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A member registered Jun 14, 2020 · View creator page →

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Damn I really like your idea of extending the text input even more, thanks! In regards to the level you show, you are right it is impossible. It serves as a lesson to playtest your game haha (I submitted the game 2 mins before the deadline!). It was just unfortunate that there are some levels afterwards than you now can't play. You live in and you learn!

Yes, I agree that it's a little slow. Only a minor nitpick as I say though.

ah okay, thanks for the clarification. The reason I went with the text based approach was to try something new and it was easier to program in the time constraints. You live and you learn and that's what I reckon game jams are for. Thanks for playing my game anyway.

Wow this game was epic (while a little hard haha), a really interesting take on the concept. My only criticism being the zoom in and out animation got a little repetitive, other than this one nit pick, I really like it!

I loved this concept, and the gameplay was engaging, especially the satisfying sound effects when you hit a block. I agree that sometimes the game can be rather frustrating, and so maybe you could lower the difficulty by increasing the player size or something else. Sometimes I felt like I did not have much control because the player was so small, and I would keep on missing the blocks. The gameplay was  fun but my main criticism is to try and give the player more agency.

i really enjoyed this, all three gamemodes were quite well polished: the platforming was responsive, the combat felt fun and juicy because of the sfx and particles, and the puzzling was interesting. The shifting color palettes really added to the experience and they were all very pleasing to the eye.

Yeah, I understand this but I chose the text based approach simply because it was easier for me to program under the time constraints.

Thank you! It means a lot, especially for my first jam.

Damn. This was an experience, probably one of my favourite games from the jam. The take on the theme is super original, the sounds really set the theme, and wow, the huge skeleton skull snake things really scared me. This combined with the eary atmosphere of walking around a changing loop and the field of view effects combined to make an excellent experience. 10/10.

I really enjoy the 2.5D art style along with the color palette (which definetly fits the waffle theme), as well as the upbeat movement. I do feel that the game is a little hard, especially trying to kill enemies, but overall nice game.

Lovely concept made for enjoyable levels where you introduced new mechanics and kept the gameplay fresh with a small amount of levels. I really liked the level design and how it included these new mechanics.

My first impression was great: The ambient music really captured the eary yet calm and cold atmospher, and the color palette and art - wow! great sensory images.

Thanks for the comments, I definetly would have implemented a restart of back button feature if I had the time, I think that time management could definetly be a focus for my next jams!

Thats definetly something I was expecting. Unfortunately due to the time limitations, I made the text based input controls as they were easier to program. I'm thinking of expanding the game and switching the controls in the future. Thanks for the feedback.

Hey there, here is my grid-based board puzzle game called Bloop, where you must move the "bloops" (pieces) to form a track for the oncoming train. The twist is that you must move each bloop a set amount of places, which leads to interesting decisions and learning certain tricks about each bloop along the way. I hope you have fun.


I will definetly be in the stream later so if you have any troubles or questions about the game, I should be in chat able to answer them.

P.S I really enjoyed your game! I have no idea how you managed to add so many features in such a short space of time! Congrats.

I really liked the multiple layers of design on this. First of all you have the very creative interpretation of the theme (mentioned a lot by others), but also the "programming" system and shop, there are so many features for a jam game! I like your color palette choice too, it was easy on the eyes, as well as the music was relaxing. overall, good game!

Liked the game, but the font was in places quite hard to read.

I love this too much considering I'm so bad! The game is super polished and the screen shake, sound effects and flashes really add to the juice. Top notch game!

Really enjoyable game, the music and art fit very well. As well as the music, I think an overlooked part (at least looking at the comments) was the sound effects. Most people go with 8 bit style sfx (nothing wrong with that of course) but I feel your more realistic sound effects really fit the vibe much better, enhancing the overall experience. Overall a wonderful take on cuphead.

I actually really enjoyed this, the concept is very original. I wish it was longer, as I would love to play more, but hey thats game jams for you. Well done, great concept executed well.

I love this concept, and the game is super polished: the platforming feels responsive and the sfx are juicy. It was fun to play, well done. I think I found a slight bug on the second level with the moving blocks (to clarify the level after the moving platform was introduced) where you can stand on the bottom left corner (without looping to the top). This was in no way game breaking and didnt impact my gameplay whatsoever. So overall great game.

I agree with gilgantuan. Maybe a tutorial or explanation in the description of how to play would improve the experience. My best guess is that the rooms are connected in some way, and so you can remember which room to run to when you get a number, however I could not figure out the connection. It could make a nice idea though. I liked the music.

I reall enjoyed this game, especially the art and music, You did a great job with clarity with only two colors. The dialogue was interesting and the jokes were funny. Overall an interesting game with a good interpretation of the theme.

Also, which bits of the game did you find tricky to understand? Maybe I can improve the tutorial in the description for future players. Thank you.

Thanks for the clarification. That is because d4 is the topmost cell, meaning you cannot move it up. The edges of the game board act as barriers which you cannot move past.

Thank you very much for the feedback, as its my first jam. I will keep these things in mind if I ever do another jam, especially a tutorial haha. Glad to hear you enjoyed it.

Oof, in what way? Please elaborate so I can try and fix it?

The gameplay is fun once you get the hang of it although it took me a little while to figure out the looping. Music was groovy and I like the concept. The blue and yellow are a welcome break from black and white and are easy on the eyes,  overall a good game!

Definetly a rage game haha, level 5 took me an embarrassing amount of time! The game was very well polished, especially the music and animations, however I feel the platforming could be improved a little, sometimes I feel like the player is a bit "slippy" and i fall off platforms. Other than that, great game!

Definetly a rage game haha, level 5 took me an embarrassing amount of time! The game was very well polished, especially the music and animations, however I feel the platforming could be improved a little, sometimes I feel like the player is a bit "slippy" and i fall off platforms. Other than that, great game!

I loved this game a lot, especially the music - it was very groovy haha. It reminds me of geometry dash and the movement is well put together. The story was also a welcome addition so that the loop was not too boring. Well done!

I liked the level design as it really showcased the mechanic. Overall a good idea which would definetly be interesting to expand on

I really enjoyed this game, hence the high rating. My first pass through of the saloon I was a little confused but then it really clicked when I looped back around, and got the sheet music. It was very interesting to me and I think the delay of having to walk around again to wait for more information adds anticipation. However on my 4th and 5th pass, it did start to get a little boring. I think this could be potentially improved by highlighting which characters have a new piece of dialog so as to avoid having to talk to every person many times and hearing the same thing. Overall I really loved the game and was very intrigued throughout, especially the locked doors.