives it a very frantic environment. Well done!


Thanks, glad you liked our game.

Yea the spawn bug was a mishap on spawn timing table that I mistyped and didn't notice to fix before time was over.
And the RMB / LMB are a dev commands that were forgot to remove, but that enables to play around a bit more if the RNG is not on your side :D
I've already made a LOT of balancing and mechanics to the game and just waiting til I can release the updated version after the jam is over so keep following to get the latest version in a few days time ;)


The voice acting gave me a heart attack the first time I heard it, but that's mostly just because this is the first game I've played that actually has voice acting. Very interesting concept!


Glad you liked the game.

Great that you got taken by the voice lines, we had really much fun doing them.
Keep following, I've already made loads of progress, content and improvements on the dev version just waiting for the jam to be over to release the updated version.

Submitted (2 edits) (+1)

As a really big fan of old "Raiden" games, this one hits the spot for me.
The power ups stacking on each other, the frantic dodging of enemies,
everything feels polished and entertaining.

Would've lasted longer, but the enemies just stopped spawning?
also loved the enthusiasm of the voice actress :D

For those who die early, don't give up, the music gets a lot better at around 25+ seconds.


Thanks, glad you like our game.
Keep following, the dev version has some major improvements and expansion to the original jam version so that if you liked the jam version you'll aboslutely love the next update.

There is a bug in the spawning timing that I overlooked while tired and only 10 minutes left to submit but that can be circumvented by trying to keep the white dicey asteroids alive since they respawn from the top.
The first enemy wave comes in around 60 seconds time and the Boss will appear in 80 seconds.

The voice lines were really fun to make and we used xVA synth for it using voice samples of Panam from Cyberpunk2077 for it.


I see, that's a nice trick for the voice lines, thanks for this info, will try to also use this :D
Also, kindly rate my game too if you have the time, would highly appreciate it, thank you.


Nice space shooter! Pretty hectic but was fun to play! Great job!


Glad you liked it and yes it's supposed to be hectic :D

But I've already made loads of improvements on the dev version just waiting for the jam to end for it to be released.


Soo coool!! The game is very frenetic!


Glad you liked our game.
Keep following for more after the jam.
Huge upgrades coming up <3


Very very very cool, most fun I've had testing games so far. The music growing more intense as you go along is so immersive, digging the hell out of this game!! Thanks!


Thanks, glad you liked the game! <3

Be sure to follow, I've already made major improvements including more than twice more voice lines and SFX, totally revamped dice mechanics, 6 new extra weapons, huge amount of balancin etc.

Just waiting for the jam to end so I can upload it for people to play ;)


The game feels a tad hard with how random it is I cant seem to get to the enemy's with my best time being 11 seconds. but the game was super polished and overall I just very much so enjoyed the game and voice over and the few times I got a power up was really fun. just fixing the difficulty would be nice.


Yup the start spawning is quite important to get every asteroid and have good random numbers to get further, but it starts building up after that and staying topped up is not taht much of a problem after the first 10-15 seconds.

The difficulty has been balanced on the dev version as loads of more updates implemented like more voice lines, sfx, enemy waves, and more.


so at first, I was like wow you die very quickly. But I guess it's the randomness of the dice. Then I got a run where I encountered a powerup and it was a game changer. Also, the music gets way more intense and feels great like you're just destroying all these asteroids and kicking butt. I really enjoyed it when I was picking up power-ups and lasting longer versus dying really quick, I think that's when the game really starts to shine. 6 seconds feels like it's too short to get you into that state of flow where the game feels really good. I hope everyone got to experience the game with powerups and the music getting all intense and awesome! I had a lot of fun with this one. 


So glad that you liked the game <3

Yea the balance is a bit off at the start on the gamejam version.
It's already been taken care of in the dev version and the dice mechanic has been reworked too as well as I added timed extra weaponry to oomph the experience even more.
Mines, rocket, missiles, energy lance, turret and smart bomb.
Also I've added more than twice new voice lines and more enemies.

I'll be continuing to develop the game further to a full fledged game.

Submitted (1 edit) (+1)

The polish and presentation are awesome!

My major issue here is that in 95% of my tries there just aren't enough asteroids to survive more than 10 seconds. But as soon as there are more and more asteroids, more power-ups, and the music really starts, we get into the flow and it's amazing ^^
I didn't understand the purpose of asteroid dices, by the way.


Glad you liked our game.
The beginning asteroids are a tight squeeze sometimes with the dice mechanics.

The dice is determining how much life time you gain back after each kill.

Keep following there is more awesomeness coming up after the jam is over, I've already added loads of new wtuff to the dev version just itching to be able to release it.


Really liked the vibe and aesthetics of the game, and couldn't love more the SFX. Looks well polished and love the punny title. Great job!


Thanks, glad you like it.
The SFX were really fun to make and I've already more than doubled them in the dev version.
As well as there are already more weapon, mechanics, waypoint systems game balance optimization done just waiting to be released after the jam


Woah! Awesome concept... Really great work for a 48-hour jam.


Thanks, glad you liked it.

Way more done to the game while waiting for the jam to end.
Got loads of more voide lines, new weapons, totally new extra weapons systems, balanced game play, more mayhem, deadlier crappy enemies and more.

Just waiting for the jam to end ;)


Very well made game, nice work


Thanks, we enjoyed making it <3


Would love to see some quality of life updates later! Fun game! Played at <3


Thanks, glad you liked the game <3

The dev version is already been updated a lot and I plan to expand the game way further after the jam.

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